- Mar 29, 2024
Update - implemented the event driven architecture using kafka for asynchronous communication between the user and product microservice
Update - implemented the event driven architecture with kafka event store and streaming service for asynchronous communication between the product and user microservice
- Mar 24, 2024
First commit for product microservice. It consists of 3 pages and 4 functions: The firt function displays products by category on the home page. The second function displays a product on another page after it has been clicked on. It displays the product name, price, image, description and reviews and the product id is sent through a get request. The third function communicates with the user microservice to get a users username when they want to add a product. And the fourth function inserts the product reviews and username gotten from the user microservice into the product reviews table
- Mar 21, 2024
- Mar 20, 2024