diff --git a/.~lock.greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt# b/.~lock.greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt#
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ad34c95037bfd2a7ce8c932bd71642e091c1322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.~lock.greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt#	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+,thomas,ubuntu,20.01.2019 14:38,file:///home/thomas/.config/libreoffice/4;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o
index f30f236064edb6140b187cbbb6066c955a17d059..3ef87b8eedcb54cd508c46d473c701cb1b8b0ead 100644
Binary files a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o and b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o differ
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/Ceres.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/Ceres.h
index 77dc592fc0d5c7990bbb22b9c4ee7169b3e2ae4f..63d02ba811b0fe70447b3f0e218e6283cde0c23f 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/Ceres.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/Ceres.h
@@ -94,80 +94,6 @@ class MyScalarCostFunctor {
 		std::string outputFileName_;
-class MyScalarCostFunctor2 {
-	public:
-		MyScalarCostFunctor2(std::string outputFileName, double residualValue, cv::Vec3d residual, double totalResidual, cv::Mat residualImage, glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix, glm::mat4 depthViewMatrix, int width, int height, int numberOfLights, GLuint SpecularIntensityID, GLuint SpecularPowerID, GLuint programID, GLuint ModelMatrixID, GLuint ViewMatrixID, GLuint DepthBiasID, GLuint lightInvDirID, GLuint Texture, GLuint TextureID, GLuint depthTexture, GLuint ShadowMapID, GLuint vertexbuffer, GLuint uvbuffer, GLuint normalbuffer, GLuint elementbuffer, std::vector<unsigned int> indices, GLuint MatrixID, glm::mat4 ModelMatrix, glm::mat4 MVP, glm::mat4 ViewMatrix, glm::mat4 depthBiasMVP, std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs, std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages):outputFileName_(outputFileName), residualValue_(residualValue), residual_(residual), totalResidual_(totalResidual), residualImage_(residualImage), depthProjectionMatrix_(depthProjectionMatrix), depthViewMatrix_(depthViewMatrix), width_(width), height_(height), numberOfLights_(numberOfLights), SpecularIntensityID_(SpecularIntensityID), SpecularPowerID_(SpecularPowerID), programID_(programID), ModelMatrixID_(ModelMatrixID), ViewMatrixID_(ViewMatrixID), DepthBiasID_(DepthBiasID), lightInvDirID_(lightInvDirID), Texture_(Texture), TextureID_(TextureID), depthTexture_(depthTexture), ShadowMapID_(ShadowMapID), vertexbuffer_(vertexbuffer), uvbuffer_(uvbuffer), normalbuffer_(normalbuffer), elementbuffer_(elementbuffer), indices_(indices), MatrixID_(MatrixID), ModelMatrix_(ModelMatrix), MVP_(MVP), ViewMatrix_(ViewMatrix), depthBiasMVP_(depthBiasMVP), lightInvDirs_(lightInvDirs), textureImages_(textureImages){}
-		bool operator()(const double* const Gain, const double* const Bias, double* residualValue) const {
-			double specularIntensity = 0;
-			double specularPower     = 2;
-			double gain 			 = double(Gain[0]);
-			double bias     		 = double(Bias[0]);
-			double sum = 0;
-			for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights_; i++) {
-				// Render the polygons
-				renderPolygons(width_, height_, programID_, lightInvDirs_[i], MatrixID_, ModelMatrixID_, ViewMatrixID_, DepthBiasID_, lightInvDirID_, Texture_, TextureID_, depthTexture_, ShadowMapID_, vertexbuffer_, uvbuffer_, normalbuffer_, elementbuffer_, indices_, MVP_, ModelMatrix_, ViewMatrix_, depthBiasMVP_, SpecularIntensityID_, specularIntensity, SpecularPowerID_, specularPower);
-				// Calculate the residual
-				meanSquaredError(i, height_, width_, textureImages_, sum, gain, bias);
-				//structuralSimilarityIndex(i, height_, width_, textureImages_, sum, gain, bias);
-				// Swap buffers
-				glfwSwapBuffers(window);
-				glfwPollEvents();
-			}
-			//std::cout << "Specular Intensity = " << specularIntensity << ", Specular Power = " << specularPower << ", Residual = " << (sum/numberOfLights_) << ", SSD = " << (sum/numberOfLights_)*(sum/numberOfLights_) << std::endl;
-			//std::cout << specularIntensity << "\t" << specularPower << "\t" << gain << "\t" << bias << "\t" << (sum/numberOfLights_) << std::endl;
-			outputToFile(outputFileName_, specularIntensity, specularPower, gain, bias, (sum/numberOfLights_));
-			residualValue[0] = (sum/numberOfLights_);
-			return true;
-		}
-	private:
-		int width_;
-		int height_;
-		GLuint programID_;
-		std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs_;
-		GLuint MatrixID_;
-		GLuint ModelMatrixID_;
-		GLuint ViewMatrixID_;
-		GLuint DepthBiasID_;
-		GLuint lightInvDirID_;
-		GLuint Texture_;
-		GLuint TextureID_;
-		GLuint depthTexture_;
-		GLuint ShadowMapID_;
-		GLuint vertexbuffer_;
-		GLuint uvbuffer_;
-		GLuint normalbuffer_;
-		GLuint elementbuffer_;
-		std::vector<unsigned int> indices_;
-		glm::mat4 MVP_;
-		glm::mat4 ModelMatrix_;
-		glm::mat4 ViewMatrix_;
-		glm::mat4 depthBiasMVP_;
-		GLuint SpecularIntensityID_;
-		GLuint SpecularPowerID_;
-		double residualValue_;
-		cv::Vec3d residual_;
-		std::vector<cv::Vec3d> residuals_;
-		double totalResidual_;
-		cv::Mat residualImage_;
-		glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix_;
-		glm::mat4 depthViewMatrix_;
-		int numberOfLights_;
-		std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages_;
-		std::string outputFileName_;
 void specularMinimisation(double& SpecularIntensity, double& SpecularPower, double& Gain, double& Bias, std::string imageName, double residualValue, cv::Vec3d residual, double totalResidual, cv::Mat residualImage, glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix, glm::mat4 depthViewMatrix, int width, int height, int numberOfLights, GLuint SpecularIntensityID, GLuint SpecularPowerID, GLuint programID, GLuint ModelMatrixID, GLuint ViewMatrixID, GLuint DepthBiasID, GLuint lightInvDirID, GLuint Texture, GLuint TextureID, GLuint depthTexture, GLuint ShadowMapID, GLuint vertexbuffer, GLuint uvbuffer, GLuint normalbuffer, GLuint elementbuffer, std::vector<unsigned int> indices, GLuint MatrixID, glm::mat4 ModelMatrix, glm::mat4 MVP, glm::mat4 ViewMatrix, glm::mat4 depthBiasMVP, std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs, std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages) {
 	// The variable to solve for with its initial value. It will be mutated in place by the solver.
@@ -176,10 +102,12 @@ void specularMinimisation(double& SpecularIntensity, double& SpecularPower, doub
 	const double initialGain 			  = Gain;
 	const double initialBias     		  = Bias;
+	// Create the file name of the log with the initial parameters
 	std::ostringstream stm;
 	stm << imageName << " " << initialSpecularIntensity << " " << initialSpecularPower << " " << initialGain << " " << initialBias << ".txt";
 	std::string outputFileName = stm.str();
 	std::ofstream outputFile(outputFileName, std::ios::trunc); // Erase the previous contents of the file
+	outputFile << "Specular Intensity" << "\t" << "Specular Power" << "\t" << "Gain" << "\t" << "Bias" << "\t" << "Resiudal" << std::endl;
 	// Build the problem.
 	ceres::Problem problem;
@@ -196,22 +124,46 @@ void specularMinimisation(double& SpecularIntensity, double& SpecularPower, doub
 	problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&SpecularPower, 0, 0.01);
 	problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&Gain, 0, 0);
 	problem.SetParameterUpperBound(&Gain, 0, 2);
-	problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&Bias, 0, -1);
-	problem.SetParameterUpperBound(&Bias, 0, 1);
-	/*ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = new NumericDiffCostFunction<MyScalarCostFunctor2, CENTRAL, 1, 1, 1>(new MyScalarCostFunctor2(outputFileName, residualValue, residual, totalResidual, residualImage, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, numberOfLights, SpecularIntensityID, SpecularPowerID, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, ModelMatrix, MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, lightInvDirs, textureImages));
-	std::vector<ceres::ResidualBlockId> residual_block_ids;
-	ceres::ResidualBlockId block_id = problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, NULL, &Gain, &Bias);
-	residual_block_ids.push_back(block_id);
-	problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&Gain, 0, 0);
+	//problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(&Gain);
+	//problem.SetParameterBlockConstant(&Bias);
+	/*problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&Gain, 0, 0);
 	problem.SetParameterUpperBound(&Gain, 0, 2);
 	problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&Bias, 0, -1);
 	problem.SetParameterUpperBound(&Bias, 0, 1);*/
-	// Run the solver!
+	// Run the solver
 	Solver::Options options;
 	options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
+	// Set minimum step size
+	/*
+	double Solver::Options::line_search_sufficient_function_decrease
+	Default: 1e-4
+	Solving the line search problem exactly is computationally prohibitive. Fortunately, line search based optimization algorithms can still guarantee convergence if instead of an exact solution, the line search algorithm returns a solution which decreases the value of the objective function sufficiently. More precisely, we are looking for a step size s.t.
+	\[f(\text{step_size}) \le f(0) + \text{sufficient_decrease} * [f'(0) * \text{step_size}]\]
+	This condition is known as the Armijo condition.
+	double Solver::Options::max_line_search_step_contraction
+	Default: 1e-3
+	In each iteration of the line search,
+	\[\text{new_step_size} >= \text{max_line_search_step_contraction} * \text{step_size}\]
+	Note that by definition, for contraction:
+	\[0 < \text{max_step_contraction} < \text{min_step_contraction} < 1\]
+	double Solver::Options::min_line_search_step_contraction
+	Default: 0.6
+	In each iteration of the line search,
+	\[\text{new_step_size} <= \text{min_line_search_step_contraction} * \text{step_size}\]
+	Note that by definition, for contraction:
+	\[0 < \text{max_step_contraction} < \text{min_step_contraction} < 1\]
+	*/
 	Solver::Summary summary;
 	Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
index 0f65b8d6d9241f1d97535b277ca0d4e7982bc829..59b37642f6f506701ec85b0918a8881cb4c00e43 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
@@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ double getMSSIM(const cv::Mat& i1, const cv::Mat& i2);
 cv::Mat contrastBrightness(cv::Mat image, double gain, double bias);
 cv::Mat contrastBrightness(cv::Mat image, double gain = 1.0, double bias = 0.0) {
+	cv::Mat new_image = cv::Mat::zeros( image.size(), CV_64FC3 );
+    for ( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ ) {
+        for ( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ ) {
+            for ( int c = 0; c < image.channels(); c++ ) {
+                new_image.at<cv::Vec3d>(y,x)[c] = cv::saturate_cast<double>( gain*image.at<cv::Vec3d>(y,x)[c] + bias );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	return new_image;
+/*cv::Mat contrastBrightness(cv::Mat image, double gain = 1.0, double bias = 0.0) {
 	cv::Mat new_image = cv::Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() );
     for ( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ ) {
         for ( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ ) {
@@ -58,7 +70,7 @@ cv::Mat contrastBrightness(cv::Mat image, double gain = 1.0, double bias = 0.0)
 	return new_image;
 inline unsigned char Clamp(int n)
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenGL.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenGL.h
index fa494cec9ca4576806e613f135ba464157a9ec57..e963baa050f6727c5c81def5809493247dbf4a15 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenGL.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenGL.h
@@ -559,19 +559,21 @@ void renderPolygons(int windowWidth, int windowHeight, GLuint programID, glm::ve
 void meanSquaredError(int imageNumber, int windowHeight, int windowWidth, std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages, double& sum, double gain, double bias) {
 	// Create an empty Mat the same size as the image
-	cv::Mat temp = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_8UC3);
-	cv::Mat residual = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_8UC3);
-	cv::Mat sumOfSquaredDifferences = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_16UC3);
+	cv::Mat model    = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_8UC3);
+	cv::Mat residual = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_64FC3);
+	cv::Mat squaredDifferences = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_64FC3);
+	cv::Mat textureImage = textureImages[imageNumber];
 	// Read the image into the Mat as an 8-bit colour image
-	glReadPixels(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, temp.data);
+	glReadPixels(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, model.data);
 	// 3D models have the origin in the bottom-left corner, while images have the origin in the top-left corner. The image is flipped to convert between the two.
-	cv::flip(temp, temp, 0);
+	cv::flip(model, model, 0);
-	//temp = addNoise(temp, 0.001);
+	//model = addNoise(model, 0.001);
-	temp = contrastBrightness(temp, gain, bias);
+	//model = contrastBrightness(model, gain, bias);
+	model.convertTo(model, CV_64FC3, gain, bias);
 	//cv::Mat textureImage = contrastBrightness(textureImages[imageNumber], gain, bias);
 	/*cv::Mat texture = textureImages[imageNumber];
@@ -579,19 +581,20 @@ void meanSquaredError(int imageNumber, int windowHeight, int windowWidth, std::v
 	texture.convertTo(texture, CV_8UC3);*/
 	// Calculate the absolute differences between the model and the photograph
-	cv::absdiff(temp, textureImages[imageNumber], residual);
-	//cv::absdiff(temp, textureImage, residual);
+	textureImage.convertTo(textureImage, CV_64FC3);
+	cv::absdiff(model, textureImage, residual);
+	//cv::absdiff(model, textureImage, residual);
 	// Square each element
-	multiply(residual, residual, sumOfSquaredDifferences);
+	multiply(residual, residual, squaredDifferences);
 	// Crop a 1-pixel border around the residual
 	residual = residual(cv::Rect(1, 1, windowWidth-2, windowHeight-2));
-	sumOfSquaredDifferences = sumOfSquaredDifferences(cv::Rect(1, 1, windowWidth-2, windowHeight-2));
+	squaredDifferences = squaredDifferences(cv::Rect(1, 1, windowWidth-2, windowHeight-2));
-	sum += (cv::sum(residual)[0] + cv::sum(residual)[1] + cv::sum(residual)[2])/(3 * (windowHeight-2) * (windowWidth-2));
-	//sum = (cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[0] + cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[1] + cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[2])/(windowHeight-2 * windowWidth-2);
-	//sum += (cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[0] + cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[1] + cv::sum(sumOfSquaredDifferences)[2]);
+	sum += (cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[0] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[1] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[2])/(3 * (windowHeight-2) * (windowWidth-2));
+	//sum = (cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[0] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[1] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[2])/(windowHeight-2 * windowWidth-2);
+	//sum += (cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[0] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[1] + cv::sum(squaredDifferences)[2]);
 void structuralSimilarityIndex(int imageNumber, int windowHeight, int windowWidth, std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages, double& sum, double gain, int bias) {
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/ShadowMapping.fragmentshader b/apps/specular_estimation/src/ShadowMapping.fragmentshader
index 02348908da47c760a1911653772307d804dccdef..b1067907a03de6d40b6cf381d677bf6f8b00b5e2 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/ShadowMapping.fragmentshader
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/ShadowMapping.fragmentshader
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ void main() {
 	// Material properties
 	float ambientPower = 0.0f;
-	vec3 MaterialDiffuseColor  = texture( myTextureSampler, UV ).rgb;
-	vec3 MaterialAmbientColor  = vec3(ambientPower, ambientPower, ambientPower) * MaterialDiffuseColor;
+	vec3 MaterialDiffuseColor = texture( myTextureSampler, UV ).rgb;
+	vec3 MaterialAmbientColor = vec3(ambientPower, ambientPower, ambientPower) * MaterialDiffuseColor;
 	//vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(clampSpecular(length(MaterialDiffuseColor), specularIntensity), clampSpecular(length(MaterialDiffuseColor), specularIntensity), clampSpecular(length(MaterialDiffuseColor), specularIntensity));
-	vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).r, specularIntensity), clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).g, specularIntensity), clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).b, specularIntensity));
+	//vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).r, specularIntensity), clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).g, specularIntensity), clampSpecular(texture(myTextureSampler, UV).b, specularIntensity));
-	//vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(specularIntensity, specularIntensity, specularIntensity);
+	vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(specularIntensity, specularIntensity, specularIntensity);
 	//vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = texture( myTextureSampler, UV ).rgb;
 	// Distance to the light
@@ -134,19 +134,13 @@ void main() {
 	// if ( texture( shadowMap, (ShadowCoord.xy/ShadowCoord.w) ).z  <  (ShadowCoord.z-bias)/ShadowCoord.w )
 	// if ( textureProj( shadowMap, ShadowCoord.xyw ).z  <  (ShadowCoord.z-bias)/ShadowCoord.w )
-	//color = 
-		// Ambient: simulates indirect lighting
-		//MaterialAmbientColor +
-		// Diffuse: "colour" of the object
-		//visibility * MaterialDiffuseColor  * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta +
-		// Specular: reflective highlight, like a mirror
-		//visibility * MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * pow(cosAlpha, specularPower);
 	color = 
 		// Ambient: simulates indirect lighting
 		//MaterialAmbientColor +
 		// Diffuse: "colour" of the object
-		((visibility * MaterialDiffuseColor * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta) / 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ) +
+		visibility * MaterialDiffuseColor  * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta +
+		//((visibility * MaterialDiffuseColor * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta) / 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ) +
 		// Specular: reflective highlight, like a mirror
-		visibility * MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * ((specularPower + 2)/(6.283185307179586476925286766559)) * pow(cosAlpha, specularPower);
+		visibility * MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * pow(cosAlpha, specularPower);
+		//visibility * MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * ((specularPower + 2)/(6.283185307179586476925286766559)) * pow(cosAlpha, specularPower);
diff --git a/bin/specular_estimation b/bin/specular_estimation
index d8ea06519ea74426c77c160a645886f25f303f7c..fd6d15cd7a36ea014421955acb65b0530e8c815f 100755
Binary files a/bin/specular_estimation and b/bin/specular_estimation differ
diff --git a/greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt b/greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt
index e9a80fb17651fa6c730082e8152175fd11685264..0ad1bf29c6a8904a16bd55c9cd7d4e4e705626cd 100644
--- a/greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt	
+++ b/greenpaper6 0.5 1 1 0.txt	
@@ -1,6 +1,633 @@
-0	2	1	0	85.3796
-0	2	1	0	85.3796
-0	2	0.999999	0	85.3796
-0	2	1	1.49012e-08	85.3796
-0	2	1	-1.49012e-08	85.3796
-0	2	1	0	85.3796
+Specular Intensity	Specular Power	Gain	Bias	Resiudal
+0.5	1	1	0	2793.5
+0.5	1	1	0	2793.5
+0.499999	1	1	0	2793.5
+0.5	1	1	0	2793.5
+0.5	0.999999	1	0	2793.5
+0.5	1	1	0	2793.5
+0.5	1	0.999999	0	2793.5
+0.5	1	1	1.49012e-08	2793.5
+0.5	1	1	-1.49012e-08	2793.5
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.6
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.7
+0.999999	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.4
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.5
+1	0.999999	2.14147	14.8488	60200.6
+1	1	2.14148	14.8488	60200.7
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.4
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.6
+1	1	2.14147	14.8488	60200.6
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.7
+0.81974	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.7
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.6
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.7
+0.819739	0.999999	1.58983	7.67276	15935.7
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.7
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67276	15935.6
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67277	15935.7
+0.819739	1	1.58983	7.67275	15935.7
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.85
+0.640238	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.86
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.84
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.85
+0.640237	0.999999	1.2587	3.36526	4399.86
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.86
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.84
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36527	4399.85
+0.640237	1	1.2587	3.36526	4399.85
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537898	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	0.999999	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909457	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909455	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537898	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	0.999999	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909456	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909457	2790.7
+0.537899	1	1.06991	0.909455	2790.7
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238584	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	0.999999	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430233	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.238583	1	0.430232	27.6569	3192.67
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460273	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	0.999999	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904018	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904016	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84619	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84617	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460273	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	0.999999	0.904017	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904018	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904016	7.84618	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84619	2569.56
+0.460274	1	0.904017	7.84617	2569.56
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738048	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.5
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738049	0.999999	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.5
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.738049	1	1.43258	20.2647	10585.6
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.19
+0.587873	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	0.999999	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.19
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.587874	1	1.14682	13.5508	3324.18
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.508351	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	0.999999	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995499	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995497	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99554	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99552	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.508351	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	0.999999	0.995498	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995499	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995497	9.99553	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99554	2435.8
+0.50835	1	0.995498	9.99552	2435.8
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833732	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	0.999999	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2292	3542.74
+0.0833731	1	0.197105	34.2291	3542.75
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447853	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	0.999999	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881844	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881842	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447853	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	0.999999	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881844	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881842	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.447852	1	0.881843	13.4453	2346.64
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850424	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.2
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850425	0.999999	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.2
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.850425	1	1.50597	26.2602	18562.3
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.66
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.67
+0.64768	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.64
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.65
+0.647681	0.999999	1.19165	19.8064	4740.66
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.67
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.65
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8064	4740.66
+0.647681	1	1.19165	19.8063	4740.66
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530948	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	0.999999	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0905	2430.24
+0.530947	1	1.01067	16.0904	2430.24
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.48146	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	0.999999	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933946	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.48146	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	0.999999	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933946	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0.481459	1	0.933945	14.5151	2258.67
+0	1	0	33.289	3848.31
+1.49012e-08	1	0	33.289	3848.31
+-1.49012e-08	1	0	33.289	3848.31
+0	1	0	33.289	3848.31
+0	0.999999	0	33.289	3848.31
+0	1	1.49012e-08	33.289	3848.31
+0	1	-1.49012e-08	33.289	3848.31
+0	1	0	33.2891	3848.31
+0	1	0	33.289	3848.32
+0.356553	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.2
+0.356554	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.19
+0.356553	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.2
+0.356553	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.2
+0.356553	0.999999	0.650101	16.1579	2995.19
+0.356553	1	0.650102	16.1579	2995.19
+0.356553	1	0.6501	16.1579	2995.2
+0.356553	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.19
+0.356553	1	0.650101	16.1579	2995.2
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471953	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	0.999999	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912345	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912343	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6402	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471953	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	0.999999	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912345	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912343	14.6401	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6402	2254.72
+0.471954	1	0.912344	14.6401	2254.72
+1	1	4.11756	30.9474	287312
+1	1	4.11756	30.9474	287312
+0.999999	1	4.11756	30.9474	287311
+1	1	4.11756	30.9474	287311
+1	0.999999	4.11756	30.9474	287312
+1	1	4.11757	30.9474	287312
+1	1	4.11756	30.9474	287311
+1	1	4.11756	30.9474	287312
+1	1	4.11756	30.9473	287312
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+0.999999	1	2.83548	24.4245	122568
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	0.999999	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	1	2.83547	24.4245	122568
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	1	2.83548	24.4245	122569
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678.1
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678.2
+0.999999	1	1.83571	19.338	42678
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678.1
+1	0.999999	1.83571	19.338	42678.1
+1	1	1.83572	19.338	42678.2
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678.1
+1	1	1.83571	19.338	42678.1
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.3
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.4
+0.999999	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.3
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.3
+1	0.999999	1.37153	16.9763	20054.4
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.4
+1	1	1.37152	16.9763	20054.3
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.3
+1	1	1.37153	16.9763	20054.3
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.66
+0.817112	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.68
+0.81711	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.65
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.66
+0.817111	0.999999	1.12929	15.7439	7005.67
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.68
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.64
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.66
+0.817111	1	1.12929	15.7439	7005.66
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611556	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.59
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	0.999999	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0866	2846.6
+0.611557	1	1.00009	15.0865	2846.6
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479429	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	0.999999	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917043	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917041	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479429	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	0.999999	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917043	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917041	14.664	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479428	1	0.917042	14.664	2252.22
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+1.49012e-08	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.7
+-1.49012e-08	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.2
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+0	0.999999	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.3
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+0	1	360.908	32.1026	17630.4
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475805	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	0.999999	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.475804	1	1.27703	14.6815	2818.54
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	0.999999	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917842	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91784	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917841	14.6641	2252.22
+0	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.5
+1.49012e-08	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.8
+-1.49012e-08	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.3
+0	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.5
+0	0.999999	360.535	32.0845	17594.5
+0	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.5
+0	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.4
+0	1	360.535	32.0846	17594.5
+0	1	360.535	32.0845	17594.5
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475809	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.37
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475808	0.999999	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.37
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6815	2817.38
+0.475808	1	1.27666	14.6814	2817.38
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	0.999999	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917836	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917834	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917835	14.6641	2252.22
+0	1	358.314	31.9769	17381.7
+1.49012e-08	1	358.314	31.9769	17382.1
+-1.49012e-08	1	358.314	31.9769	17381.6
+0	1	358.314	31.9769	17381.7
+0	0.999999	358.314	31.9769	17381.7
+0	1	358.314	31.9769	17381.8
+0	1	358.313	31.9769	17381.7
+0	1	358.314	31.977	17381.7
+0	1	358.314	31.9769	17381.7
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.475831	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.47
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.47583	0.999999	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.47
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6814	2810.46
+0.47583	1	1.27444	14.6813	2810.46
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	0.999999	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917831	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917829	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91783	14.6641	2252.22
+0	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+1.49012e-08	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.9
+-1.49012e-08	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.5
+0	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+0	0.999999	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+0	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+0	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+0	1	338.833	31.0333	15591.6
+0	1	338.833	31.0332	15591.6
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.64
+0.476026	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	0.999999	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.64
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.476027	1	1.25496	14.6804	2751.63
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	0.999999	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917821	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917819	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91782	14.6641	2252.22
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+1.49012e-08	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.26
+-1.49012e-08	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.22
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+0	0.999999	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.22
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+0	1	175.604	23.1262	5919.23
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.477669	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	0.999999	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.47767	1	1.09173	14.6725	2386.39
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	0.999999	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917761	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917759	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.91776	14.6641	2252.22
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.375825	1	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289244
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289244
+0.375824	0.999999	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289244
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.375824	1	11.2093	15.1626	289245
+0.479324	1	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479325	1	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	0.999999	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927335	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927333	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927334	14.6646	2252.66
+0.479324	1	0.927334	14.6645	2252.66
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	0.999999	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.91767	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479422	1	0.917669	14.6641	2252.22
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477763	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	0.999999	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.6721	2372.63
+0.477762	1	1.08251	14.672	2372.63
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	0.999999	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917756	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917754	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.47942	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	0.999999	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917756	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917754	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.479421	1	0.917755	14.6641	2252.22
+0.481192	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481191	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.48
+0.481192	0.999999	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891199	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891197	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.481192	1	0.891198	14.6681	2254.47
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479545	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	0.999999	0.915884	14.6644	2252.21
+0.479546	1	0.915885	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915883	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6643	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479545	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	0.999999	0.915884	14.6644	2252.21
+0.479546	1	0.915885	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915883	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6644	2252.22
+0.479546	1	0.915884	14.6643	2252.22
+0.480254	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480255	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	0.999999	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922374	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922372	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.480254	1	0.922373	14.6664	2252.37
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479701	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	0.999999	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917315	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917313	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479701	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	0.999999	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917315	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917313	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.479702	1	0.917314	14.6648	2252.2
+0.478784	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.478785	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	0.999999	0.910612	14.666	2252.43
+0.478784	1	0.910613	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	1	0.910611	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.478784	1	0.910612	14.666	2252.44
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479464	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	0.999999	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.915581	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.915579	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479464	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	0.999999	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.915581	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.915579	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479465	1	0.91558	14.6651	2252.2
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	0.999999	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917039	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917037	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	0.999999	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917039	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917037	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479513	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479512	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.2
+0.479513	0.999999	0.901933	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901934	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901932	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.19
+0.479513	1	0.901933	14.6664	2253.2
+0.479582	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479583	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	0.999999	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916517	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916515	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479582	1	0.916516	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	0.999999	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916876	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479584	1	0.916875	14.6658	2252.16
+0.479585	1	0.917038	14.6658	2252.16
diff --git a/wood6 0.5 2 1 0.txt b/wood6 0.5 2 1 0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbbad29e101111a56a36a845d7572080cd51c324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wood6 0.5 2 1 0.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+Specular Intensity	Specular Power	Gain	Bias	Resiudal
+0.5	2	1	0	6067.3
+0.5	2	1	0	6067.29
+0.499999	2	1	0	6067.3
+0.5	2	1	0	6067.3
+0.5	2	1	0	6067.29
+0.5	2	1	0	6067.29
+0.5	2	0.999999	0	6067.3
+0.5	2	1	1.49012e-08	6067.3
+0.5	2	1	-1.49012e-08	6067.3
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770747	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.5
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.5
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.770746	1.00047	1.48611	13.1228	11348.4
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642204	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.32
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.32
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89245	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642204	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.32
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.32
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89245	4519.31
+0.642203	1.47502	1.25532	6.89244	4519.31
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443468	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.81
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	0.999999	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.93182	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931818	76.6492	3221.81
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6493	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6491	3221.81
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443468	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.81
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	0.999999	0.931819	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.93182	76.6492	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931818	76.6492	3221.81
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6493	3221.82
+0.443469	1	0.931819	76.6491	3221.81
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360021	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769988	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769986	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0035	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360021	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769988	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769986	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0036	2113.72
+0.360022	1.57369	0.769987	63.0035	2113.72
+1	1	2	87.8112	83446
+1	1	2	87.8112	83446.2
+0.999999	1	2	87.8112	83445.8
+1	1	2	87.8112	83446
+1	0.999999	2	87.8112	83446.1
+1	1	2	87.8112	83446.2
+1	1	2	87.8112	83445.8
+1	1	2	87.8113	83446.1
+1	1	2	87.8111	83446
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.5
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.7
+0.999999	1	2	77.8881	78515.4
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.5
+1	0.999999	2	77.8881	78515.6
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.7
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.4
+1	1	2	77.8882	78515.6
+1	1	2	77.8881	78515.5
+0.786812	1	2	70.3855	44418.7
+0.786813	1	2	70.3855	44418.8
+0.786811	1	2	70.3855	44418.6
+0.786812	1	2	70.3855	44418.7
+0.786812	0.999999	2	70.3855	44418.8
+0.786812	1	2	70.3855	44418.8
+0.786812	1	2	70.3855	44418.6
+0.786812	1	2	70.3856	44418.8
+0.786812	1	2	70.3855	44418.7
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.57483	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.8
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.8
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.719	17544.9
+0.574829	1.27366	2	66.7189	17544.9
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.23
+0.460384	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.24
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.22
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.23
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.23
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44226	64.7395	4804.24
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.22
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7395	4804.23
+0.460383	1.43351	1.44225	64.7394	4804.23
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396073	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.86
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6272	2345.85
+0.396072	1.52334	1.01147	63.6271	2345.85
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363814	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795384	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0692	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363814	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795384	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0692	2111.87
+0.363813	1.5684	0.795383	63.0691	2111.87
+0	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+1.49012e-08	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+-1.49012e-08	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	0.999999	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	1.49012e-08	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	-1.49012e-08	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6186	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6184	1920.7
+0	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+1.49012e-08	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+-1.49012e-08	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	0.999999	0	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	1.49012e-08	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	-1.49012e-08	91.6185	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6186	1920.69
+0	1	0	91.6184	1920.7
+0	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+1.49012e-08	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+0	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+0	0.999999	2	134.657	2839.33
+0	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+0	1	2	134.657	2839.33
+0	1	2	134.658	2839.33
+0	1	2	134.657	2839.32
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+1.49012e-08	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	0.999999	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+1.49012e-08	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	0.999999	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	108.68	1827.86
+0	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+1.49012e-08	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+0	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+0	0.999999	2	42.052	5403.72
+0	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+0	1	2	42.052	5403.72
+0	1	2	42.0521	5403.72
+0	1	2	42.052	5403.73
+0	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+1.49012e-08	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+0	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+0	0.999999	2	85.9826	2048.9
+0	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+0	1	2	85.9826	2048.9
+0	1	2	85.9827	2048.9
+0	1	2	85.9825	2048.9
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	0.999999	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.093	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	0.999999	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.093	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.092	1785.89
+0	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+1.49012e-08	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+0	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+0	0.999999	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+0	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+0	1	2	2855.17	7.5806e+06
+0	1	2	2855.17	7.58062e+06
+0	1	2	2855.16	7.58059e+06
+0	1	2	963.219	743138
+1.49012e-08	1	2	963.219	743138
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	963.219	743138
+0	1	2	963.219	743138
+0	0.999999	2	963.219	743138
+0	1	2	963.219	743138
+0	1	2	963.219	743138
+0	1	2	963.219	743139
+0	1	2	963.218	743136
+0	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	0.999999	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.954	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+1.49012e-08	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+0	0.999999	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57715e+06
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57717e+06
+0	1	2	2854.54	7.57714e+06
+0	1	2	963.029	742812
+1.49012e-08	1	2	963.029	742812
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	963.029	742812
+0	1	2	963.029	742812
+0	0.999999	2	963.029	742812
+0	1	2	963.029	742812
+0	1	2	963.029	742812
+0	1	2	963.03	742814
+0	1	2	963.028	742810
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	0.999999	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.953	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+1.49012e-08	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+0	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+0	0.999999	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+0	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+0	1	2	2850.78	7.55649e+06
+0	1	2	2850.79	7.55651e+06
+0	1	2	2850.78	7.55648e+06
+0	1	2	961.851	740785
+1.49012e-08	1	2	961.851	740785
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	961.851	740785
+0	1	2	961.851	740785
+0	0.999999	2	961.851	740785
+0	1	2	961.851	740785
+0	1	2	961.851	740785
+0	1	2	961.852	740787
+0	1	2	961.85	740783
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	0.999999	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.952	1786.44
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.233	1785.88
+0	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+1.49012e-08	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+0	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+0	0.999999	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+0	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+0	1	2	2816.22	7.3677e+06
+0	1	2	2816.23	7.36772e+06
+0	1	2	2816.22	7.36769e+06
+0	1	2	951.029	722296
+1.49012e-08	1	2	951.029	722296
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	951.029	722296
+0	1	2	951.029	722296
+0	0.999999	2	951.029	722296
+0	1	2	951.029	722296
+0	1	2	951.029	722296
+0	1	2	951.03	722297
+0	1	2	951.028	722294
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	0.999999	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.941	1786.43
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.232	1785.88
+0	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+1.49012e-08	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+0	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+0	0.999999	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+0	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+0	1	2	2334.94	4.98689e+06
+0	1	2	2334.94	4.9869e+06
+0	1	2	2334.93	4.98688e+06
+0	1	2	800.288	489112
+1.49012e-08	1	2	800.288	489112
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	800.288	489112
+0	1	2	800.288	489112
+0	0.999999	2	800.288	489112
+0	1	2	800.288	489112
+0	1	2	800.288	489112
+0	1	2	800.289	489113
+0	1	2	800.287	489110
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	0.999999	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.791	1786.22
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.219	1785.88
+0	1	2	427.409	107547
+1.49012e-08	1	2	427.409	107547
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	427.409	107547
+0	1	2	427.409	107547
+0	0.999999	2	427.409	107547
+0	1	2	427.409	107547
+0	1	2	427.409	107547
+0	1	2	427.41	107547
+0	1	2	427.409	107546
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+1.49012e-08	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	0.999999	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.7
+0	1	2	199.816	11314.6
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.224	1785.88
+0	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+1.49012e-08	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	0.999999	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	1	2	107.845	1817.73
+0	1	2	107.844	1817.73
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	0.999999	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.349	1785.9
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+-1.49012e-08	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	0.999999	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.159	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.159	1785.88
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+0	1	2	106.027	1800.52
+0	1	2	106.027	1800.52
+0	1	2	106.027	1800.52
+0	1	2	106.027	1800.52
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+0	1	2	102.318	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.319	1785.89
+0	1	2	102.318	1785.89
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+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.193	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.193	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.551	1786
+0	1	2	102.551	1786
+0	1	2	102.551	1786
+0	1	2	102.551	1786
+0	1	2	102.26	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.26	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.26	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.26	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.261	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.26	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+1.49012e-08	1	2	102.204	1785.88
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+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.204	1785.88
+0	1	2	102.193	1785.88