From fdaf033ef12887b48a1ae4a003e2cacaf9b909a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hendriks <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 15:29:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed ensemble issues

 .../tests/c_bindings/         | 170 +++++-------------
 binarycpython/utils/              |  18 +-
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binarycpython/tests/c_bindings/ b/binarycpython/tests/c_bindings/
index e57b321a1..cf05dd1a8 100644
--- a/binarycpython/tests/c_bindings/
+++ b/binarycpython/tests/c_bindings/
@@ -140,93 +140,6 @@ def pickle_n_checksize(obj):
     print("size: {}mb".format(file_stats.st_size / (1024 * 1024)))
-def test_full_ensemble_output_new():
-    """
-    Function to just output the whole ensemble
-    """
-    argstring_1 = return_argstring(defer_ensemble=0, ensemble_filters_off=0)
-    print(argstring_1)
-    quit()
-    output_1 = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1)
-    # print(output_1)
-    ensemble_jsons_1 = [
-        line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
-    ]
-    print("start")
-    start = time.time()
-    json_1 = eval(ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :])
-    # json_1 = eval(
-    #     [line for line in _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1).splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")][0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
-    # )
-    stop = time.time()
-    print("stop")
-    pickle_n_checksize(json_1)
-    print("took {}s to decode".format(stop - start))
-    # print("Size of the json in memory: {}".format(sys.getsizeof(json_1)))
-    print(json_1.keys())
-    # assert statements:
-    assert "number_counts" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "HRD" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "HRD(t)" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "Xyield" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "distributions" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "scalars" in json_1.keys()
-def test_full_ensemble_output():
-    """
-    Function to just output the whole ensemble
-    """
-    argstring_1 = return_argstring(defer_ensemble=0, ensemble_filters_off=1)
-    # print(argstring_1)
-    # quit()
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_MERGED 1 "
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_ORBIT 1 "
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_SCALARS 1 "
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_CHEMICALLY_PECULIAR 1 "
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_SPECTRAL_TYPES 1 "
-    argstring_1 += " ensemble_filter_HRD 1 "
-    output_1 = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1)
-    pickle_n_checksize(output_1)
-    ensemble_jsons_1 = [
-        line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
-    ]
-    pickle_n_checksize(ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :])
-    print("start")
-    start = time.time()
-    json_1 = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
-        ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
-    )
-    stop = time.time()
-    print("stop")
-    pickle_n_checksize(json_1)
-    print("took {}s to decode".format(stop - start))
-    # print("Size of the json in memory: {}".format(sys.getsizeof(json_1)))
-    # print(json_1)
-    # assert statements:
-    assert "number_counts" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "HRD" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "HRD(t)" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "Xyield" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "distributions" in json_1.keys()
-    assert "scalars" in json_1.keys()
 def test_adding_ensemble_output():
     Function that adds the output of 2 ensembles and compares it to the output that we get by deferring the first output
@@ -377,27 +290,6 @@ def test_adding_ensemble_output():
     ), assert_message_1
     # assert inspect_dict(test_1_merged_dict, print_structure=False) == inspect_dict(test_3_json, print_structure=False), assert_message_2
-def test_combine_with_empty_json():
-    """
-    Test for merging with an empty dict
-    """
-    argstring_1 = return_argstring(defer_ensemble=0)
-    output_1 = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1)
-    ensemble_jsons_1 = [
-        line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
-    ]
-    json_1 = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
-        ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
-    )
-    assert_message = (
-        "combining output json with empty dict should give same result as initial json"
-    )
-    assert merge_dicts(json_1, {}) == json_1, assert_message
 def test_free_and_json_output():
     Function that tests the freeing of the memory adress and the output of the json
@@ -415,37 +307,69 @@ def test_free_and_json_output():
     persistent_data_memaddr = _binary_c_bindings.return_persistent_data_memaddr()
     # Evolve and defer output
-    print("evolving")
     output_1_deferred = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(
         argstring=argstring_1, persistent_data_memaddr=persistent_data_memaddr
-    print("Evolved")
-    print("Output:")
-    print(textwrap.indent(str(output_1_deferred), "\t"))
     # Free memory adress
-    print("freeing")
     json_output_by_freeing = _binary_c_bindings.free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output(
-    print("Freed")
-    print("Output:")
-    print(textwrap.indent(str(json_output_by_freeing), "\t"))
+    # print(textwrap.indent(str(json_output_by_freeing), "\t"))
     parsed_json = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
         json_output_by_freeing.splitlines()[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :],
-    print(parsed_json)
-    # ensemble_jsons_1 = [line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")]
-    # json_1 = json.loads(ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON "):], cls=binarycDecoder)
+    assert "number_counts" in parsed_json.keys(), "Output not correct"
+def test_combine_with_empty_json():
+    """
+    Test for merging with an empty dict
+    """
+    argstring_1 = return_argstring(defer_ensemble=0)
+    output_1 = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1)
+    ensemble_jsons_1 = [
+        line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
+    ]
+    json_1 = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
+        ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
+    )
+    assert_message = (
+        "combining output json with empty dict should give same result as initial json"
+    )
+    assert merge_dicts(json_1, {}) == json_1, assert_message
+def test_full_ensemble_output():
+    """
+    Function to just output the whole ensemble
+    """
+    argstring_1 = return_argstring(defer_ensemble=0, ensemble_filters_off=0)
+    # print(argstring_1)
+    output_1 = _binary_c_bindings.run_system(argstring=argstring_1)
+    ensemble_jsons_1 = [
+        line for line in output_1.splitlines() if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
+    ]
+    json_1 = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(ensemble_jsons_1[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :])
+    # assert statements:
+    assert "number_counts" in json_1.keys()
+    assert "HRD" in json_1.keys()
+    assert "HRD(t)" in json_1.keys()
+    # assert "Xyield" in json_1.keys()
+    assert "distributions" in json_1.keys()
+    assert "scalars" in json_1.keys()
 def all():
-    # test_return_persistent_data_memaddr()
-    # test_passing_persistent_data_to_run_system()
-    test_full_ensemble_output_new()
-    # test_full_ensemble_output()
+    test_return_persistent_data_memaddr()
+    test_passing_persistent_data_to_run_system()
+    test_full_ensemble_output()
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 4effffa2f..fa79c8ef0 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -972,19 +972,11 @@ def binaryc_json_serializer(obj):
 def handle_ensemble_string_to_json(raw_output):
-    Function that deals with the raw output of the ensemble and 
-    creates a working JSON dictionary out of it. 
+    Function that deals with the raw output of the ensemble and
+    creates a working JSON dictionary out of it.
-    It seems that JSON does not like strings that contain dictionaries which have a number as a key, but more specifically it is the fact that binary-c outputs as 5e2 instead of 
-    e.g. with python 3.6.4: json.loads("{5e2: 10}") leads to a JSONDecodeError. To fix this, I do the following:
-    with ensemble_output being the literal string of output, and json_output the correct jsonified version of that.
-    eval_dict = ast.literal_eval(ensemble_output)
-    json_output =    json.loads(json.dumps(eval_dict), cls=binarycDecoder)
-    Note: this does pose somewhat of a risk, since eval'ing something might lead to unexpected behaviour.
+    Having this wrapper makes it easy to
-    return json.loads(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(raw_output)), cls=binarycDecoder)
+    # return json.loads(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(raw_output)), cls=binarycDecoder)
+    return json.loads(raw_output, cls=binarycDecoder)