Explore projects
Evaluating the use of deep-learned feature spaces in robot navigation
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Project on Campylobacter using data from PHE and original (i.e. withouth Cristophe corrections) MEDMI data from the Met Office.
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Jupyter lab to debug python code running in a docker!
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s3a-public / s3a-scene-dataset-family
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 InternationalObject-based audio scene "Family"
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HaMeR: Reconstructing Hands in 3D with Transformers
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THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED : please go to https://gitlab.eps.surrey.ac.uk/ri0005/GSL-RGI
Was : A fork of GSL-2.4 with minor changes that aid convergence and/or stability. (For use with binary_c.)
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A template for creating Docker image file projects. Includes an example Dockerfile and the required gitlab-ci.yml to build the image.
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https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Banksy.html This container is specifically for Banksy, Spatial transcriptomic clustering.
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Contains dependencies for https://github.com/YuliangXiu/ECON/blob/master/docs/installation-ubuntu.md
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A container for building the YingMa0107/CARD tool in R for "Spatially Informed Cell Type Deconvolution for Spatial Transcriptomics".
use podman run -it container-registry.surrey.ac.uk/shared-containers/bioinformatics-yma-card
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a smaller and cleaner version for container-registry.surrey.ac.uk/shared-containers/bioinformatics-miniconda-r441-seurat5
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Fork of Official repository accompanying a CVPR 2022 paper EMOCA: Emotion Driven Monocular Face Capture And Animation. EMOCA takes a single image of a face as input and produces a 3D reconstruction. EMOCA sets the new standard on reconstructing highly emotional images in-the-wild
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The project uses SDDMobile net V2 model for real-time hang gesture detection. Novel dataset was generated for this research. Tensorflow object detection API was used.