diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/distribution_functions.py b/binarycpython/utils/distribution_functions.py
index 409c651fd08af96471e5a87e3fc8acb4926393c4..5c4f1ae1e0264e92324d34f8af85b9b977f02089 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/distribution_functions.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/distribution_functions.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ generate probability distributions for sampling populations
 import math
+import numpy as np
 from binarycpython.utils.useful_funcs import (
@@ -16,7 +17,8 @@ from binarycpython.utils.useful_funcs import (
 # File containing probability distributions
 # Mostly copied from the perl modules
-# TODO: make some things globally present? rob does this in his module. i guess it saves calculations but not sure if im gonna do that now
+# TODO: make some things globally present? rob does this in his module. 
+    # i guess it saves calculations but not sure if im gonna do that now
 # TODO: Add the stuff from the IMF file
 # TODO: call all of these functions to check whether they work
 # TODO: make global constants stuff
@@ -24,6 +26,25 @@ from binarycpython.utils.useful_funcs import (
 LOG_LN_CONVERTER = 1.0 / math.log(10.0)
+distribution_constants = {} # To store the constants in
+def prepare_dict(global_dict, list_of_sub_keys):
+    """
+    Function that makes sure that the global dict is prepared to have a value set there
+    """
+    internal_dict_value = global_dict
+    # This loop almost mimics a recursive loop into the dictionary.
+    # It checks whether the first key of the list is present, if not; set it with an empty dict.
+    # Then it overrides itself to be that (new) item, and goes on to do that again, until the list exhausted
+    for k in list_of_sub_keys:
+        # If the sub key doesnt exist then make an empty dict
+        if not internal_dict_value.get(k, None):
+            internal_dict_value[k] = {}
+        internal_dict_value = internal_dict_value[k]
 def flat():
     Dummy distribution function that returns 1
@@ -436,14 +457,14 @@ def raghavan2010_binary_fraction(m):
-def duquennoy1991(x):
+def duquennoy1991(logper):
     Period distribution from Duquennoy + Mayor 1991
-        x: logperiod
+        logper: logperiod
-    return gaussian(x, 4.8, 2.3, -2, 12)
+    return gaussian(logper, 4.8, 2.3, -2, 12)
 def sana12(M1, M2, a, P, amin, amax, x0, x1, p): 
@@ -464,7 +485,6 @@ def sana12(M1, M2, a, P, amin, amax, x0, x1, p):
     res = 0
     if (M1 < 15) or (M2 / M1 < 0.1):
         res = 1.0 / (math.log(amax) - math.log(amin))
@@ -473,10 +493,12 @@ def sana12(M1, M2, a, P, amin, amax, x0, x1, p):
         # For more details see the LyX document of binary_c for this distribution
         # where the variables and normalizations are given
         # we use the notation x=log(P), xmin=log(Pmin), x0=log(P0), ... to determine the
-        x = LOG_LN_CONVERTER * math.log(p)
+        x = LOG_LN_CONVERTER * math.log(P)
         xmin = LOG_LN_CONVERTER * math.log(calc_period_from_sep(M1, M2, amin))
         xmax = LOG_LN_CONVERTER * math.log(calc_period_from_sep(M1, M2, amax))
+        print("M1 M2 amin amax P x xmin xmax")
+        print(M1, M2, amin, amax, P, x, xmin, xmax)
         # my $x0 = 0.15;
         # my $x1 = 3.5;
@@ -495,6 +517,85 @@ def sana12(M1, M2, a, P, amin, amax, x0, x1, p):
     return res
+def Izzard2012_period_distribution(P, M1, log10Pmin=1):
+    """
+    period distribution which interpolates between 
+    Duquennoy and Mayor 1991 at low mass (G/K spectral type <~1.15Msun)
+    and Sana et al 2012 at high mass (O spectral type >~16.3Msun)
+    This gives dN/dlogP, i.e. DM/Raghavan's Gaussian in log10P at low mass
+    and Sana's power law (as a function of logP) at high mass
+    input::
+        P (float): period
+        M1 (float): Primary star mass
+        log10Pmin (float): Minimum period in base log10 (optional)
+    """
+    # Check if there is input and force it to be at least 1
+    log10Pmin //= -1.0
+    log10Pmin = max(-1.0, log10Pmin)
+    # save mass input and limit mass used (M1 from now on) to fitted range
+    Mwas = M1
+    M1 = max(1.15, min(16.3, M1))
+    print("Izzard2012 called for M={} (trunc'd to {}), P={}\n".format(Mwas, M1, P))
+    # Calculate the normalisations
+    # need to normalize the distribution for this mass 
+    # (and perhaps secondary mass)
+    prepare_dict(distribution_constants, ['Izzard2012', M1])
+    if not distribution_constants['Izzard2012'][M1].get(log10Pmin):
+        distribution_constants['Izzard2012'][M1][log10Pmin] = 1 # To prevent this loop from going recursive
+        N = 200.0 # Resolution for normalisation. I hope 1000 is enough
+        dlP = (10.0 - log10Pmin)/N
+        C = 0 # normalisation const.
+        for lP in np.arange(log10Pmin, 10, dlP):
+            C += dlP * Izzard2012_period_distribution(10**lP, M1, log10Pmin)
+        distribution_constants['Izzard2012'][M1][log10Pmin] = 1.0/C;
+    print("Normalization constant for Izzard2012 M={} (log10Pmin={}) is\
+        {}\n".format(M1, log10Pmin, distribution_constants['Izzard2012'][M1][log10Pmin]))
+    lP = math.log10(P); # log period
+    # # fits
+    mu = interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(M1, -17.8, 5.03)
+    sigma = interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(M1, 9.18, 2.28)
+    K = interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(M1, 6.93e-2, 0.0)
+    nu = interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(M1, 0.3, -1)
+    g = 1.0/(1.0+1e-30**(lP-nu))
+    lPmu = lP - mu
+    print("M={} ({}) P={} : mu={} sigma={} K={} nu={} norm=%g\n".format(
+        Mwas, M1, P, mu, sigma, K, nu))
+    # print "FUNC $distdata{Izzard2012}{$M}{$log10Pmin} * (exp(- (x-$mu)**2/(2.0*$sigma*$sigma) ) + $K/MAX(0.1,$lP)) * $g;\n";
+    if ((lP < log10Pmin) or (lP > 10.0)):
+        return 0
+    else:
+        return distribution_constants['Izzard2012'][M1][log10Pmin] * (math.exp(- lPmu * lPmu / (2.0 * sigma * sigma)) + K/max(0.1, lP)) * g;
+def interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(M, high, low):
+    """
+    Function to interpolate in mass
+    high: at M=16.3
+    low: at 1.15
+    """
+    log_interpolation = False
+    if log_interpolation:
+        return (high-low)/(math.log10(16.3)-math.log10(1.15)) * (math.log10(M)-math.log10(1.15)) + low
+    else:
+        return (high-low)/(16.3-1.15) * (M-1.15) + low
 # print(sana12(10, 2, 10, 100, 1, 1000, math.log(10), math.log(1000), 6))
diff --git a/examples/example_plotting_distributions.py b/examples/example_plotting_distributions.py
index 49c1c9167938782d6bef395d52796dba7c262955..27f5e10271bc4b7e0644461471fc032d80b961a4 100644
--- a/examples/example_plotting_distributions.py
+++ b/examples/example_plotting_distributions.py
@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@ from binarycpython.utils.distribution_functions import (
+    Izzard2012_period_distribution,
 from binarycpython.utils.useful_funcs import calc_sep_from_period
@@ -26,141 +29,191 @@ from binarycpython.utils.useful_funcs import calc_sep_from_period
 # mass distribution plots
-# mass_values = np.arange(0.11, 80, .1)
-# kroupa_probability = [Kroupa2001(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# scalo1986 = [imf_scalo1986(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# tinsley1980 = [imf_tinsley1980(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# scalo1998 = [imf_scalo1998(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# chabrier2003 = [imf_chabrier2003(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# plt.plot(mass_values, kroupa_probability, label='Kroupa')
-# plt.plot(mass_values, scalo1986, label='scalo1986')
-# plt.plot(mass_values, tinsley1980, label='tinsley1980')
-# plt.plot(mass_values, scalo1998, label='scalo1998')
-# plt.plot(mass_values, chabrier2003, label='chabrier2003')
-# plt.title('Probability distribution for mass of primary')
-# plt.ylabel(r'Probability')
-# plt.xlabel(r'Mass (M$_{\odot}$)')
-# plt.yscale('log')
-# plt.xscale('log')
-# plt.grid()
-# plt.legend()
-# plt.show()
+def plot_mass_distributions():
+    mass_values = np.arange(0.11, 80, .1)
+    kroupa_probability = [Kroupa2001(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    scalo1986 = [imf_scalo1986(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    tinsley1980 = [imf_tinsley1980(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    scalo1998 = [imf_scalo1998(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    chabrier2003 = [imf_chabrier2003(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    plt.plot(mass_values, kroupa_probability, label='Kroupa')
+    plt.plot(mass_values, scalo1986, label='scalo1986')
+    plt.plot(mass_values, tinsley1980, label='tinsley1980')
+    plt.plot(mass_values, scalo1998, label='scalo1998')
+    plt.plot(mass_values, chabrier2003, label='chabrier2003')
+    plt.title('Probability distribution for mass of primary')
+    plt.ylabel(r'Probability')
+    plt.xlabel(r'Mass (M$_{\odot}$)')
+    plt.yscale('log')
+    plt.xscale('log')
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.show()
 # Binary fraction distributions
-# arenou_binary_distibution = [Arenou2010_binary_fraction(mass) for mass in mass_values]
-# raghavan2010_binary_distribution = [raghavan2010_binary_fraction(mass) for mass in mass_values ]
-# plt.plot(mass_values, arenou_binary_distibution, label='arenou 2010')
-# plt.plot(mass_values, raghavan2010_binary_distribution, label='Raghavan 2010')
-# plt.title('Binary fractions distributions')
-# plt.ylabel(r'Binary fraction')
-# plt.xlabel(r'Mass (M$_{\odot}$)')
-# # plt.yscale('log')
-# plt.xscale('log')
-# plt.grid()
-# plt.legend()
-# plt.show()
+def plot_binary_fraction_distributions():
+    arenou_binary_distibution = [Arenou2010_binary_fraction(mass) for mass in mass_values]
+    raghavan2010_binary_distribution = [raghavan2010_binary_fraction(mass) for mass in mass_values ]
+    plt.plot(mass_values, arenou_binary_distibution, label='arenou 2010')
+    plt.plot(mass_values, raghavan2010_binary_distribution, label='Raghavan 2010')
+    plt.title('Binary fractions distributions')
+    plt.ylabel(r'Binary fraction')
+    plt.xlabel(r'Mass (M$_{\odot}$)')
+    # plt.yscale('log')
+    plt.xscale('log')
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.show()
 # Mass ratio distributions
-# mass_ratios = np.arange(0, 1, .01)
-# example_mass = 2
-# flat_dist = [flatsections(q, opts=[{'min':0.1/example_mass, 'max':0.8, 'height':1}, {'min': 0.8, 'max':1.0, 'height': 1.0}]) for q in mass_ratios]
-# plt.plot(mass_ratios, flat_dist, label='Flat')
-# plt.title('Mass ratio distributions')
-# plt.ylabel(r'Probability')
-# plt.xlabel(r'Mass ratio (q = $\frac{M1}{M2}$) ')
-# plt.grid()
-# plt.legend()
-# plt.show()
+def plot_mass_ratio_distributions():
+    mass_ratios = np.arange(0, 1, .01)
+    example_mass = 2
+    flat_dist = [
+        flatsections(
+            q,
+            opts=[
+                    {'min':0.1/example_mass, 'max':0.8, 'height':1},
+                    {'min': 0.8, 'max':1.0, 'height': 1.0}
+                ]
+            ) for q in mass_ratios]
+    plt.plot(mass_ratios, flat_dist, label='Flat')
+    plt.title('Mass ratio distributions')
+    plt.ylabel(r'Probability')
+    plt.xlabel(r'Mass ratio (q = $\frac{M1}{M2}$) ')
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.show()
 # Period distributions
-# TODO: fix this
-logperiod_values = np.arange(-2, 12, 0.1)
-duquennoy1991_distribution = [duquennoy1991(logper) for logper in logperiod_values]
-# Sana12 distributions
-m1 = 10
-m2 = 5
-period_min = 10 ** 0.15
-period_max = 10 ** 5.5
-sana12_distribution_q05 = [
-    sana12(
-        m1,
-        m2,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
-        10 ** logper,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
-        math.log10(period_min),
-        math.log10(period_max),
-        -0.55,
-    )
-    for logper in logperiod_values
-m1 = 10
-m2 = 1
-sana12_distribution_q01 = [
-    sana12(
-        m1,
-        m2,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
-        10 ** logper,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
-        math.log10(period_min),
-        math.log10(period_max),
-        -0.55,
-    )
-    for logper in logperiod_values
-m1 = 10
-m2 = 10
-sana12_distribution_q1 = [
-    sana12(
-        m1,
-        m2,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
-        10 ** logper,
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
-        calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
-        math.log10(period_min),
-        math.log10(period_max),
-        -0.55,
-    )
-    for logper in logperiod_values
-plt.plot(logperiod_values, duquennoy1991_distribution, label="Duquennoy & Mayor 1991")
-plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q05, label="Sana 12 (q=0.5)")
-plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q01, label="Sana 12 (q=0.1)")
-plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q1, label="Sana 12 (q=1)")
-plt.title("Period distributions")
-plt.xlabel(r"Log10(orbital period)")
+def plot_period_distributions():
+    logperiod_values = np.arange(-2, 12, 0.1)
+    duquennoy1991_distribution = [duquennoy1991(logper) for logper in logperiod_values]
+    # Sana12 distributions
+    period_min = 10 ** 0.15
+    period_max = 10 ** 5.5
+    m1 = 20
+    m2 = 15
+    sana12_distribution_q05 = [
+        sana12(
+            m1,
+            m2,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
+            10 ** logper,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
+            math.log10(period_min),
+            math.log10(period_max),
+            -0.55,
+        )
+        for logper in logperiod_values
+    ]
+    m1 = 30
+    m2 = 1
+    sana12_distribution_q0033 = [
+        sana12(
+            m1,
+            m2,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
+            10 ** logper,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
+            math.log10(period_min),
+            math.log10(period_max),
+            -0.55,
+        )
+        for logper in logperiod_values
+    ]
+    m1 = 30
+    m2 = 3
+    sana12_distribution_q01 = [
+        sana12(
+            m1,
+            m2,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
+            10 ** logper,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
+            math.log10(period_min),
+            math.log10(period_max),
+            -0.55,
+        )
+        for logper in logperiod_values
+    ]
+    m1 = 30
+    m2 = 30
+    sana12_distribution_q1 = [
+        sana12(
+            m1,
+            m2,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, 10 ** logper),
+            10 ** logper,
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_min),
+            calc_sep_from_period(m1, m2, period_max),
+            math.log10(period_min),
+            math.log10(period_max),
+            -0.55,
+        )
+        for logper in logperiod_values
+    ]
+    Izzard2012_period_distribution_10 = [Izzard2012_period_distribution(10**logperiod, 10) for logperiod in logperiod_values]
+    Izzard2012_period_distribution_20 = [Izzard2012_period_distribution(10**logperiod, 20) for logperiod in logperiod_values]
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, duquennoy1991_distribution, label="Duquennoy & Mayor 1991")
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q0033, label="Sana 12 (q=0.033)")
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q05, label="Sana 12 (q=0.5)")
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q01, label="Sana 12 (q=0.1)")
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, sana12_distribution_q1, label="Sana 12 (q=1)")
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, Izzard2012_period_distribution_10, label='Izzard2012 (M=10)')
+    plt.plot(logperiod_values, Izzard2012_period_distribution_20, label='Izzard2012 (M=20)')
+    plt.title("Period distributions")
+    plt.ylabel(r"Probability")
+    plt.xlabel(r"Log10(orbital period)")
+    plt.grid()
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.show()
 # Sampling part of distribution and calculating probability ratio
 # TODO show the difference between sampling over the full range, or taking a smaller range initially and compensating for it.
+# val = Izzard2012_period_distribution(1000, 10)
+# print(val)
+# val2 = Izzard2012_period_distribution(100, 10)
+# print(val2)
+# from binarycpython.utils.distribution_functions import (interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012)
+# # print(interpolate_in_mass_izzard2012(15, 0.3, -1))