diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/PhotometricStereo.cc.o b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/PhotometricStereo.cc.o
index 3c19beeffb37055c5e792956268721b62a69751b..225b08de91ea9c80d27684c24a9f8f2f84aa0862 100644
Binary files a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/PhotometricStereo.cc.o and b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/PhotometricStereo.cc.o differ
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o
index ccb5e78a097fbadb9e441140b89863d2668db26d..8af3decdfcf0ad4177b41bb2147107c08d6bd064 100644
Binary files a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o and b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o differ
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/Charuco.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/Charuco.h
index 7e62da306f4c874a3421912cbaa079ba73c8b218..ff37538b7513cdc2b216c1c875ded8a94e8b9f16 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/Charuco.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/Charuco.h
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
 #include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp>
 #include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
-void charucoCalibration(int width, int height, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> & charucoBoard, cv::Mat & charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat & cameraMatrix, cv::Mat & distortionCoefficients, const std::string sourcePath, const std::string folderPath);
-void charucoAlignment(std::vector< cv::Mat > & charucoImages, std::vector< cv::Mat > textureImages, int numberOfLights, int width, int height, cv::Mat& rotationMatrix, cv::Mat& rotationVector, cv::Mat& perspectiveTransform, cv::Mat lightDirections, cv::Mat& lightDirectionsPerspective, std::vector< cv::Vec3d > & rvecs, std::vector< cv::Vec3d > & tvecs, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard, cv::Mat charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distortionCoefficients);
+void charucoCalibration(int width, int height, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard>& charucoBoard, cv::Mat& charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, cv::Mat& distortionCoefficients, const std::string sourcePath, const std::string folderPath);
+void charucoAlignment(std::vector< cv::Mat > & charucoImages, std::vector< cv::Mat > textureImages, int numberOfLights, int width, int height, cv::Mat& rotationMatrix, cv::Mat& rotationVector, cv::Mat& perspectiveTransform, cv::Mat lightDirections, cv::Mat& lightDirectionsPerspective, std::vector<cv::Vec3d>& rvecs, std::vector<cv::Vec3d>& tvecs, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard, cv::Mat charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distortionCoefficients);
 cv::Mat createArucoMarker(int dictionaryId, int markerId, int borderBits, int markerSize, bool showMarker);
 void detectArucoMarkers(int dictionaryId, bool showRejected, bool estimatePose, float markerLength, cv::Mat image, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distCoeffs);
 void createArucoDictionary(std::vector< cv::Mat >& arucoMarkers, int dictionaryId);
 cv::Mat drawCharuco(cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> board, int rows, int cols, bool saveCharuco, bool displayCharuco);
-void calibrateCamera(int squaresX, int squaresY, float squareLength, float markerLength, int dictionaryId, std::vector< cv::Mat > charucoImages, cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, cv::Mat& distCoeffs);
+void calibrateCamera(int squaresX, int squaresY, float squareLength, float markerLength, int dictionaryId, std::vector<cv::Mat> charucoImages, cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, cv::Mat& distCoeffs);
 void loadCharucoImages(std::vector< cv::Mat >& charucoImages, std::string charucoPath, std::string charucoName);
 void undistortCharuco(cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> board, cv::Mat inputImage, cv::Mat boardImage, cv::Mat& undistortedCharuco, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distortionCoefficients, cv::Vec3d& rvec, cv::Vec3d& tvec, cv::Mat& perspectiveTransform, bool displayUndistortedCharuco);
-void charucoCalibration(int width, int height, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> & charucoBoard, cv::Mat & charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat & cameraMatrix, cv::Mat & distortionCoefficients, const std::string imagesPath, const std::string folderPath) {
+void charucoCalibration(int width, int height, cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard>& charucoBoard, cv::Mat& charucoBoardImage, cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, cv::Mat& distortionCoefficients, const std::string imagesPath, const std::string folderPath) {
 	std::vector< cv::Mat > charucoImages;
 	const std::string charucoPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/charuco/";
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
index 1f8837de0d9f3e4e8bdbd1c73e860132843bc886..c67582c885f923b63275e640fd21a9a88a84b739 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/OpenCV.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void photometricStereo(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, std::stri
-void loadImages(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, int& width, int& height, int imageScale, std::vector< cv::Mat > & textureImages, std::string calibrationPath, std::vector< cv::Mat > & calibrationImages, std::string modelPath, std::vector< cv::Mat > & modelImages, cv::Rect & calibrationBoundingBox) {
+void loadImages(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, int& width, int& height, int imageScale, std::vector<cv::Mat>& textureImages, std::string calibrationPath, std::vector<cv::Mat>& calibrationImages, std::string modelPath, std::vector< cv::Mat > & modelImages, cv::Rect & calibrationBoundingBox) {
 	// Obtain the height and width of the images prior to resizing
 	int originalHeight;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void loadSurfaceNormals(cv::Mat lightDirections, int width, int height, int imag
 // Return an image comprised of the median intensities
 // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2114797/compute-median-of-values-stored-in-vector-c
-cv::Mat getMedianImage(std::vector< cv::Mat > modelImages, int height, int width) {
+cv::Mat getMedianImage(std::vector<cv::Mat> modelImages, int height, int width) {
 	cv::Mat medianImage(height, width, CV_8UC3);
 	int percentage = 0;
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.cc b/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.cc
index d02f19e4c1442e428e2a4d2b2ffc0548b64c1629..5d3c8eb052e8b632784cb71f7666ae421602643d 100755
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.cc
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.cc
@@ -107,37 +107,6 @@ phoSte::light getLightDirection(const phoSte::circle& metalCircle,
     return phoSte::light(lx, ly, lz);
-cv::Vec3f getLightDirectionFromSphere(cv::Mat Image, cv::Rect boundingBox) {
-	const int THRESH = 254;
-	const float radius = boundingBox.width / 2.0f;
-	cv::Mat Binary;
-	threshold(Image, Binary, THRESH, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
-	cv::Mat SubImage(Binary, boundingBox);
-	// calculate center of pixels
-	cv::Moments m = moments(SubImage, false);
-	cv::Point center(int(m.m10 / m.m00), int(m.m01 / m.m00));
-	// x,y are swapped here // TODO check if necessary
-	float x = (center.y - radius) / radius;
-	float y = (center.x - radius) / radius;
-	float z = sqrt(1.0f - pow(x, 2.0f) - pow(y, 2.0f));
-	return cv::Vec3f(x, y, z);
-phoSte::light getLightDirection(cv::Mat calibrationImage, cv::Rect calibrationBoundingBox) {
-    cv::Vec3f light = getLightDirectionFromSphere(calibrationImage, calibrationBoundingBox);
-    double lx = light[0];
-    double ly = light[1];
-    double lz = light[2];
-    return phoSte::light(lx, ly, lz);
 void swapNum(double& a, double& b) {
     double tmp = a;
     a = b;
@@ -250,7 +219,7 @@ photometryStero::photometryStero(int imageNumber, std::string modelPath, std::st
 		std::string indexString = stm.str();
         std::string calibrationNameStr = calibrationPath + indexString + ".png";
-        cv::Mat calibrationImage = cv::imread(calibrationPath + indexString + ".png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+        cv::Mat calibrationImage = cv::imread(calibrationNameStr, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
         if (!calibrationImage.data) {  // Check if any images failed to load
 			std::cout << imageNumber << " calibration images have been loaded." << std::endl;
@@ -340,34 +309,25 @@ bool photometryStero::readImage(std::string modelPath, std::string calibrationPa
     // read the image
     for(int i = 0; i < mImageNames.size(); i++) {
-        std::ostringstream stm;
-		stm << i;
-		std::string indexString = stm.str();
-        cv::Mat modelImage = cv::imread(modelPath + indexString + ".png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+        cv::Mat modelImage = cv::imread(mImageNames[i], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
+        modelImage.convertTo(modelImage, CV_32F);
     // read the calibration image
     for(int i = 0; i < mCalibrationNames.size(); i++) {
-        std::ostringstream stm;
-		stm << i;
-		std::string indexString = stm.str();
-        cv::Mat calibrationImage = cv::imread(calibrationPath + indexString + ".png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+        cv::Mat calibrationImage = cv::imread(mCalibrationNames[i], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
+        calibrationImage.convertTo(calibrationImage, CV_32F);
     // read the macbeth image
     for(int i = 0; i < mMacbethNames.size(); i++) {
-        std::ostringstream stm;
-		stm << i;
-		std::string indexString = stm.str();
-        cv::Mat macbethImage = cv::imread(macbethPath + indexString + ".png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+        cv::Mat macbethImage = cv::imread(mMacbethNames[i], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
+        macbethImage.convertTo(macbethImage, CV_32F);
     // read the maskImage
     for(int i = 0; i < mMaskNames.size(); i++) {
-        cv::Mat p2Mask = cv::imread(mMaskNames[0], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
+        cv::Mat p2Mask = cv::imread(mMaskNames[i], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
         if(! p2Mask.data )
             return false;
@@ -436,6 +396,22 @@ void photometryStero::getLightInformation(const int metalIndex, cv::Rect boundin
     m_metalSphere = getCircle(metalContour[mostPointIdx]);*/
     m_metalSphere = phoSte::circle(boundingBox.x + (boundingBox.width/2), boundingBox.y + (boundingBox.height/2), (boundingBox.width/2));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(-0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279));
+    m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(-0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376));
+    /*
+    Light 1 position: x = 0.138562, y = 0.447712, z = 0.883377
+    Light 2 position: x = -0.106536, y = 0.228758, z = 0.967636
+    Light 3 position: x = 0.0705882, y = 0.1, z = 0.99248
+    Light 4 position: x = -0.0718954, y = 0.000653595, z = 0.997412
+    Light 5 position: x = -0.12549, y = -0.139216, z = 0.982279
+    Light 6 position: x = 0.115033, y = -0.494771, z = 0.861376
+    */
     for(int i = 0; i < mp2CalibrationImages.size(); i++) {
         //cv::Point metalMaxPoint;
@@ -443,7 +419,7 @@ void photometryStero::getLightInformation(const int metalIndex, cv::Rect boundin
         //cv::minMaxLoc(mp2CalibrationImages[i], NULL, NULL, NULL, &metalMaxPoint);
         //m_light.push_back(getLightDirection(m_metalSphere, metalMaxPoint));
+        /*
         const int THRESH = 254;
         const float radius = boundingBox.width / 2.0f;
@@ -455,26 +431,28 @@ void photometryStero::getLightInformation(const int metalIndex, cv::Rect boundin
         // calculate center of pixels
         cv::Moments m = moments(SubImage, false);
         cv::Point center(int(m.m10 / m.m00), int(m.m01 / m.m00));
-        /*
         // x,y are swapped here // TODO check if necessary
         float x = (center.y - radius) / radius;
         float y = (center.x - radius) / radius;
         float z = sqrt(1.0f - pow(x, 2.0f) - pow(y, 2.0f));
-        m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(x, y, z));
-        */
-        m_light.push_back(getLightDirection(m_metalSphere, center));
+        m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(x, y, z));*/
+        //m_light.push_back(getLightDirection(m_metalSphere, center));
-        //double lightIntensity;
+        double lightIntensity;
-        //cv::minMaxLoc(mp2CalibrationImages[i], NULL, &lightIntensity, NULL, NULL, mp2Mask[lambIndex]);
-        m_light[i].mIntensity = macbethIntensity[i];
+        cv::minMaxLoc(mp2MacbethImages[i], NULL, &lightIntensity, NULL, NULL);
+        m_light[i].mIntensity = lightIntensity;
+        //m_light[i].mIntensity = macbethIntensity[i];
+        //std::cout << "Light intensity: " << m_light[i].mIntensity << std::endl;
 // calculate the norm and albedo for every pixel
 // here, threshold is for the dark discard
-void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
+void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex, cv::Mat lightDirections) {
     // calculate the pixel num
     //std::vector<double> pixelThreshold;
     for(int i = 0; i < mp2Mask[objectIndex].rows; i++) {
@@ -519,7 +497,7 @@ void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
     cv::Mat I(imageNum, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
     cv::Mat L(imageNum, 3, CV_64F);
+    /*
 	// Determine the light direction from each image of the chrome sphere
 	for (int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
 		// Write the coordinates of the light directions into the lightDirections Mat
@@ -534,6 +512,118 @@ void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
     std::cout << "Inverted\n";
+    */
+    double *pL = (double *)L.data;
+    for(int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
+        *pL = m_light[i].mx;
+        *(pL + 1) = m_light[i].my;
+        *(pL + 2) = m_light[i].mz;
+        pL += 3;
+    }
+    cv::Mat LPseudoInvert;
+    cv::invert(L, LPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD); //std::cout << "2.1\n";
+    //lightDirections.convertTo(LPseudoInvert, CV_64F);
+    //LPseudoInvert = lightDirections;
+    double *pI = (double *)I.data;
+    double *pN = (double *)mN.data;
+    for(int i = 0; i < objectPixelNum; i++) {
+        int inValidNum = 0;
+        cv::Mat specificL;
+        for(int j = 0; j < imageNum; j++) {
+            if(allPixelValue[j][i] < allThreshold[j]) {
+                inValidNum ++;
+                if(inValidNum == 1) {
+                    L.copyTo(specificL);
+                }
+                double *p2LRow = specificL.ptr<double>(j);
+                *(p2LRow) = 0;
+                *(p2LRow + 1) = 0;
+                *(p2LRow + 2) = 0;
+                *(pI + j * objectPixelNum + i) = 0;
+            } else {
+                *(pI + j * objectPixelNum + i) = allPixelValue[j][i] / m_light[j].mIntensity;
+            }
+            if(imageNum - inValidNum < 3) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        //std::cout << "3\n";
+        if(inValidNum == 0) {
+            //std::cout << "4.0 inValidNum == 0\n";
+            mN.col(i) = LPseudoInvert * I.col(i); //std::cout << "4.1\n";
+            double nx = mN.col(i).at<double>(0, 0); //std::cout << "4.2\n";
+            double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0); //std::cout << "4.3\n";
+            double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0); //std::cout << "4.4\n";
+            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz); //std::cout << "4.5\n";
+        } else if(imageNum - inValidNum >= 3) {
+            //std::cout << "5.0 imageNum - inValidNum >= 3\n";
+            cv::Mat specificLPseudoInvert; //std::cout << "5.1\n";
+            cv::invert(specificL, specificLPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD); //std::cout << "5.2\n";
+            mN.col(i) = specificLPseudoInvert * I.col(i); //std::cout << "5.2\n";
+            double nx = mN.col(i).at<double>(0, 0); //std::cout << "5.3\n";
+            double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0); //std::cout << "5.4\n";
+            double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0); //std::cout << "5.5\n";
+            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz); //std::cout << "5.6\n";
+        } else {
+            //std::cout << "6.0 else\n";
+            mN.at<double>(0, i) = 0; //std::cout << "6.1\n";
+            mN.at<double>(1, i) = 0; //std::cout << "6.2\n";
+            mN.at<double>(2, i) = 0; //std::cout << "6.3\n";
+            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = 0; //std::cout << "6.4\n";
+            mInvalidIndex.push_back(i); //std::cout << "6.5\n";
+        }
+    }
+// calculate the norm and albedo for every pixel
+// here, threshold is for the dark discard
+void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
+    // calculate the pixel num
+    //std::vector<double> pixelThreshold;
+    for(int i = 0; i < mp2Mask[objectIndex].rows; i++) {
+        for(int j = 0; j < mp2Mask[objectIndex].cols; j++) {
+            if(mp2Mask[objectIndex].at<unsigned char>(i, j) >= 255) {
+                mObjectX.push_back(j);
+                mObjectY.push_back(i);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //std::cout << "Calculated the pixel coordinates within the mask\n";
+    std::vector<std::vector<double>> allPixelValue;
+    allPixelValue.reserve(imageNum);
+    int objectPixelNum = mObjectX.size();
+    for(int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
+        std::vector<double> pixelValue;
+        allPixelValue.push_back(pixelValue);
+        allPixelValue[i].reserve(objectPixelNum);
+        for(int j = 0; j < objectPixelNum; j++) {
+            allPixelValue[i].push_back(mp2Images[i].at<float>(mObjectY[j], mObjectX[j]));
+        }
+    }
+    //std::cout << "Store all pixel values in a vector\n";
+    // threshold for every image;
+    std::vector<double> allThreshold;
+    allThreshold.reserve(imageNum);
+    int thresholdIndex = mDiscardRatio * objectPixelNum;
+    for(int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
+        std::vector<double> tmpPixelValue = allPixelValue[i];
+        allThreshold.push_back(
+            quickSelect(tmpPixelValue, 0, objectPixelNum - 1, thresholdIndex));
+    }
+    //std::cout << "Threshold for every image\n";
+    mN.create(3, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
+    mAlbedo.create(1, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
+    cv::Mat I(imageNum, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
+    cv::Mat L(imageNum, 3, CV_64F);
     double *pL = (double *)L.data;
     for(int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
         *pL = m_light[i].mx;
@@ -542,10 +632,10 @@ void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
         pL += 3;
-    cv::Mat LPseudoInvert; std::cout << "2\n";
-    cv::invert(L, LPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD); std::cout << "2.1\n";
-    double *pI = (double *)I.data; std::cout << "2.2\n";
-    double *pN = (double *)mN.data; std::cout << "2.3\n";
+    cv::Mat LPseudoInvert;
+    cv::invert(L, LPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
+    double *pI = (double *)I.data;
+    double *pN = (double *)mN.data;
     for(int i = 0; i < objectPixelNum; i++) {
@@ -569,14 +659,12 @@ void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
-        std::cout << "3\n";
         if(inValidNum == 0) {
             mN.col(i) = LPseudoInvert * I.col(i);
             double nx = mN.col(i).at<double>(0, 0);
             double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0);
             double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0);
             mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
-            std::cout << "4\n";
         } else if(imageNum - inValidNum >= 3) {
             cv::Mat specificLPseudoInvert;
             cv::invert(specificL, specificLPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
@@ -585,14 +673,12 @@ void photometryStero::getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex) {
             double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0);
             double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0);
             mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
-            std::cout << "5\n";
         } else {
             mN.at<double>(0, i) = 0;
             mN.at<double>(1, i) = 0;
             mN.at<double>(2, i) = 0;
             mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = 0;
-            std::cout << "6\n";
@@ -749,7 +835,8 @@ cv::Mat photometryStero::getHeightMap(int mode, double parameter) {
     // I use the 3*3 window to get average normal
     cv::Mat NForHeight;
-    cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(mp2Images[0].rows, mp2Images[0].rows, CV_32F);
+    //cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(mp2Images[0].rows, mp2Images[0].rows, CV_32F);
+    cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(mp2Images[0].rows, mp2Images[0].cols, CV_32F);
     int nInvalid = mInvalidIndex.size();
     int iterateTime = 0;
     while (nInvalid > 0) {
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.h b/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.h
index e37a2faf1ba73b2e04fbbb7548441f15fa9b9505..65158231a54a99b053a26cc6255ec0973fc79bd7 100755
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.h
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/PhotometricStereo.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class photometryStero {
     void getLightInformation(const int metalIndex, const int lambIndex);
     void getLightInformation(const int metalIndex, cv::Rect boundingBox, std::vector<double> macbethIntensity);
     void getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex);
+    void getPixelNormAndAlbedo(const int objectIndex, cv::Mat lightDirections);
     cv::Mat outputNormalImage(int objectIndex);
     cv::Mat outputAlbedoImage(int objectIndex);
     cv::Mat outputNormalWithAlbedo(int objectIndex);
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc b/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
index 38be5f8e48d689282bf301fe093e99435d8bca81..2e9284fc80b1c60c3a1616bb44c859979718e6ba 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
 	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-08-31";
 	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName   + "/" + imageName   + ".";
-	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
+	//const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
+	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + "2017-12-04" + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
 	const std::string texturePath     = modelPath + "texture.png";
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 		//std::cout << "Brightness of white Macbeth square: " << brightness << std::endl;
 	// A vector of Mats allow multiple images to be allocated to the same object
 	// textureImages are the full colour photographs that are used to create the texture
 	// modelImages are the greyscale version of textureImages which are used to calculate the surface normals
@@ -78,12 +79,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	cv::Mat heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections;
 	cv::Rect calibrationBoundingBox;
 	int width, height;
 	// Load the textureImages, modelImages, calibrationImages and charucoImages, then determine the bounding box around the chrome sphere
 	loadImages(imageName, calibration, width, height, imageScale, textureImages, calibrationPath, calibrationImages, modelPath, modelImages, calibrationBoundingBox);
 	// The number of lights is equal to the number of calibration images
 	int numberOfLights = int(calibrationImages.size());
 	// The rotation matrix is created from the rotation and translation vectors, and describes the rotation of the ChArUco board
 	// The inverse of this transformation is applied to the light directions
 	// The perspective transform warps the model images to align them with the ChArUco board
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard;
 	charucoCalibration(width, height, charucoBoard, charucoBoardImage, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, imagesPath, folderPath);
 	//charucoAlignment(charucoImages, textureImages, numberOfLights, width, height, rotationMatrix, rotationVector, perspectiveTransform, lightDirections, lightDirectionsPerspective, rvecs, tvecs, charucoBoard, charucoBoardImage, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients);
@@ -105,167 +107,75 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	photometricStereo(imageName, calibration, modelPath, imageScale, heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections, lightDirectionsPerspective, textureImages, modelImages, calibrationImages, calibrationBoundingBox, width, height, rvecs, tvecs);
 	//phoSte::photometryStero B(21, 2, 22, "/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/", "mask_dir_1.png", "mask_dir_2.png", "mask_I.png", "applemask.png");
-	phoSte::photometryStero A(0, modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath, imageName, calibration, 0.1);
-    A.readImage(modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath);
-	cv::Mat calibrationMask = loadCalibrationMask(calibrationPath, height, width);
+	const std::string calibrationPath2 = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
+	phoSte::photometryStero A(numberOfLights, modelPath, calibrationPath2, macbethPath, imageName, calibration, 0);
+    A.readImage(modelPath, calibrationPath2, macbethPath);
+	cv::Mat calibrationMask = loadCalibrationMask(calibrationPath2, height, width);
 	calibrationBoundingBox = getBoundingBox(calibrationMask);
     A.getLightInformation(0, calibrationBoundingBox,  macbethIntensity);
 	std::cout << "Got light information\n";
 	std::cout << "Got Normal and Albedo\n";
-    cv::Mat result = A.outputNormalImage(3);
-    cv::imshow("apple normal image", result);
-    cv::imwrite(modelPath + "normal", result);
+    normalMap = A.outputNormalImage(1);
+    cv::imshow("Normal Map", normalMap);
+    texture = A.outputAlbedoImage(1);
+    cv::imshow("Albedo", texture);
+    cv::Mat normalAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(1);
+    cv::imshow("Normal with Albedo", normalAlbedo);
+    //heightMap = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
+    //cv::imshow("Height Map", heightMap);
+    //cv::imwrite(modelPath + "normal", result);
-	int numberOfLights = 6;
+	//normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_8UC1);
+	texture.convertTo(texture, CV_8UC1);
+	cv::cvtColor(texture, texture, CV_GRAY2BGR);
+	//texture.convertTo(texture, CV_GRAY2BGR);
+	//normalAlbedo.convertTo(normalAlbedo, CV_8UC3);
+	//int numberOfLights = 6;
+	/*
 	int imageNum = numberOfLights;
 	int objectPixelNum = width;
 	std::vector<phoSte::light> m_light;
 	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++) {
 		m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2)));
-	cv::Mat I(imageNum, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
-    cv::Mat L(imageNum, 3, CV_64F);
-    cv::Mat mN(3, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
-    cv::Mat mAlbedo(1, objectPixelNum, CV_64F);
-    double *pL = (double *)L.data;
-    for(int i = 0; i < imageNum; i++) {
-        *pL = m_light[i].mx;
-        *(pL + 1) = m_light[i].my;
-        *(pL + 2) = m_light[i].mz;
-        pL += 3;
-    }
-    cv::Mat LPseudoInvert;
-    cv::invert(L, LPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
-    double *pI = (double *)I.data;
-    double *pN = (double *)mN.data;
-    for(int i = 0; i < objectPixelNum; i++) {
-        int inValidNum = 0;
-        cv::Mat specificL;
-        for(int j = 0; j < imageNum; j++) {
-            //if(allPixelValue[j][i] < allThreshold[j]) {
-                inValidNum ++;
-                if(inValidNum == 1) {
-                    L.copyTo(specificL);
-                }
-                double *p2LRow = specificL.ptr<double>(j);
-                *(p2LRow) = 0;
-                *(p2LRow + 1) = 0;
-                *(p2LRow + 2) = 0;
-                *(pI + j * objectPixelNum + i) = 0;
-            } else {
-                *(pI + j * objectPixelNum + i) = allPixelValue[j][i] / m_light[j].mIntensity;
-            }
-            if(imageNum - inValidNum < 3) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if(inValidNum == 0) {
-            mN.col(i) = LPseudoInvert * I.col(i);
-            double nx = mN.col(i).at<double>(0, 0);
-            double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0);
-            double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0);
-            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
-        } else if(imageNum - inValidNum >= 3) {
-            cv::Mat specificLPseudoInvert;
-            cv::invert(specificL, specificLPseudoInvert, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
-            mN.col(i) = specificLPseudoInvert * I.col(i);
-            double nx = mN.col(i).at<double>(0, 0);
-            double ny = mN.col(i).at<double>(1, 0);
-            double nz = mN.col(i).at<double>(2, 0);
-            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
-        } else {
-            mN.at<double>(0, i) = 0;
-            mN.at<double>(1, i) = 0;
-            mN.at<double>(2, i) = 0;
-            mAlbedo.at<double>(0, i) = 0;
-            //mInvalidIndex.push_back(i);
-        }
-    }
-	//cv::Mat normal = A.outputNormalImage(3);
-	cv::Mat normal = cv::Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_32FC3);
-    //int nextInvalid = mInvalidIndex.empty() ? INT_MAX : mInvalidIndex[0];
-    int nextInvalidIndex = 0;
-    int invalidPixelNum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
-			double nx = mN.at<double>(0, i);
-			double ny = mN.at<double>(1, i);
-			double nz = mN.at<double>(2, i);
-			if (i == nextInvalid) {
-				invalidPixelNum++;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[0] = 0;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[1] = 0;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[2] = 0;
-				if (nextInvalidIndex + 1 == mInvalidIndex.size()) {
-					nextInvalid = INT_MAX;
-				} else {
-					nextInvalidIndex++;
-					nextInvalid = mInvalidIndex[nextInvalidIndex];
-				}
-			} else {
-				double rootsquareSum = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
-				float nxf = (1 + nx / rootsquareSum) / 2;
-				float nyf = (1 + ny / rootsquareSum) / 2;
-				float nzf = (1 + nz / rootsquareSum) / 2;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[0] = nxf;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[1] = nyf;
-				normal.at<cv::Vec3f>(j, i)[2] = nzf;
-			//}
-		}
-    }
-    cv::imshow("Surface Normals", normal);
-    //cv::imwrite("/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/normal.jpg", normal);
-    cv::waitKey(0);*/
-	cv::Mat albedo = A.outputAlbedoImage(3);
-	cv::imshow("Albedo", albedo);
-	cv::waitKey(0);
-	cv::Mat normalWithAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(3);
-    cv::imshow("Albedo with Surface Normals", normalWithAlbedo);
-    cv::waitKey(0);
-	cv::Mat heights = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
-    //std::string fileName = "appleDepth.png";
-    //cv::imwrite(path + fileName, heightMap);
-    cv::imshow("Height Map", heights);
-    cv::waitKey(0);
-	/*phoSte::photometryStero A(21, 2, 22, "/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/", "mask_dir_1.png", "mask_dir_2.png", "mask_I.png", "applemask.png");
-    A.readImage();
-    A.getLightInformation(1, 2);
-    A.getPixelNormAndAlbedo(3);
-    cv::Mat normal = A.outputNormalImage(3);
-    cv::imshow("Surface Normals", normal);
+	*/
+	/*
+	phoSte::photometryStero B(21, 2, 22, "/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/", "mask_dir_1.png", "mask_dir_2.png", "mask_I.png", "applemask.png");
+    std::cout << "1\n";
+	B.readImage();
+	std::cout << "2\n";
+    B.getLightInformation(1, 2);
+	std::cout << "3\n";
+    B.getPixelNormAndAlbedo(3);
+	std::cout << "4\n";
+    cv::Mat applenormal = B.outputNormalImage(3);
+    cv::imshow("Surface Normals", applenormal);
     //cv::imwrite("/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/normal.jpg", normal);
-    cv::waitKey(0);
+    //cv::waitKey(0);
-	cv::Mat albedo = A.outputAlbedoImage(3);
-	cv::imshow("Albedo", albedo);
-	cv::waitKey(0);
+	cv::Mat applealbedo = B.outputAlbedoImage(3);
+	cv::imshow("Albedo", applealbedo);
+	//cv::waitKey(0);
-	cv::Mat normalWithAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(3);
-    cv::imshow("Albedo with Surface Normals", normalWithAlbedo);
-    cv::waitKey(0);
+	cv::Mat applenormalWithAlbedo = B.outputNormalWithAlbedo(3);
+    cv::imshow("Albedo with Surface Normals", applenormalWithAlbedo);
+    //cv::waitKey(0);
-	cv::Mat heights = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
+	cv::Mat appleheights = B.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
     //std::string fileName = "appleDepth.png";
     //cv::imwrite(path + fileName, heightMap);
-    cv::imshow("Height Map", heights);
+    cv::imshow("Height Map", appleheights);
@@ -287,6 +197,16 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	bool calculateResidual = false, perspectiveProjection, shadowControl;
 	double totalResidual, residualValue, SpecularIntensity = 0.5, SpecularPower = 2.0;
 	cv::Mat residualImage;
+	/*lightDirections = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0.447712 << 0.138562 << 0.883377
+	cv::invert(L, lightDirectionsInverted, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
+	lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377));
+    lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636));
+    lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248));
+    lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412));
+    lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(-0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279));
+    lightInvDirs.push_back(phoSte::light(-0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376));*/
 	std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs;
 	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++)
diff --git a/bin/specular_estimation b/bin/specular_estimation
index 9a5925c7eb19cd512a79b34dbf193684672cd910..efa94b177119278adadeafefb949cb6cb69f1a91 100755
Binary files a/bin/specular_estimation and b/bin/specular_estimation differ