using FlightMicroservice.Models;
using FlightMicroservice.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace FlightMicroservice.Controllers
public class FlightController : ControllerBase
private readonly IFlightService flightService;
public FlightController(IFlightService flightService)
this.flightService = flightService;
public ActionResult GetFlights(int? airlineId = null, string? origin = null, string? destination = null, DateTime? departureTime = null, DateTime? arrivalTime = null)
List<Flight> flights = flightService.GetFlights(airlineId, origin, destination, departureTime, arrivalTime);
if (flights == null)
return BadRequest();
return Ok(flights);
public ActionResult GetFlight(int id)
Flight? flight = flightService.GetFlight(id);
if (flight == null)
return NotFound($"Could Not Find a Flight with Id: {id}");
return Ok(flight);
public ActionResult AddFlight([FromBody] FlightCreationModel model)
string? airlineIdValue = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value;
if (!int.TryParse(airlineIdValue, out int airlineId))
return BadRequest("Unable to get Airline Id from Token");
Flight flight = flightService.CreateFlight(
airlineId, model.Origin, model.Destination, model.DepartureTime, model.ArrivalTime,
model.EconomyCapacity, model.BusinessCapacity, model.EconomyPrice, model.BusinessPrice);
if (flight == null)
return BadRequest("Failed to create the flight.");
return Ok(flight);
public ActionResult GetFlightCapacity([FromRoute] int flightId, [FromQuery] ClassType classType)
Flight? flight = flightService.GetFlight(flightId);
if (flight == null)
return NotFound($"Could Not Find a Flight with Id: {flightId}");
int seatCapacity = classType == ClassType.BUSINESS ? flight.BusinessCapacity : flight.EconomyCapacity;
public IActionResult GetFlightSeats([FromRoute] int flightId)
List<Seat>? seats = flightService.GetSeatsByFlightId(flightId);
if (seats == null)
return NotFound($"Flight with Id {flightId} does not exist or could not be found.");
return Ok(seats);