diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/functions.py b/binarycpython/utils/functions.py
index 9ae916850edec972b58c977bcb4c4fd2fd1f1a72..e03c46e933fccc5e4f3cec8f8989b309475b0d09 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/functions.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/functions.py
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ Tasks:
     - TODO: change all prints to verbose_prints
+import datetime as dt
 import json
 import os
 import gc
 import tempfile
 import copy
+import humanize
 import inspect
+import re
 import sys
 import subprocess
 import time
@@ -66,6 +69,18 @@ def check_if_in_shell():
     return in_shell
+def timedelta(delta):
+    """
+    Function to convert a length of time (float, seconds) to a string for
+    human-readable output.
+    """
+    # currently use the humanize module to do this
+    t = humanize.time.precisedelta(dt.timedelta(seconds=delta),format='%0.2f',minimum_unit='milliseconds',suppress=['milliseconds'])
+    # and use more compact units
+    t = t.replace(" hours","h")
+    t = t.replace(" seconds","s")
+    return t
 def ANSI_colours():
     # ANSI colours dictionary
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
index 49324572cebfbe34c1901c9f06890a1d7c6d1b04..8b10d6c9f3bea8ade56b38f49eed2c0fcb649cb8 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
@@ -20,26 +20,30 @@ Tasks:
     - TODO: think of a nice way to remove the loaded grid_code/ generator from memory.
-import os
-import gc
-import sys
+import argparse
+import bz2
 import copy
-import json
-import time
-import uuid
-import logging
 import datetime
-import argparse
+import json
+import gc
+import gzip
 import importlib.util
+import logging
 import multiprocessing
+import os
+import py_rinterpolate
+import re
 import resource
+import setproctitle
+import strip_ansi
+import sys
+import time
+import uuid
 from typing import Union, Any
 from collections import (
-import setproctitle
-import py_rinterpolate
 from colorama import init as colorama_init
@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ from binarycpython.utils.functions import (
+    timedelta
 # from binarycpython.utils.hpc_functions import (
@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ class Population:
         ) as f:
             f.write(json.dumps(self.grid_options["m&s_options"], indent=4))
+            f.close()
         # Argline dict
         self.argline_dict = {}
@@ -799,21 +805,34 @@ class Population:
         strlen = 0
         strings = []
+        lengths = []
+        # make a list of strings
         if separator:
             for l in list:
                 strings += l.split(sep=separator)
             strings = list
+        # get lengths without ANSI codes
         for string in strings:
-            strlen = max(len(string),strlen)
+            lengths.append(len(strip_ansi.strip_ansi(string)))
+        # hence the max length
+        strlen = max(lengths)
         strlen += strlen % 2
         header = boxchar * (4 + strlen)
+        # start output
         out = self.ANSI_colours[colour] + header + "\n"
-        for string in strings:
-            if len(string)%2 == 1:
+        # loop over strings to output, padding as required
+        for n,string in enumerate(strings):
+            if lengths[n]%2 == 1:
                 string = ' ' + string
-            pad = ' ' * int((strlen - len(string))/2)
+            pad = ' ' * int((strlen - lengths[n])/2)
             out = out + boxchar + ' ' + pad + string + pad + ' ' + boxchar +"\n"
+        # close output and return
         out = out + header + "\n" + self.ANSI_colours["reset"]
         return out
@@ -1060,9 +1079,12 @@ class Population:
         dtsecs = self.grid_options["_end_time_evolution"] - self.grid_options["_start_time_evolution"]
         string1 = "Population-{} finished!\nThe total probability is {:g}.".format(self.grid_options["_population_id"],
-        string2 = "It took a total of {}s to run {} systems on {} cores".format(dtsecs,
-                                                                                self.grid_options["_total_starcount"],
-                                                                                self.grid_options["num_cores"])
+        string2 = "It took a total of {} to run {} systems on {} cores\n = {} of CPU time".format(
+            timedelta(dtsecs),
+            self.grid_options["_total_starcount"],
+            self.grid_options["num_cores"],
+            timedelta(dtsecs * self.grid_options["num_cores"])
+        )
@@ -1382,6 +1404,7 @@ class Population:
         ) as f:
+            f.close()
         # lets try out making stores for all the grids:
         self.grid_options["_store_memaddr"] = _binary_c_bindings.return_store_memaddr()
@@ -1453,6 +1476,7 @@ class Population:
                 ) as f:
+                    f.close()
             # Combine that with the other settings
             full_system_dict = self.bse_options.copy()
@@ -1566,6 +1590,7 @@ class Population:
                 ) as f:
                     binary_cmdline_string = self._return_argline(full_system_dict)
+                    f.close()
             # Running the system
@@ -1612,6 +1637,7 @@ class Population:
+                    f.close()
             # Tallying system information
@@ -1643,6 +1669,7 @@ class Population:
         ) as f:
+            f.close()
         if self.grid_options["verbosity"] >= _LOGGER_VERBOSITY_LEVEL:
             stream_logger.debug(f"Process-{self.process_ID} is finishing.")
@@ -1693,18 +1720,8 @@ class Population:
                         self.grid_options["_population_id"], self.process_ID
-                # TODO: consider writing this in a formatted structure
-                # Write to file
-                with open(output_file, "w") as f:
-                    f.write(ensemble_raw_output)
-                    # f.write(json.dumps(self.format_ensemble_results(ensemble_output)))
-                print(
-                    "Thread {}: Wrote ensemble results directly to file: {}".format(
-                        self.process_ID, output_file
-                    )
-                )
+                self.write_ensemble(output_file,
+                                    ensemble_raw_output)
         # Clean up and return
@@ -1733,20 +1750,26 @@ class Population:
         end_process_time = datetime.datetime.now()
         # thread end message
+        colour = 'cyan on black'
-            "Process {} finished:\ngenerator started at {}\ngenerator finished at {}\ntotal: {}s\nof which {}s with binary_c\nRan {} systems\nwith a total probability of {:g}\nThis thread had {} failing systems\nwith a total failed probability of {}\nSkipped a total of {} zero-probability systems\n".format(
-                ID,
-                start_process_time.isoformat(),
-                end_process_time.isoformat(),
-                (end_process_time - start_process_time).total_seconds(),
-                total_time_calling_binary_c,
-                number_of_systems_run,
-                probability_of_systems_run,
-                self.grid_options["_failed_count"],
-                self.grid_options["_failed_prob"],
-                zero_prob_stars_skipped,
-        ),colour="cyan on black"),
+            "{colour}Process {ID} finished:\ngenerator started at {start}\ngenerator finished at {end}\ntotal: {timesecs}\nof which {binary_c_secs} with binary_c\nRan {nsystems} systems\nwith a total probability of {psystems:g}\n{failcolour}This thread had {nfail} failing systems{colour}\n{failcolour}with a total failed probability of {pfail}{colour}\n{zerocolour}Skipped a total of {nzero} zero-probability systems{zeroreset}\n".format(
+                colour=self.ANSI_colours[colour],
+                ID=ID,
+                start=start_process_time.isoformat(),
+                end=end_process_time.isoformat(),
+                timesecs=timedelta((end_process_time - start_process_time).total_seconds()),
+                binary_c_secs=timedelta(total_time_calling_binary_c),
+                nsystems=number_of_systems_run,
+                psystems=probability_of_systems_run,
+                failcolour=self.ANSI_colours['red'] if self.grid_options["_failed_count"]>0 else '',
+                failreset=self.ANSI_colours[colour] if self.grid_options["_failed_count"]>0 else '',
+                nfail=self.grid_options["_failed_count"],
+                pfail=self.grid_options["_failed_prob"],
+                nzero=zero_prob_stars_skipped,
+                zerocolour=self.ANSI_colours["yellow"] if zero_prob_stars_skipped>0 else '',
+                zeroreset=self.ANSI_colours[colour] if zero_prob_stars_skipped>0 else ''
+            ),colour=colour),
@@ -1776,6 +1799,7 @@ class Population:
         ) as f:
             f.write(json.dumps(summary_dict, indent=4))
+            f.close()
         # Set status to running
         with open(
@@ -1787,6 +1811,7 @@ class Population:
         ) as f:
+            f.close()
@@ -1852,6 +1877,8 @@ class Population:
             msg = "No actual evolution options passed to the evolve call. Aborting"
             raise ValueError(msg)
+    ############################################################
     def _setup(self):
         Function to set up the necessary stuff for the population evolution.
@@ -3339,9 +3366,81 @@ class Population:
     # Unordered functions
-    # Functions that arent ordered yet
+    # Functions that aren't ordered yet
+    def write_ensemble(self,output_file,json_data):
+        """
+    write_ensemble : Write ensemble results to a file.
+    Args:
+        output_file : the output filename.
+                      If the filename has an extension that we recognise,
+                      e.g. .gz or .bz2, we compress the output appropriately.
+                      Note that if grid_options['compress_ensemble'] is set, the
+                      appropriate file extension is added if required and compression
+                      is performed.
+        json_data :   the JSON data to be written out. This can be raw
+                      unformatted JSON, or the output of JSON_dumps().
+        """
+        # TODO: consider writing this in a formatted structure
+        # default to the compression algorithm specified
+        compression = self.grid_options['compress_ensemble']
+        # choose algorithm based on file extension if we're not given
+        # an algorithm
+        if not compression:
+            if output_file.endswith('.gz'):
+                compression = 'gzip'
+            elif output_file.endswith('.bz2'):
+                compression = 'bzip2'
+        # Write JSON ensemble data to file
+        if compression:
+            # write to a compressed file, adding the appropriate extension if
+            # required
+            if compression == 'gzip':
+                if output_file.endswith('.gz'):
+                    zipfile = output_file
+                else:
+                    zipfile = output_file + '.gz'
+                with gzip.open(zipfile, "wt") as f:
+                    f.write(json_data)
+                    f.close()
+            elif compression == 'bzip2':
+                if output_file.endswith('.bz2'):
+                    zipfile = output_file
+                else:
+                    zipfile = output_file + '.bz2'
+                with bz2.open(zipfile, "wt") as f:
+                    f.write(json_data)
+                    f.close()
+            else:
+                print("You have asked me to compress the ensemble output using algorithm {algorithm}, but not given me a valid compression algorithm (use gzip or bzip2 in grid_options['compress_ensemble']) : I will write the data uncompressed.").format(algorithm=compression)
+                # raw output (not compressed)
+                with open(output_file, "wt") as f:
+                    f.write(json_data)
+                    f.close()
+        else:
+            # raw output (not compressed)
+            with open(output_file, "wt") as f:
+                f.write(json_data)
+                f.close()
+        print(
+            "Thread {thread}: Wrote ensemble results to file: {colour}{file}{reset}".format(
+                thread=self.process_ID,
+                file=output_file,
+                colour=self.ANSI_colours['green'],
+                reset=self.ANSI_colours['reset']
+            )
+        )
+    ############################################################
     def write_binary_c_calls_to_file(
         output_dir: Union[str, None] = None,
@@ -3636,6 +3735,7 @@ class Population:
                     ) as f:
                         f.write(argstring + "\n")
+                        f.close()
                 "binary_c output nothing - this is strange. If there is ensemble output being generated then this is fine.",
@@ -3668,6 +3768,7 @@ class Population:
             ) as f:
                 f.write(json.dumps(self.grid_options["m&s_options"], indent=4))
+                f.close()
     def _load_moe_di_stefano_data(self):
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/grid_options_defaults.py b/binarycpython/utils/grid_options_defaults.py
index 8e4435201d5d74c85a358fd2384a1a763a4f22db..3a1ff066d763ad352190a615d9e210534e8eebc2 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/grid_options_defaults.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/grid_options_defaults.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ grid_options_defaults_dict = {
     "tmp_dir": temp_dir(),  # Setting the temp dir of the program
     "_main_pid": -1,  # Placeholder for the main process id of the run.
     "combine_ensemble_with_thread_joining": True,  # Flag on whether to combine everything and return it to the user or if false: write it to data_dir/ensemble_output_{population_id}_{thread_id}.json
+    "compress_ensemble":False, # compress the ensemble output?
     "_commandline_input": "",
     "log_runtime_systems": 0,  # whether to log the runtime of the systems (1 file per thread. stored in the tmp_dir)
     "_actually_evolve_system": True,  # Whether to actually evolve the systems of just act as if. for testing. used in _process_run_population_grid
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 849cea1674d09ee33183259a71103715edd32b9c..d2cfebe3bc46d8b2edeef17e5928260df2c87c3a 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ dill==
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==1.0.2