diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o
index 47e7eca82e58fe36401b7f12dca217258b2eec99..5aa84aec02d0a140cbc82afd9f627b127ef2690b 100644
Binary files a/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o and b/apps/specular_estimation/CMakeFiles/specular_estimation.dir/src/specular_estimation.cc.o differ
diff --git a/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc b/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
index 96a57b33ab3b6ddfecc0202bb24621e69cc72b0a..c9b187a1d90f3822ec4236696014aabda3835e8c 100644
--- a/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
+++ b/apps/specular_estimation/src/specular_estimation.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "specular_estimation.h"
-void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic);
+void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic, double RoughnessSynthetic, double MetallicSynthetic, bool synthetic, bool denseSample);
 void renderSynthetic(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic, double RoughnessSynthetic, double MetallicSynthetic);
 void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic);
 void denseSyntheticSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic);
@@ -133,21 +133,6 @@ void SpecularEstimation::DenseSample() {
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-	/*int windowWidth = 1092, windowHeight = 728;
-	cv::Mat black = cv::Mat(windowHeight, windowWidth, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar::all(0));
-	calibrateLights(windowWidth, windowHeight, black);*/
-	/*int windowWidth = 1092, windowHeight = 728;
-	cv::Mat image = cv::imread("/home/thomas/Documents/2018-09-05/uniformAlbedo/uniformAlbedo.albedo (another copy).png");
-	for (double i = 0; i < 3; i += 0.1) {
-		for (double j = -100; j < 100; j+=10) {
-			cv::Mat textureImage = contrastBrightness(image, i, j);
-			cv::imshow("image", textureImage);
-			std::cout << "Gain: " << i << ", Bias: " << j << std::endl;
-			cv::waitKey(0);
-		}
-	}*/
 	if (argc < 2) {
 		std::cerr << "Enter the name of the object followed by the calibration set to use.\n";
 		return -1;
@@ -159,71 +144,38 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 	// Create strings to store the model folder name and calibration folder name
 	// By default, the name of the chrome sphere calibration images folder is "chrome". This will be overwritten if a second argument is provided.
 	std::string imageName, calibration = "chrome";
-	// Using an image scale of 1 retains the full resolution
-	//int imageScale = 1;
-	// Show textue is set to false if cropping is used
-	//bool showTexture = true;
 	// Read the name of the model folder
 	if (argc >= 2) {
 		// Read the file name from the command line argument and convert it from a char array to a string
 		const char *argument1 = argv[1];
 		imageName = argument1;
-	} 
-	/*if (argc >= 3) { // The specified calibration path will be used, otherwise "chrome" is used	
-		const char *argument2 = argv[2];
-		calibration = argument2;
-	}*/
-	/*
-	// Read the name of the calibration folder
-	// Read the image scale
-	if (argc >= 4) { // An image scale is provided	
-		// Scale down the images for faster processing and rendering
-		const char *argument3 = argv[3];
-		std::stringstream stringValue;
-		stringValue << argument3;
-		stringValue >> imageScale;
-		if (imageScale > 1)
-			std::cout << "The images will be scaled to 1/" << imageScale << " of their original resolution in each axis." << std::endl;
-		else
-			imageScale = 1;
-	}
-	if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 4)) {
-		std::cerr << "Enter the name of the object followed by the calibration set to use.\n\nThe images can be scaled down by providing a number.\nFor instance, entering 2 will scale the x and y axes by 1/2." << std::endl;
-		return -1;
-	std::cout << std::endl;*/
-	//specularEstimation(imageName, calibration, imageScale, showTexture);
-	double Roughness = 0.5, Metallic = 0.5, Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
-	bool denseSample = false;
+	double Roughness = 0.5, Metallic = 0.5, RoughnessSynthetic = 0.5, MetallicSynthetic = 0.5, Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
+	bool synthetic = false, denseSample = false;
 	if (argc >= 4) {
 		const char *argument2 = argv[2], *argument3 = argv[3];
 		std::stringstream RoughnessValue, MetallicValue;
 		RoughnessValue << argument2;
-		MetallicValue     << argument3;
+		MetallicValue  << argument3;
 		RoughnessValue >> Roughness;
-		MetallicValue     >> Metallic;
+		MetallicValue  >> Metallic;
-		specularEstimation(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic);
+		specularEstimation(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic, synthetic, denseSample);
 		//denseSyntheticSample(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic);
 		//SpecularEstimation Solver(imageName, calibration, denseSample, Roughness, Metallic);
 	} else if (argc >= 6) {
-		double RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic;
 		const char *argument4 = argv[4], *argument5 = argv[5];
 		std::stringstream RoughnessSyntheticValue, MetallicSyntheticValue;
 		RoughnessSyntheticValue << argument4;
-		MetallicSyntheticValue     << argument5;
+		MetallicSyntheticValue  << argument5;
 		RoughnessSyntheticValue >> RoughnessSynthetic;
-		MetallicSyntheticValue     >> MetallicSynthetic;
+		MetallicSyntheticValue  >> MetallicSynthetic;
-		renderSynthetic(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic);
+		//renderSynthetic(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic);
+		specularEstimation(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic, synthetic, denseSample);
 		//SpecularEstimation Solver(imageName, calibration, denseSample, Roughness, Metallic, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicSynthetic);
 	} else {
 		//specularEstimation(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic);
@@ -231,30 +183,79 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 		//SpecularEstimation Solver(imageName, calibration, denseSample, Roughness, Metallic);
-	//denseSyntheticSample(imageName, calibration, Roughness, Metallic);
 	return 0;
-void renderSynthetic(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic, double RoughnessSynthetic, double MetallicSynthetic) {
+void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic, double RoughnessSynthetic = 0.5, double MetallicSynthetic = 0.5, bool synthetic = false, bool denseSample = false) {
-	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo texture
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/vboindexer.cpp";
+	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo
 	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
-	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-09-05";
-	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName + "/" + imageName + ".";
+	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-08-31";
+	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName   + "/" + imageName   + ".";
 	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	//const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + "2017-12-04" + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
 	const std::string albedoPath      = modelPath + "albedo.png";
 	const std::string normalPath      = modelPath + "normal.png";
 	double Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
-	//const std::string calibrationPath2 = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	int numberOfLights = 6, width = 1092, height = 728;
+	cv::Mat residualImage, albedo, normalMap, heightMap;
+	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;
+	if (!synthetic) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++) {
+			std::ostringstream stm;
+			stm << i;
+			std::string indexString = stm.str();
+			cv::Mat model = cv::imread(modelPath + indexString + ".png");
+			textureImages.push_back(model);
+		}
+		width  = textureImages[0].cols;
+		height = textureImages[0].rows;
+		// Load a premade dictionary of ArUco markers
+		int dictionaryId = 0;
+		cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(dictionaryId));
+		// Create a ChArUco board
+		int xSquares = 9;
+		int ySquares = 11;
+		float squareSideLength = 0.04f;
+		float markerSideLength = 0.02f;
+		cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard = cv::aruco::CharucoBoard::create(xSquares, ySquares, squareSideLength, markerSideLength, dictionary);
+		cv::Mat charucoBoardImage = drawCharuco(charucoBoard, height, ((height * xSquares) / ySquares), false, false);
+		cv::imwrite(imagesPath + "ChArUco board.png", charucoBoardImage);
+		phoSte::photometryStero A(numberOfLights, modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath, imageName, calibration, 0);
+		A.readImage(modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath);
+		//cv::Mat calibrationMask = loadCalibrationMask(calibrationPath, height, width);
+		//calibrationBoundingBox = getBoundingBox(calibrationMask);
+		A.getLightInformation(0);
+		std::cout << "Got light information\n";
+		A.getPixelNormAndAlbedo(1);
+		std::cout << "Got Normal and Albedo\n";
+		normalMap = A.outputNormalImage(1);
+		cv::imshow("Normal Map", normalMap);
+		albedo = A.outputAlbedoImage(1);
+		cv::imshow("Albedo", albedo);
+		cv::Mat normalAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(1);
+		cv::imshow("Normal with Albedo", normalAlbedo);
+		//cv::Mat heightMap = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
+		//cv::imshow("Height Map", heightMap);
+		//cv::imwrite(modelPath + "normal", result);
+		heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
+		//cv::waitKey(0);
+		//normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_8UC1);
+		//normalMap = convertImageToNormals(normalMap);
+		cv::cvtColor(albedo, albedo, CV_GRAY2BGR);
+		albedo.convertTo(albedo, CV_8UC3);
+	}
 	glm::vec3 position, lightInvDir;
 	glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, depthModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), depthMVP, ModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, ProjectionMatrix;
 	glm::mat4 biasMatrix(
@@ -270,215 +271,95 @@ void renderSynthetic(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roug
 	int lightNumber = 0;
 	bool calculateResidual = false, perspectiveProjection, shadowControl;
 	double totalResidual, residualValue;
-	cv::Mat residualImage, albedo = cv::imread(albedoPath), normalMap = cv::imread(normalPath), heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
-	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;
-	normalMap = convertImageToNormals(normalMap);
-	normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_32FC3);
+	if (synthetic) {
+		albedo = cv::imread(albedoPath), normalMap = cv::imread(normalPath), heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
+		normalMap = convertImageToNormals(normalMap);
+		normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_32FC3);
+	}
+	//cv::Mat lightDirectionsInverted;
 	cv::Mat lightDirections = (cv::Mat_<float>(6,3) << 0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377, 0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636, 0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248, 0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412, -0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279, -0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376);
+	//cv::invert(lightDirections, lightDirectionsInverted, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
 	std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs;
 	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++)
 		lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), -lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1)));
 	lightInvDir = glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(0, 0), -lightDirections.at<float>(0, 2), lightDirections.at<float>(0, 1));
-	//lightInvDir = glm::vec3(0, 0, 1);
 	initialiseOpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, albedo, lightDirections, width, height, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, programID, MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, depthProgramID, quad_programID, FramebufferName, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, numberOfLights, calculateResidual, depthMVP, depthModelMatrix, MVP, ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ModelMatrix, depthBiasMVP, biasMatrix);
-	RenderSynthetic(depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, lightDirections, textureImages, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicID, MetallicSynthetic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, modelPath);
-	//Roughness = 0.5, Metallic = 0.5;
-	double Gain = 0.5, Bias = 0.5;
+	if (synthetic)
+		RenderSynthetic(depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, lightDirections, textureImages, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicID, MetallicSynthetic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, modelPath);
-	specularMinimisation(Roughness, Metallic, Gain, Bias, imageName, residualValue, residual, totalResidual, residualImage, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, MetallicID, DistanceID, LightPowerID, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, ModelMatrix, MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, lightInvDirs, textureImages);
-	//viewModel(residual, totalResidual, residualImage, calculateResidual, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, lightDirections, textureImages, lightNumber, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, modelPath);
-	terminateOpenGL(vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, programID, depthProgramID, quad_programID, Texture, FramebufferName, depthTexture, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID);
-	return;
-void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic) {
-	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo texture
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/user/HS222/tw00275/PhD/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/";
-	//const std::string imagesPath	  = "/media/tw00275/ESD-USB/";
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/vboindexer.cpp";
-	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
-	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-08-31";
-	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName   + "/" + imageName   + ".";
-	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	//const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + "2017-12-04" + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
-	const std::string texturePath     = modelPath + "texture.png";
-	double Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
-	/*
-	std::vector<double> macbethIntensity;
+	double Gain = 0.5, Bias = 0.5;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-		std::vector<CvScalar> macbethValues;
+	if (denseSample) {
+		std::string outputFileName = imageName + ".txt";
+		std::ofstream outputFile(outputFileName, std::ios::app);
-		std::ostringstream stm;
-		stm << i;
-		std::string indexString = stm.str();
-		detectMacbeth(macbethPath + indexString + ".png", macbethValues);
-		double brightness = 0.2989 * macbethValues[18].val[2] + 0.5870 * macbethValues[18].val[1] + 0.1140 * macbethValues[18].val[0];
-		macbethIntensity.push_back(brightness);
-		//std::cout << "Brightness of white Macbeth square: " << brightness << std::endl;
-	}
-	// A vector of Mats allow multiple images to be allocated to the same object
-	// textureImages are the full colour photographs that are used to create the texture
-	// modelImages are the greyscale version of textureImages which are used to calculate the surface normals
-	// calibrationImages contain the reflections of the chrome sphere, and are used to determine the light directions
-	// charucoImages contain the ChArUco board, and are used to calibrate the camera
-	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages, modelImages, calibrationImages, charucoImages;
-	cv::Mat heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections;
-	cv::Rect calibrationBoundingBox;
-	int width, height;
-	// Load the textureImages, modelImages, calibrationImages and charucoImages, then determine the bounding box around the chrome sphere
-	loadImages(imageName, calibration, width, height, imageScale, textureImages, calibrationPath, calibrationImages, modelPath, modelImages, calibrationBoundingBox);
-	// The number of lights is equal to the number of calibration images
-	int numberOfLights = int(calibrationImages.size());
-	// The rotation matrix is created from the rotation and translation vectors, and describes the rotation of the ChArUco board
-	// The inverse of this transformation is applied to the light directions
-	// The perspective transform warps the model images to align them with the ChArUco board
-	std::vector<cv::Vec3d> rvecs, tvecs;
-	cv::Mat rotationMatrix, rotationVector, charucoBoardImage, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, perspectiveTransform, lightDirectionsPerspective = cv::Mat(numberOfLights, 3, CV_32F);
-	cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard;
-	charucoCalibration(width, height, charucoBoard, charucoBoardImage, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, imagesPath, folderPath);
-	//charucoAlignment(charucoImages, textureImages, numberOfLights, width, height, rotationMatrix, rotationVector, perspectiveTransform, lightDirections, lightDirectionsPerspective, rvecs, tvecs, charucoBoard, charucoBoardImage, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients);
-	//rotationMatrix = 
-	//rotationVector = 
-	//perspectiveTransform = 
-	//lightDirectionsPerspective = 
-	//std::vector<cv::Vec3d>& rvecs
-	//std::vector<cv::Vec3d>& tvecs
+		for (double roughness = 0; roughness <= 1; roughness+=0.01){
+			for (double metallic = 0; metallic <= 1; metallic+=0.01){
+				double residualValue = 0, sum = 0, gain = 1.0, bias = 0.0;
+				for(int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++) {
-	photometricStereo(imageName, calibration, modelPath, imageScale, heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections, lightDirectionsPerspective, textureImages, modelImages, calibrationImages, calibrationBoundingBox, width, height, rvecs, tvecs);
-	*/
+					// Render the polygons
+					renderPolygons(width, height, programID, lightInvDirs[i], MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MVP, ModelMatrix, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, RoughnessID, roughness, MetallicID, metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower);
+					cv::Mat model = readPixels(height, width);
+					cv::Mat photograph = textureImages[i];
-	//phoSte::photometryStero B(21, 2, 22, "/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/", "mask_dir_1.png", "mask_dir_2.png", "mask_I.png", "applemask.png");
-    //B.readImage();
+					model.convertTo(model, CV_64FC3, gain, bias);
+					photograph.convertTo(photograph, CV_64FC3);
-	//const std::string calibrationPath2 = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	int numberOfLights = 6;
-	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;
-	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++) {
-		std::ostringstream stm;
-		stm << i;
-		std::string indexString = stm.str();
+					sum = meanSquaredError(model, photograph);
+					// Swap buffers
+					glfwSwapBuffers(window);
+					glfwPollEvents();
+				}
+				residualValue = (sum/numberOfLights);
+				//std::cout << "Specular Intensity = " << roughness_ << ", Specular Power = " << metallic_ << ", Residual = " << (sum/numberOfLights_) << ", SSD = " << (sum/numberOfLights_)*(sum/numberOfLights_) << std::endl;
+				//if (outputFile.is_open()) {
+					outputFile << roughness << "\t" << metallic << "\t" << residualValue << std::endl;
+					//outputFile.close();
+				//}
+			}
+			std::cout << roughness*100 << "\%" << std::endl;
+		}
-		cv::Mat model = cv::imread(modelPath + indexString + ".png");
-		textureImages.push_back(model);
+		outputFile.close();
-	int width = textureImages[0].cols;
-	int height = textureImages[0].rows;
-    // Load a premade dictionary of ArUco markers
-	int dictionaryId = 0;
-	cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(dictionaryId));
-	// Create a ChArUco board
-	int xSquares = 9;
-	int ySquares = 11;
-	float squareSideLength = 0.04f;
-	float markerSideLength = 0.02f;
-	cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoBoard = cv::aruco::CharucoBoard::create(xSquares, ySquares, squareSideLength, markerSideLength, dictionary);
-	cv::Mat charucoBoardImage = drawCharuco(charucoBoard, height, ((height * xSquares) / ySquares), false, false);
-	cv::imwrite(imagesPath + "ChArUco board.png", charucoBoardImage);
-	phoSte::photometryStero A(numberOfLights, modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath, imageName, calibration, 0);
-    A.readImage(modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath);
-	//cv::Mat calibrationMask = loadCalibrationMask(calibrationPath, height, width);
-	//calibrationBoundingBox = getBoundingBox(calibrationMask);
-    A.getLightInformation(0);
-	std::cout << "Got light information\n";
-    A.getPixelNormAndAlbedo(1);
-	std::cout << "Got Normal and Albedo\n";
-    cv::Mat normalMap = A.outputNormalImage(1);
-    cv::imshow("Normal Map", normalMap);
-    cv::Mat texture = A.outputAlbedoImage(1);
-    cv::imshow("Albedo", texture);
-    cv::Mat normalAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(1);
-    cv::imshow("Normal with Albedo", normalAlbedo);
-    //cv::Mat heightMap = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
-    //cv::imshow("Height Map", heightMap);
-    //cv::imwrite(modelPath + "normal", result);
-	cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(texture.size(), CV_8U);
-    //cv::waitKey(0);
-	//normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_8UC1);
-	//normalMap = convertImageToNormals(normalMap);
+	if (!denseSample)
+		specularMinimisation(Roughness, Metallic, Gain, Bias, imageName, residualValue, residual, totalResidual, residualImage, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, MetallicID, DistanceID, LightPowerID, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, ModelMatrix, MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, lightInvDirs, textureImages);
+	//viewModel(residual, totalResidual, residualImage, calculateResidual, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, lightDirections, textureImages, lightNumber, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, modelPath);
-	cv::cvtColor(texture, texture, CV_GRAY2BGR);
-	texture.convertTo(texture, CV_8UC3);
-	//texture.convertTo(texture, CV_GRAY2BGR);
-	//normalAlbedo.convertTo(normalAlbedo, CV_8UC3);
-	//int numberOfLights = 6;
-	/*
-	int imageNum = numberOfLights;
-	int objectPixelNum = width;
-	std::vector<phoSte::light> m_light;
-	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++) {
-		m_light.push_back(phoSte::light(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2)));
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	phoSte::photometryStero B(21, 2, 22, "/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/", "mask_dir_1.png", "mask_dir_2.png", "mask_I.png", "applemask.png");
-    std::cout << "1\n";
-	B.readImage();
-	std::cout << "2\n";
-    B.getLightInformation(1, 2);
-	std::cout << "3\n";
-    B.getPixelNormAndAlbedo(3);
-	std::cout << "4\n";
-    cv::Mat applenormal = B.outputNormalImage(3);
-    cv::imshow("Surface Normals", applenormal);
-    //cv::imwrite("/home/thomas/Documents/Photometric-Stereo/Assignment_1/Apple/normal.jpg", normal);
-    //cv::waitKey(0);
+	terminateOpenGL(vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, programID, depthProgramID, quad_programID, Texture, FramebufferName, depthTexture, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID);
-	cv::Mat applealbedo = B.outputAlbedoImage(3);
-	cv::imshow("Albedo", applealbedo);
-	//cv::waitKey(0);
+	return;
-	cv::Mat applenormalWithAlbedo = B.outputNormalWithAlbedo(3);
-    cv::imshow("Albedo with Surface Normals", applenormalWithAlbedo);
-    //cv::waitKey(0);
+void renderSynthetic(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic, double RoughnessSynthetic, double MetallicSynthetic) {
-	cv::Mat appleheights = B.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
-    //std::string fileName = "appleDepth.png";
-    //cv::imwrite(path + fileName, heightMap);
-    cv::imshow("Height Map", appleheights);
-    cv::waitKey(0);
-	*/
+	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo
+	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
+	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-09-05";
+	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName + "/" + imageName + ".";
+	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
+	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
+	const std::string albedoPath      = modelPath + "albedo.png";
+	const std::string normalPath      = modelPath + "normal.png";
+	double Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
+	int numberOfLights = 6, width = 1092, height = 728;
 	glm::vec3 position, lightInvDir;
 	glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, depthModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), depthMVP, ModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, ProjectionMatrix;
@@ -495,27 +376,24 @@ void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double R
 	int lightNumber = 0;
 	bool calculateResidual = false, perspectiveProjection, shadowControl;
 	double totalResidual, residualValue;
-	cv::Mat residualImage;
-	//cv::Mat lightDirectionsInverted;
-	cv::Mat lightDirections = (cv::Mat_<float>(6,3) << 0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377, 0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636, 0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248, 0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412, -0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279, -0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376);
-	//cv::invert(lightDirections, lightDirectionsInverted, cv::DECOMP_SVD);
+	cv::Mat residualImage, albedo = cv::imread(albedoPath), normalMap = cv::imread(normalPath), heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
+	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;
-	/*
-	std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs;
-	lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377));
-    lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636));
-    lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248));
-    lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412));
-    lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(-0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279));
-    lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(-0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376));
-	*/
+	normalMap = convertImageToNormals(normalMap);
+	normalMap.convertTo(normalMap, CV_32FC3);
+	cv::Mat lightDirections = (cv::Mat_<float>(6,3) << 0.447712, 0.138562, 0.883377, 0.228758, -0.106536, 0.967636, 0.1, 0.0705882, 0.99248, 0.000653595, -0.0718954, 0.997412, -0.139216, -0.12549, 0.982279, -0.494771, 0.115033, 0.861376);
 	std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirs;
 	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++)
 		lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), -lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1)));
+	lightInvDir = glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(0, 0), -lightDirections.at<float>(0, 2), lightDirections.at<float>(0, 1));
+	//lightInvDir = glm::vec3(0, 0, 1);
+	initialiseOpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, albedo, lightDirections, width, height, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, programID, MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, depthProgramID, quad_programID, FramebufferName, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, numberOfLights, calculateResidual, depthMVP, depthModelMatrix, MVP, ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ModelMatrix, depthBiasMVP, biasMatrix);
-	initialiseOpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections, width, height, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, programID, MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, depthProgramID, quad_programID, FramebufferName, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, numberOfLights, calculateResidual, depthMVP, depthModelMatrix, MVP, ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ModelMatrix, depthBiasMVP, biasMatrix);
+	RenderSynthetic(depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, width, height, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, lightDirections, textureImages, numberOfLights, RoughnessID, RoughnessSynthetic, MetallicID, MetallicSynthetic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, programID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, MatrixID, modelPath);
 	double Gain = 0.5, Bias = 0.5;
@@ -525,42 +403,19 @@ void specularEstimation(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double R
 	terminateOpenGL(vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, programID, depthProgramID, quad_programID, Texture, FramebufferName, depthTexture, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID);
-	/*
-	// Initialise the values of specular intensity and power exponent
-	double Roughness = 0.5, Metallic = 0.5;
-	// Convert lightDirections from a cv::Mat to a vector of glm::vec3
-	std::vector<glm::vec3> lightInvDirVector;
-	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++)
-		lightInvDirVector.push_back(glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1), -lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2)));
-	// Create the OpenGL object
-	OpenGL Renderer = OpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, texture, textureImages, width, height, modelPath, sourcePath);
-	//Renderer.renderPolygons(Roughness, Metallic);
-	Renderer.computeResiduals(textureImages, numberOfLights, Roughness, Metallic, modelPath, lightDirections, lightInvDirVector);
-	*/
 void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic) {
-	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo texture
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/user/HS222/tw00275/PhD/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/";
-	//const std::string imagesPath	  = "/media/tw00275/ESD-USB/";
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/vboindexer.cpp";
+	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo
 	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
 	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-08-31";
 	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName   + "/" + imageName   + ".";
 	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	//const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + "2017-12-04" + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
-	const std::string texturePath     = modelPath + "texture.png";
 	double Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
-	//const std::string calibrationPath2 = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	int numberOfLights = 6;
 	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;
@@ -573,7 +428,7 @@ void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roug
-	int width = textureImages[0].cols;
+	int width  = textureImages[0].cols;
 	int height = textureImages[0].rows;
 	phoSte::photometryStero A(numberOfLights, modelPath, calibrationPath, macbethPath, imageName, calibration, 0);
@@ -587,20 +442,20 @@ void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roug
     cv::Mat normalMap = A.outputNormalImage(1);
     cv::imshow("Normal Map", normalMap);
-    cv::Mat texture = A.outputAlbedoImage(1);
-    cv::imshow("Albedo", texture);
+    cv::Mat albedo = A.outputAlbedoImage(1);
+    cv::imshow("Albedo", albedo);
     cv::Mat normalAlbedo = A.outputNormalWithAlbedo(1);
     cv::imshow("Normal with Albedo", normalAlbedo);
     //cv::Mat heightMap = A.getHeightMap(2, -0.1);
     //cv::imshow("Height Map", heightMap);
     //cv::imwrite(modelPath + "normal", result);
-	cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(texture.size(), CV_8U);
+	cv::Mat heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
-	cv::cvtColor(texture, texture, CV_GRAY2BGR);
-	texture.convertTo(texture, CV_8UC3);
+	cv::cvtColor(albedo, albedo, CV_GRAY2BGR);
+	albedo.convertTo(albedo, CV_8UC3);
 	glm::vec3 position, lightInvDir;
@@ -628,7 +483,7 @@ void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roug
 	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; i++)
 		lightInvDirs.push_back(glm::vec3(lightDirections.at<float>(i, 0), -lightDirections.at<float>(i, 2), lightDirections.at<float>(i, 1)));
-	initialiseOpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, texture, lightDirections, width, height, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, programID, MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, depthProgramID, quad_programID, FramebufferName, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, numberOfLights, calculateResidual, depthMVP, depthModelMatrix, MVP, ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ModelMatrix, depthBiasMVP, biasMatrix);
+	initialiseOpenGL(heightMap, normalMap, albedo, lightDirections, width, height, depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, position, horizontalAngle, verticalAngle, FoV, lightInvDir, programID, MatrixID, ModelMatrixID, ViewMatrixID, DepthBiasID, lightInvDirID, Texture, TextureID, depthTexture, ShadowMapID, vertexbuffer, uvbuffer, normalbuffer, elementbuffer, indices, depthProgramID, quad_programID, FramebufferName, quad_vertexbuffer, VertexArrayID, RoughnessID, Roughness, MetallicID, Metallic, DistanceID, Distance, LightPowerID, LightPower, numberOfLights, calculateResidual, depthMVP, depthModelMatrix, MVP, ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ModelMatrix, depthBiasMVP, biasMatrix);
 	std::string outputFileName = imageName + ".txt";
 	std::ofstream outputFile(outputFileName, std::ios::app);
@@ -682,27 +537,18 @@ void denseRealSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roug
 void denseSyntheticSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double Roughness, double Metallic) {
-	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo texture
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/user/HS222/tw00275/PhD/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/";
-	//const std::string imagesPath	  = "/media/tw00275/ESD-USB/";
-	//const std::string sourcePath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/Minimisation/apps/specular_estimation/src/vboindexer.cpp";
+	// Define the paths for the model images, calibration images and the albedo
 	const std::string imagesPath	  = "/home/thomas/Documents/";
 	const std::string folderPath	  = "2018-09-05";
 	const std::string modelPath       = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + imageName   + "/" + imageName   + ".";
 	const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
-	//const std::string calibrationPath = imagesPath + "2017-12-04" + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	const std::string macbethPath	  = imagesPath + folderPath + "/macbeth/macbeth.";
-	const std::string texturePath     = modelPath + "texture.png";
 	const std::string albedoPath      = modelPath + "albedo.png";
 	const std::string normalPath      = modelPath + "normal.png";
 	double Distance = 0.5, LightPower = 0.5;
-	//const std::string calibrationPath2 = imagesPath + folderPath + "/" + calibration + "/" + calibration + ".";
 	int numberOfLights = 6, width = 1092, height = 728;
 	glm::vec3 position, lightInvDir;
 	glm::mat4 depthProjectionMatrix, depthViewMatrix, depthModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), depthMVP, ModelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0), MVP, ViewMatrix, depthBiasMVP, ProjectionMatrix;
 	glm::mat4 biasMatrix(
@@ -717,7 +563,7 @@ void denseSyntheticSample(std::string imageName, std::string calibration, double
 	cv::Vec3d residual;
 	int lightNumber = 0;
 	bool calculateResidual = false, perspectiveProjection, shadowControl;
-	double totalResidual, residualValue, gain = 1.0, bias = 0;
+	double totalResidual, residualValue;
 	cv::Mat residualImage, albedo = cv::imread(albedoPath), normalMap = cv::imread(normalPath), heightMap = cv::Mat::zeros(albedo.size(), CV_8U);
 	std::vector<cv::Mat> textureImages;;
diff --git a/bin/specular_estimation b/bin/specular_estimation
index b584f0ab983b7a153c41281c60643bc9208bf664..2132f32a2b798769fb7bfe1b178d9c8b59b778c7 100755
Binary files a/bin/specular_estimation and b/bin/specular_estimation differ
diff --git a/plastic6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5.txt b/plastic6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5.txt
index 710aacc6c29a66c69d0e44a422d993dd1a70ddd6..3d4e26e65d16e061b06fe84f7458008b6a62a4db 100644
--- a/plastic6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5.txt	
+++ b/plastic6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5.txt	
@@ -69,3 +69,374 @@ Roughness	Metallic	Light Distance	Light Intensity	Resiudal
 0.779893	0	1	0	3057.55
 0.779892	0	1	0	3057.56
 0.779892	1.49012e-08	1	0	3057.56
+0.779892	-1.49012e-08	1	0	3057.56
+0.779892	0	1	0	3057.56
+0.779892	0	1	0	3057.55
+0.779892	0	1	0	3057.55
+0.779892	0	1	0	3057.56
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+0.999999	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	1838.66
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+0.999999	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	1838.66
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+1	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	0	1	0	1838.65
+1	0	1	0	1838.66
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874052	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.87405	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	1.49012e-08	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874052	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.87405	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	1.49012e-08	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+0.874051	0	1	0	1138.07
+1	0	1	0	5919.69
+1	0	1	0	5919.68
+0.999999	0	1	0	5919.69
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	5919.69
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	5919.69
+1	0	1	0	5919.68
+1	0	1	0	5919.69
+1	0	1	0	5919.69
+1	0	1	0	5919.69
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879179	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	1.49012e-08	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879179	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	1.49012e-08	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+0.879178	0	1	0	1120.24
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	6912.32
+1	0	1	0	6912.32
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879419	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879417	0	1	0	1119.67
+0.879418	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879419	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879417	0	1	0	1119.67
+0.879418	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+0.879418	0	1	0	1119.66
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879598	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879598	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879598	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879597	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+0.879596	0	1	0	1119.34
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.999999	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+1	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879589	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879587	0	1	0	1119.36
+0.879588	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.879588	0	1	0	1119.35
+0.944198	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944199	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944197	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	-1.49012e-08	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.944198	0	1	0	32398.9
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879484	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879482	0	1	0	1119.55
+0.879483	1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.879483	0	1	0	1119.54
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880989	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.88099	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880989	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.88099	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.882477	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882478	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882476	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	1.49012e-08	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.882477	0	1	0	1186.98
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.881059	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	1.49012e-08	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.88106	0	1	0	1117.11
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880997	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880998	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880998	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881736	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	1.49012e-08	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881737	0	1	0	1134.18
+0.881047	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881048	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881046	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	1.49012e-08	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881047	0	1	0	1117.04
+0.881017	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881018	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881016	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.881017	0	1	0	1116.93
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880994	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.881177	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881178	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881176	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	1.49012e-08	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881177	0	1	0	1118.14
+0.881007	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881008	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881006	0	1	0	1116.92
+0.881007	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.91
+0.881007	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.91
+0.881007	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881007	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881007	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881007	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.881	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880998	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880999	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.91
+0.880999	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.91
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880999	0	1	0	1116.91
+0.880995	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880996	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880994	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880995	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880993	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.880992	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880991	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.880989	0	1	0	1116.9
+0.88099	1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	-1.49012e-08	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89
+0.88099	0	1	0	1116.89