#include <Python.h> #include "binary_c_python.h" /* * binary_c/PYTHON API interface functions * * Remember: variables must be passed by references * (i.e. as pointers). * * See apitest.py for an example of how to use these functions. * * See also * http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/languages/mixinglanguages.html * https://realpython.com/build-python-c-extension-module/ * https://docs.python.org/3/extending/extending.html * https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/arg.html#c.PyArg_ParseTuple * https://realpython.com/python-bindings-overview/ * http://scipy-lectures.org/advanced/interfacing_with_c/interfacing_with_c.html */ /* list of variables used in the Py<>C interface */ /************************************************************/ /* * function prototypes : these are the functions * called by PYTHON code, without the trailing underscore. */ /************************************************************/ /* Preparing all the functions of the module */ // Docstrings static char module_docstring[] MAYBE_UNUSED = "This module is a python wrapper around binary_c"; #ifdef __DEPRECATED static char create_binary_docstring[] = "Allocate memory for a binary"; #endif static char function_prototype_docstring[] = "The prototype for a binary_c python function"; static char new_binary_system_docstring[] = "Return an object containing a binary, ready for evolution"; // Evolution function docstrings static char run_system_docstring[] = "Function to run a system. This is a general function that will be able to handle different kinds of situations: single system run with different settings, population run with different settings, etc. To avoid having too many functions doing slightly different things. \n\nArguments:\n\targstring: argument string for binary_c\n\t(opt) custom_logging_func_memaddr: memory address value for custom logging function. Default = -1 (None)\n\t(opt) store_memaddr: memory adress of the store. Default = -1 (None)\n\t(opt) write_logfile: Boolean (in int form) for whether to enable the writing of the log function. Default = 0\n\t(opt) population: Boolean (in int form) for whether this system is part of a population run. Default = 0."; // Utility function docstrings static char return_arglines_docstring[] = "Return the default args for a binary_c system"; static char return_help_info_docstring[] = "Return the help info for a given parameter"; static char return_help_all_info_docstring[] = "Return an overview of all the parameters, their description, categorized in sections"; static char return_version_info_docstring[] = "Return the version information of the used binary_c build"; // other functionality static char return_store_docstring[] = "Return the store memory adress that will be passed to run_population"; static struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL; /* Initialize pyobjects */ // #ifdef __DEPRECATED static PyObject* binary_c_create_binary(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); #endif static PyObject* binary_c_function_prototype(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); static PyObject* binary_c_new_binary_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); // Evolution function headers static PyObject* binary_c_run_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs); // Utility function headers static PyObject* binary_c_return_arglines(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); static PyObject* binary_c_return_help_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); static PyObject* binary_c_return_help_all_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); static PyObject* binary_c_return_version_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); // Other function headers static PyObject* binary_c_return_store(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); /* Set the module functions */ static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = { #ifdef __DEPRECATED {"create_binary", binary_c_create_binary, METH_VARARGS, create_binary_docstring }, #endif {"function_prototype", binary_c_function_prototype, METH_VARARGS, function_prototype_docstring}, {"new_system", binary_c_new_binary_system, METH_VARARGS, new_binary_system_docstring}, {"run_system", (PyCFunction)binary_c_run_system, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, run_system_docstring}, // Wierdly, this casting to a PyCFunction, which usually takes only 2 args, now works when giving keywords. See https://stackoverflow.com/q/10264080 {"return_arglines", binary_c_return_arglines, METH_VARARGS, return_arglines_docstring}, {"return_help", binary_c_return_help_info, METH_VARARGS, return_help_info_docstring}, {"return_help_all", binary_c_return_help_all_info, METH_VARARGS, return_help_all_info_docstring}, {"return_version_info", binary_c_return_version_info, METH_VARARGS, return_version_info_docstring}, {"return_store", binary_c_return_store, METH_VARARGS, return_store_docstring}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; /* ============================================================================== */ /* Making the module */ /* ============================================================================== */ /* Initialise the module. Removed the part which supports python 2 here on 17-03-2020 */ /* Python 3+ */ static struct PyModuleDef Py_binary_c_python_api = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "binary_c_python_api", /* name of module */ "binary_c_python_api docs", /* module documentation, may be NULL */ -1, /* size of per-interpreter state of the module, or -1 if the module keeps state in global variables. */ module_methods }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_binary_c_python_api(void) { return PyModule_Create(&Py_binary_c_python_api); } /* ============================================================================== */ /* Some function that we started out with. Unused now. */ /* ============================================================================== */ #ifdef __DEPRECATED static PyObject* binary_c_create_binary(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { double var1, var2; char * empty_str = ""; int i; const int N = 1; /* Parse the input tuple */ if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd", &var1, &var2)) return NULL; /* Binary structures */ struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata[N]; struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL; /* Allocate memory for binaries */ for(i=0;i<N;i++){ stardata[i] = NULL; binary_c_new_system(&stardata[i], NULL, NULL, &store, NULL, &empty_str, -1); } /* Return the evolved binary */ PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue(""); return ret; } #endif //__DEPRECATED static PyObject* binary_c_new_binary_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { /* Binary structures */ struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata; /* Allocate memory for binaries */ char * empty_str = ""; stardata = NULL; binary_c_new_system(&stardata, NULL, NULL, &store, NULL, &empty_str, -1); /* Return an object containing the stardata */ PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue(""); return ret; } static PyObject* binary_c_function_prototype(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { // This function is an very bare example of how a function would look like. double var1, var2; /* Parse the input tuple */ if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd", &var1, &var2)) { return NULL; } else { /* Return the evolved binary */ PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue(""); return ret; } } /* Below are the real functions: binary_c_run_population binary_c_run_system binary_c_return_arglines binary_c_return_help_info binary_c_return_help_all_info binary_c_return_version_info */ /* ============================================================================== */ /* Wrappers to functions that evolve binary systems. */ /* ============================================================================== */ static PyObject* binary_c_run_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { static char* keywords[] = {"argstring", "custom_logging_func_memaddr", "store_memaddr", "write_logfile", "population", NULL}; /* set vars and default values for some*/ char *argstring; long int custom_logging_func_memaddr = -1; long int store_memaddr = -1; int write_logfile = 0; int population = 0; /* Parse the input tuple */ if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "s|llii", keywords, &argstring, &custom_logging_func_memaddr, &store_memaddr, &write_logfile, &population)) { return NULL; } /* Call c-function */ char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; int out MAYBE_UNUSED = run_system(argstring, // the argstring custom_logging_func_memaddr, // memory adress for the function for custom logging store_memaddr, // memory adress for the store object write_logfile, // boolean for whether to write the logfile population, // boolean for whether this is part of a population. &buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); /* Display error */ if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run (via binary_c_run_system): %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); // TODO: fix that the return_error_string is returned. return return_string; } /* ============================================================================== */ /* Wrappers to functions that call other API functionality like help and arglines */ /* ============================================================================== */ static PyObject* binary_c_return_arglines(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; int out MAYBE_UNUSED = return_arglines(&buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run : %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); return return_string; } static PyObject* binary_c_return_help_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { /* Parse the input tuple */ char *argstring; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &argstring)) { return NULL; } else { char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; int out MAYBE_UNUSED = return_help_info(argstring, &buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run : %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); return return_string; } } static PyObject* binary_c_return_help_all_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; int out MAYBE_UNUSED = return_help_all_info(&buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run : %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); return return_string; } static PyObject* binary_c_return_version_info(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; int out MAYBE_UNUSED = return_version_info(&buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run : %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); return return_string; } /* ============================================================================== */ /* Wrappers to functions that call other functionality */ /* ============================================================================== */ static PyObject* binary_c_return_store(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { /* Parse the input tuple */ char *argstring; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &argstring)) { return NULL; } char * buffer; char * error_buffer; size_t nbytes; long int out MAYBE_UNUSED = return_store(argstring, &buffer, &error_buffer, &nbytes); /* copy the buffer to a python string */ PyObject * return_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", buffer); PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer); PyObject * return_store_memaddr = Py_BuildValue("l", out); if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in binary_c run : %s\n", error_buffer); } Safe_free(buffer); Safe_free(error_buffer); return return_store_memaddr; }