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Created with Raphaël 2.2.07May65430Apr29Merge branch 'QA' into 'main'mainmaindeleted unwanted folderQAQAMerge branch 'QA' into 'main'Dockerfile updated for testingincoperated ci/cd pipeline on develop branchdevelopdevelopMerge branch 'QA' into 'main'Merge branch 'develop' into 'QA'removed unnecessary folderdocker-compose.yml addedFolder renamed, important files added to run Docker composeupdated commentsupdated commentsChange a comment in index.jsdocker fileFolder structure correctedhome page js code and other styles addeddocker file addedAdmin login code and Sports code addedLogo and utils file addedUser Details and Booking AddedStyling CSS and ui file uploadedimage addedstyling and path details addednikhilkushal backendlist of bookings and UIBooking Page and Styling CSS file (Index) addedLogin and signup code for user authentication. The users need to authenticate themselves by signing up and then loggin in as per their credentials.Deletion of old-code. Constructed folder structure to incooperate latest-code changesIntegrating Home and Authentication PagesUser_List CSS file merge issue solvedAuthentication codeAuthentication codeauthentication codeMerge branch 'develop' of into developremoving unwanted filesDelete .DS_Storeauthnetication codeBooking Confirmationadmin homepage code using node js