This will clean the build directory, remove binarycpython from the venv, remove the dist packages, and then rebuilding and reinstalling the package. You can find the version of this package in
This will clean the build directory, remove binarycpython from the venv, remove the dist packages, and then rebuilding and reinstalling the package. You can find the version of this package in
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ This will install this package into the virtual environment. Making changes to t
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ This will install this package into the virtual environment. Making changes to t
If this is not the first time you install the package, but rather rebuild it because you make changes in either binary_c or binarycpython, you should ignore the currently installed version, and also skip installing the dependencies again, by executing the following command:
If this is not the first time you install the package, but rather rebuild it because you make changes in either binary_c or binarycpython, you should ignore the currently installed version, and also skip installing the dependencies again, by executing the following command: