# Makefile for Rapid Binary Star Evolution program # you will need to set the BINARY_C variable to point # to the root binary_c directory ifeq ($(BINARY_C),) $(error BINARY_C is not set) endif # TODO: Create the directories if they dont exist. # Name of program PROGRAM := binary_c_python_api # Some directories SRC_DIR := src INC_DIR := include OBJ_DIR := obj TARGET_LIB_DIR := lib # some commands CC := gcc LD := gcc MAKE := /usr/bin/make # Libraries LIBS := -lbinary_c $(shell $(BINARY_C)/binary_c-config --libs) # Source files and cflags C_SRC := $(SRC_DIR)/binary_c_python_api.c CFLAGS := -fPIC $(shell $(BINARY_C)/binary_c-config --flags | sed s/-fvisibility=hidden// ) # Incdirs INCDIRS := -I$(BINARY_C)/src/ -I$(BINARY_C)/src/API -I$(INC_DIR)/ # Object files and flags OBJECTS := $(C_SRC:$(SRC_DIR)/%.c=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o) OBJ_FLAGS := -c # Shared lib files and flags SO_NAME := $(TARGET_LIB_DIR)/libbinary_c_api.so SO_FLAGS := -shared # To create python shared library PY_EXEC := python3 PY_SETUP := setup.py #PY_OPTIONS := build_ext --build-lib $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) PY_OPTIONS := build_ext --inplace # maybe pass argument from here to the setup.py? all: $(CC) -DBINARY_C=$(BINARY_C) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(C_SRC) -o $(OBJECTS) $(OBJ_FLAGS) $(LIBS) $(CC) -DBINARY_C=$(BINARY_C) $(SO_FLAGS) -o $(SO_NAME) $(OBJECTS) $(PY_EXEC) $(PY_SETUP) $(PY_OPTIONS) test: @echo OBJECTS: $(OBJECTS) @echo LIBS: $(LIBS) @echo C_SRC: $(C_SRC) @echo CFLAGS: $(CFLAGS) @echo INCDIRS: $(INCDIRS) clean: $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o $(TARGET_LIB_DIR)/*.so $(RM) *.o $(RM) *.so $(RM) -r build/