Binary population synthesis code that interfaces with binary_c. Based on a original work by Jeff Andrews (can be found in old_solution/ directory). Updated and extended for Python3 by David Hendriks, Robert Izzard.
The current release is version 0.4, make sure to use that version number when installing!
The current release is version 0.9.1, make sure to use that version number when installing!
## Requirements
To run this code you need to at least have installations of:
@@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ When Pip install fails:
- When running jupyter notebooks, make sure you are running the jupyter installation from the same virtual environment.
- When the output of binary_c seems to be different than expected, you might need to rebuild this python package. Everytime binary_c is compiled, this package needs to be rebuilt too.
\ No newline at end of file
- When the output of binary_c seems to be different than expected, you might need to rebuild this python package. Everytime binary_c is compiled, this package needs to be rebuilt too.