- Nov 09, 2021
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
- Nov 08, 2021
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
add diskcache memoizing to const_dt so that multiple calls to const_dt with the same arguments just return the correct result
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
fixed issues with grid spacings
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
new gridtype: "discrete". This samples the grid points and does not set the probability.
- Nov 07, 2021
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
I've added a new grid_option, num_processes, which is the number of processes launched by Python's multiprocessing. num_cores is used to set this: if > 0 use the number specified (as previously, so backwards compatibility is fine) if == 0 use the number of logical cores if == -1 use the number of physical cores Try running it with a command like: --- rm -rf /tmp/slurm ; nice python3.9 ./src/python/ensemble.py dists=Moe binaries=False r=100 verbosity=1 max_evolution_time=10 slurm_dir=/tmp/slurm slurm_partition=debug slurm_memory=100MB monte_carlo_kicks=0 save_ensemble_chunks=False num_cores=-1 slurm=1 slurm_njobs=2 num_cores=2 --- You will want to change num_cores and slurm_njobs to suit. Each Slurm job gets num_processes cores allocated to it. Note: you should set your slurm directory to be empty. This isn't really required, but makes debugging a lot easier. You also have to set the slurm_partition by hand - this is something you need to find out based on your cluster. In the above example I use "debug" because this is the default. There are quite a few changes internally, particularly new functions to load, save and merge Population objects and their data (mostly) correctly, and updates to the dict merging functions that this required. please report bugs because there will be many!
- Nov 06, 2021
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
beware though: there are many debugging options still built in, and the gridcode should (but doesn't) have a unique filename
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
- Nov 05, 2021
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
add a fix to distinguish between centred and edge grids when computing number of points over which we should loop and phasevols also added a warning in the const_dt spacing function to catch the edge case where tmax or max_evolution_time are shorter than the first timestep, which would lead to an empty interpolation table
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
dh00601 authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
dh00601 authored
dh00601 authored
dh00601 authored
dh00601 authored
dh00601 authored
Merge branch 'development_0.9.2/2.2.1' of gitlab.eps.surrey.ac.uk:ri0005/binary_c-python into development_0.9.2/2.2.1
dh00601 authored
dh00601 authored
Izzard, Robert Dr (Maths & Physics) authored
changed quit() to quit(1) with a more complete error message to handle the (common) case when the BINARY_C environment variable is not set. With quit(), the return code is 0 so pip just gives a confusing "oserror". With quit(1), an error is raised and the output sent to the terminal.
- Nov 03, 2021
dh00601 authored
- Nov 02, 2021
- Nov 01, 2021