"repeat":1,# number of times to repeat each system (probability is adjusted to be 1/repeat)
"results":{},# dict to store the results. Every process fills this on its own and then it will be joined later
"ensemble_results":{},# Dict to store the ensemble results
"_start_time_evolution":0,# Start time of the grid
"_end_time_evolution":0,# end time of the grid
"_errors_found":False,# Flag whether there are any errors from binary_c
@@ -437,7 +435,6 @@ grid_options_descriptions = {
"_errors_found":"Variable storing a boolean flag whether errors by binary_c are encountered.",
"_errors_exceeded":"Variable storing a boolean flag whether the amount of errors was higher than the set threshold (failed_systems_threshold). If True, then the commandline arguments of the failing systems will not be stored in the failed_system_log files.",
"source_file_filename":"Variable containing the source file containing lines of binary_c commandline calls. These all have to start with binary_c.",# TODO: Expand
"results":"Dictionary in which the user can place their results. This dictionary gets merged at the end of a mulitprocessing simulation.",
"C_auto_logging":"Dictionary containing parameters to be logged by binary_c. The structure of this dictionary is as follows: the key is used as the headline which the user can then catch. The value at that key is a list of binary_c system parameters (like star[0].mass)",
"C_logging_code":"Variable to store the exact code that is used for the custom_logging. In this way the user can do more complex logging, as well as putting these logging strings in files.",
"_failed_count":"Variable storing the amount of failed systems.",
@@ -465,7 +462,6 @@ grid_options_descriptions = {
"repeat":"Factor of how many times a system should be repeated. Consider the evolution splitting binary_c argument for supernovae kick repeating.",# TODO: make sure this is used.
"evolution_type":"Variable containing the type of evolution used of the grid. Multiprocessing or linear processing",
"combine_ensemble_with_thread_joining":"BOolean flag on whether to combine everything and return it to the user or if false: write it to data_dir/ensemble_output_{popuation_id}_{thread_id}.json",
"ensemble_results":"Dictinary that stores the ensemble results if combine_ensemble_with_thread_joining==True",
"log_runtime_systems":"Whether to log the runtime of the systems . Each systems run by the thread is logged to a file and is stored in the tmp_dir. (1 file per thread). Don't use this if you are planning to run alot of systems. This is mostly for debugging and finding systems that take long to run. Integer, default = 0. if value is 1 then the systems are logged",