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Commit efa7092c authored by Delorme, Maxime Dr (Physics)'s avatar Delorme, Maxime Dr (Physics)
Browse files

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from import fits
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
from photutils import aperture_photometry, Background2D, MedianBackground, CircularAnnulus, CircularAperture
from photutils.utils import calc_total_error
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d, RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from lmfit import Model, Parameter, minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings
# Objects
data = None
h0 = None
h1 = None
zs = ZScaleInterval()
eff_gain = 0.0
error = None
bg_sub = False
# Parameters
sclip = 3.0 # Sigma clipping
bg_wsize = 50 # Backgroudn window size
aperture_r = 3.0 # Radius of the circular aperture
sky_in = 6.0 # Sky annulus inner-ring radius
sky_out = 8.0 # Sky annulus outer-ring radius
mod_fit_size = 10 # Size of the Moffat fitting window
def open_file(filename):
global data, h0, h1, eff_gain, bg_sub
if not filename.endswith('.fits'):
print('WARNING : The file {} does not have a .fits extension, are you sure you want to open this file ?'.format(filename))
f =
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print('File not found {}'.format(filename))
return None
print('Something wrong happened while opening {}. Aborting.'.format(filename))
return None
if len(f) != 4:
print('WARNING : The file {} does not have 4 HDUlists, are you sure you are opening the correct file ?'.format(filename))
if len(f) < 2:
print('ERROR : No curated image found in the file. Aborting')
return None
bg_sub = False
data = f[1].data # Using the curated image
h0 = f[0].header
h1 = f[1].header
eff_gain = h0['ATODGAIN']
print('File {} opened'.format(filename))
def get_parameter(param_name):
if param_name in h0:
return h0[param_name]
elif param_name in h1:
return h1[param_name]
print('WARNING : parameter {} is not in the files headers !'.format(param_name))
return None
def plot_data(zscale=True):
if zscale:
lims = zs.get_limits(data)
lims = [data.min(), data.max()]
plt.imshow(data, cmap='Greys_r', vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1], origin='lower')
def subtract_background():
global data, error, bg_sub
sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=sclip)
bkg_estimator = MedianBackground()
bkg = Background2D(data, (bg_wsize, bg_wsize), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator)
error = calc_total_error(data, bkg.background_rms, eff_gain)
data = data - bkg.background
bg_sub = True
print('Background successfully subtracted')
nx, ny = 0, 0 # Forced to include this in onclick
def find_center(x, y, plot=True, contour=True):
global nx, ny
x_min = x - mod_fit_size
x_max = x + mod_fit_size
y_min = y - mod_fit_size
y_max = y + mod_fit_size
window = data[y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1]
# Initial guess
z0 = data[y, x]
m_init = models.Moffat2D(z0, x, y)
manual_pick = False
# Fitting, we catch warnings as exceptions in case the fit fails
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
fit_m = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(range(x_min, x_max+1), range(y_min, y_max+1))
p = fit_m(m_init, xv, yv, window)
if w and issubclass(w[-1].category, AstropyUserWarning):
print('Warning : The fit might not have converged ! Check fitting parameters !')
nx, ny = p.x_0.value, p.y_0.value
if plot:
# For manual picking
def onclick(event):
global nx, ny
if event.button != 1:
nx = event.xdata
ny = event.ydata
pt.set_offsets((nx, ny))
print('Centre set to {} {}'.format(nx, ny))
lims = zs.get_limits(window)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(window, origin='lower', vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1], extent=(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max))
if manual_pick:
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
ax.set_title('Please click on the centre of the star')
if not (x_min <= nx <= x_max and y_min <= ny <= y_max):
nx, ny = (x_min+x_max)*0.5, (y_min+y_max)*0.5
pt = ax.scatter(nx, ny, s=5, marker='+', color='red')
return nx, ny
def compute_photometry(x, y):
print('Computing photometry at : ', x, y)
# Aperture photometry :
pos = [(x, y)]
apertures = CircularAperture(pos, r=aperture_r)
annulus_apertures = CircularAnnulus(pos, r_in=sky_in, r_out=sky_out)
apers = [apertures, annulus_apertures]
if not bg_sub:
print('WARNING : Background has not been subtracted !')
print(' Performing photometry measures without error model')
phot_table = aperture_photometry(data, apers)
phot_table = aperture_photometry(data, apers, error)
# Mean sky subtraction
bkg_mean = phot_table['aperture_sum_1'] / annulus_apertures.area()
bkg_sum = bkg_mean * apertures.area()
final_sum = phot_table['aperture_sum_0'] - bkg_sum
# Calculating zero-point :
phot_zpt = h1['PHOTZPT']
phot_flam = h1['PHOTFLAM']
zero_pt = -2.5 * np.log10(phot_flam) + phot_zpt
# TODO : Correct from STMAG to Johnson,
# although according to WFPC2-cookbook, the zero point almost match Johnson's V band on f555w
flux = final_sum[0]
if flux <= 0.0:
print('ERROR : the background subtracted flux is negative !')
print(' no star has been detected here !')
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False
if np.isnan(flux):
print('ERROR : flux impossible to measure ! Skipping star')
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False
ferr = phot_table['aperture_sum_err_0'][0] - phot_table['aperture_sum_err_1'][0] # Is that correct ???
if flux + ferr <= 0.0 or flux - ferr <= 0.0:
print('ERROR : Cannot determine errors, star is skipped !')
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False
m = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) + zero_pt
minf = -2.5 * np.log10(flux + ferr) + zero_pt
msup = -2.5 * np.log10(flux - ferr) + zero_pt
print('Flux, magnitude, m_inf, m_sup : ', flux, m, minf, msup)
return m, minf, msup, True
def fit_period(epochs, magnitudes, errors, plot=True):
def simple_fit(x, mu, amplitude, period, phase):
return mu + amplitude*np.cos(x * 2.0 * np.pi / period + phase)
def objective(params):
mu = params['mu'].value
amp = params['amplitude'].value
P = params['period'].value
phi = params['phase'].value
fy = simple_fit(t, mu, amp, P, phi)
return (magnitudes - fy) / errors
model = Model(simple_fit)
params = model.make_params()
t = epochs - epochs.min()
params['mu'] = Parameter(name='mu', value=25.75, min=23, max=28)
params['amplitude'] = Parameter(name='amplitude', value=0.1, min=0.01, max=10.0)
params['period'] = Parameter(name='period', value=30.0, min=1.0, max=100.0)
params['phase'] = Parameter(name='phase', value=0.0, min=-np.pi, max=np.pi)
result = minimize(objective, params)
p = result.params
mu = p['mu'].value
A = p['amplitude'].value
P = p['period'].value
phi = p['phase'].value
best_fit = simple_fit(t, mu, A, P, phi)
smooth_t = np.linspace(t.min(), t.max(), 1000)
smooth_y = simple_fit(smooth_t, mu, A, P, phi)
print('Estimated period : {} +/- {}'.format(P, p['period'].stderr))
print('Estimated mean luminosity : {} +/- {}'.format(mu, p['mu'].stderr))
if plot:
plt.errorbar(t, magnitudes, fmt='ob', yerr=errors, capsize=3, elinewidth=0.5, label='observations')
plt.plot(t, best_fit, 'r-', label='fit')
plt.plot(smooth_t, smooth_y, 'r--', label='smoothed fit')
plt.xlabel(r'Epoch $t - t_0$ [MJD]')
plt.ylabel(r'Apparent magnitude')
def fit_PL(filename, n_samples=100):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
print('ERROR : Cannot open this file. Check if it exists and check the format')
if data.shape[1] != 4:
print('ERROR : The file should have 4 columns !')
Nl = data.shape[0]
if Nl < 3:
print('WARNING : You are trying to fit the PL relation with only {} data points !'.format(Nl))
print(' Results might be very bad. Try adding more points !')
nd = np.stack((data[:,0], data[:,2])).T
# Random sampling to help with the fitting, assuming normal distribution of the points
for i, line in enumerate(data):
rand = np.random.randn(n_samples, 2)
rand[:,0] = rand[:,0] * line[1] + line[0]
rand[:,1] = rand[:,1] * line[3] + line[2]
mask = rand[:,0] > 0.0
R = rand[mask]
nd = np.concatenate((nd, R))
plt.errorbar(data[:,0], data[:,2], xerr=data[:,1], yerr=data[:,3], fmt='ob', capsize=3, elinewidth=0.5, label='Observations')
plt.scatter(nd[:,0], nd[:,1], s=1, color='grey', label='Sampling')
a = -2.76
PL = lambda P, b : a * (np.log10(P) - 1.0) + b
p0 = (-4.16) # LMC value
popt, pcov = curve_fit(PL, nd[:,0], nd[:,1], p0=p0)
b = popt[0]
print('Fitted intersect = ', b)
print('Error : ', np.sqrt(pcov[0]))
x = (nd[:,0].min(), nd[:,0].max())
y = (PL(x[0], b), PL(x[1], b))
plt.plot(x, y, '--k', label='Model')
plt.xlabel('Period [d]')
plt.ylabel('Apparent magnitude')
plt.title('Fitted PL relation, with a={:.5f} and b={:.5f}'.format(a, b))
export PYTHONPATH=/user/HS103/md0046/tools/photutils/install/lib/python3.5/site-packages/:/user/HS103/md0046/tools/astropy/install/lib/python3.5/site-packages/:/user/HS103/md0046/tools/lmfit-py/install/lib/python3.5/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
ipython3 -i
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