- Apr 29, 2023
Set SlotId to retrieve the refNo as the slotId added getAllBookingsByLocation funcation that gets all bookings associated with that locationId added the sendBookingInfo method to interact with the Notification service by sending combined info or the booking and location added bookingNotif method so it takes in 2 parameters (booking and location) modified createBooking so now it uses REST API calls to locatoin service to retreive locatoin information and set locationId as Title REST API calls taken by POJO class LocationResponse Booking: deleted dateOfBooking BookingController: added getBookingByLocation changed updateBooking endpoint to make it simpler fixed bug when updating duration endpoint would return null changed controller to allow HttpHeaders SlotsRepo: Added countByLocationId which counts all slots associated with that location Database migration: changes made to docker-compose.yml and application.properties files -> made necessary changes to application.properties and docker-compose.yml to move database from mongo express to mongo atlas for better scalability. deleted mongo express in docker compose added security by using variables for user pass etc and storing in .env file
- Apr 15, 2023
Created a saveBooking method that can update existing bookings. Created a extendTime method that checks for an existing booking by refNo and saves new duration and endtime to the bookingRepo or returns nothing if refNo not found. BookingController: Created a updateBooking method that finds a booking and retrieves the new duration and endTime inputs to pass to the BookingService.
Deleted SlotController as it was not needed and commited BookingService to reflect the changes in the previous commit
Deleted SlotController as it was not needed and commited BookingService to reflect the changes in the previous commit
Created a deleteExpiredBookings that checks every hour if endtime has been reach to than proceed to delete slot. (only slot, booking is maintained).
Deleted dateOfBooking, added startTime, EndTime, duration from slots class and moved to booking class. Updated createBooking method in the BookingService to take in duration input which than gets added to startTime to output a endTime. Created a Duration entity which holds all the valid parking durations. Added a getDuration method in the booking controller to get selected duration time from user. Added a config file with restTemplate bean so HTTP requests can be made for duration inputs.
- Apr 06, 2023
- Apr 05, 2023
added findBookingById in both control and service
- Apr 04, 2023
controller layer will handle HTTP requests and generate responses. service will have the business logic and handle data from the controller. If need be should interact with multiple repos. Repo will focus on database interactions.
added relavant dependacies for frontend in package files. Updated other .js files for basic testing of backend-frontend connections.
- Mar 29, 2023
imported react bootstrap configured package.json file so it can call the Spring Boot API
- Mar 28, 2023
- Mar 20, 2023