diff --git a/docs/source/binary_c_parameters.rst b/docs/source/binary_c_parameters.rst
index 31481dd7b9db0a44656c723cb8d5ff2831b31a6c..144e916abfe96777be30e14edcfcb563e411b1a2 100644
--- a/docs/source/binary_c_parameters.rst
+++ b/docs/source/binary_c_parameters.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The following chapter contains all the parameters that the current version of bi
 This information was obtained by the following binary_c build: 
-	**binary_c git branch**: branch_david	**binary_c git revision**: 5473:20210104:97f766764	**Built on**: Jan  4 2021 18:40:36
+	**binary_c git branch**: branch_david	**binary_c git revision**: 5479:20210111:463f148ec	**Built on**: Jan 11 2021 17:31:47
 Section: stars
@@ -187,6 +187,11 @@ Section: stars
 | **Parameter input type**: True|False
 | **Default value**: False
+| **Parameter**: vandenHeuvel_logging
+| **Description**: Turn on van den Heuvel logging (default is False).
+| **Parameter input type**: True|False
+| **Default value**: False
 | **Parameter**: evolution_splitting
 | **Description**: If True, turn on splitting of an evolutionary run if splitpoint (e.g. supernova) occurs.
 | **Parameter input type**: True|False
@@ -253,6 +258,11 @@ Section: stars
 | **Default value**: 0
+| **Parameter**: helium_flash_mass_loss
+| **Description**: Mass to be lost at the helium flash.
+| **Parameter input type**: Float
+| **Default value**: 0
 | **Parameter**: gb_reimers_eta
 | **Description**: First red giant branch wind multiplication factor, cf. eta in Reimers' mass loss formula. (This multiplies the 4e-13 in Reimers' formula, or the 8e-14 in Schroeder and Cuntz.)
 | **Parameter input type**: Float
@@ -978,6 +988,18 @@ Section: binary
 | **Parameter input type**: Float
 | **Default value**: 0.01
+| **Parameter**: white_dwarf_cooling_model
+| **Description**: White dwarf cooling model, relates age to luminosity. WHITE_DWARF_COOLING_MESTEL = 0 is Mestel's model, WHITE_DWARF_COOLING_MESTEL_MODIFIED = 1 is Hurley's modified Mestel model, WHITE_DWARF_COOLING_CARRASCO2014 = 2 is based on Carrasco (2014) tables.  
+| **Parameter input type**: Integer
+| **Default value**: 0
+| **Parameter**: white_dwarf_radius_model
+| **Description**: White dwarf radius model, radius to mass (and perhaps age). WHITE_DWARF_RADIUS_NAUENBERG1972 = 0 Nauenberg (1972), WHITE_DWARF_RADIUS_MU = 1 mu-dependent variant, WHITE_DWARF_RADIUS_CARRASCO2014 = 2 is based on Carrasco (2014) tables.
+| **Parameter input type**: Integer
+| **Default value**: 0
 | **Parameter**: cbdisc_mass_loss_inner_viscous_accretion_method
 | **Description**: Chooses where the mass that is accreted from the inner edge of a circumbinary disc goes, i.e. to which star. 0 = Young and Clarke 2015, 1 = Gerosa et al 2015, 2 = 50:50 (i.e. not dependence on mass).
 | **Parameter input type**: Integer
@@ -1099,6 +1121,11 @@ Section: binary
 | **Default value**: 1
 | **Macros**: ['POST_SN_ORBIT_BSE = 0', 'POST_SN_ORBIT_TT98 = 1']
+| **Parameter**: multiplicity
+| **Description**: Multiplicity: 1=single star, 2=binary, 3=triple, 4=quadruple.
+| **Parameter input type**: Integer
+| **Default value**: 2
 | **Parameter**: accretion_limit_eddington_steady_multiplier
 | **Description**: Steady accretion is limited by the Eddington instability, with limiting rate given by the accretion_limit_eddington_steady_multiplier * the normal (spherically symmetric) Eddington rate. This is known in the trade as the Eddington factor, and anything greater than 1.0 potentially gives you super-Eddington accretion.
 | **Parameter input type**: Float
@@ -2021,7 +2048,7 @@ Section: output
 | **Default value**: False
 | **Parameter**: ensemble_filter_%d
-| **Description**: Turn on or off ensemble filter <n>. For a list of filters, see binary_c_macros.h and ensemble_log.c
+| **Description**: Turn on or off ensemble filter <n>. For a list of filters, see esnemble_macros.h.
 | **Parameter input type**: Boolean(scanf)
 | **Default value**: NULL
@@ -2211,11 +2238,17 @@ Section: input
 | **Parameter**: MINT_dir
-| **Description**: Location of MINT algorithm data. :
+| **Description**: Location of MINT algorithm data.
 | **Parameter input type**: String
 | **Default value**: NULL
 | **Extra**: 
+| **Parameter**: MINT_MS_rejuvenation
+| **Description**: Turn on or off (hydrogen) main-sequence rejuvenation. :
+| **Parameter input type**: True|False
+| **Default value**: NULL
+| **Extra**: 
 Section: i/o
diff --git a/docs/source/grid_options_descriptions.rst b/docs/source/grid_options_descriptions.rst
index 5cef435708da72fe78b6838571fbd91a8c6880b2..46455660b8d9f943af33dfb1b1cdb2f59629eb2e 100644
--- a/docs/source/grid_options_descriptions.rst
+++ b/docs/source/grid_options_descriptions.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Population grid code options
 The following chapter contains all grid code options, along with their descriptions
-There are 27 options that are not described yet.
+There are 1 options that are not described yet.
 Public options
@@ -17,28 +17,14 @@ The following options are meant to be changed by the user.
 | **binary**: Set this to 1 if the population contains binaries. Input: int
-| **condor**: Int flag whether to use a condor type population evolution.
+| **combine_ensemble_with_thread_joining**: BOolean flag on whether to combine everything and return it to the user or if false: write it to data_dir/ensemble_output_{popuation_id}_{thread_id}.json
-| **condor_command**: No description available yet
-| **condor_dir**: No description available yet
-| **condor_extra_settings**: No description available yet
-| **condor_jobid**: No description available yet
-| **condor_join_pwd**: No description available yet
-| **condor_memory**: No description available yet
-| **condor_njobs**: No description available yet
-| **condor_postpone_join**: No description available yet
-| **condor_universe**: No description available yet
+| **condor**: Int flag whether to use a condor type population evolution. Not implemented yet.
 | **custom_logging_func_memaddr**: Memory adress where the custom_logging_function is stored. Input: int
+| **ensemble_results**: Dictinary that stores the ensemble results if combine_ensemble_with_thread_joining==True
 | **evolution_type**: Variable containing the type of evolution used of the grid. Multiprocessing or linear processing
 | **failed_systems_threshold**: Variable storing the maximum amount of systems that are allowed to fail before logging their commandline arguments to failed_systems log files
@@ -55,52 +41,20 @@ The following options are meant to be changed by the user.
 | **parse_function**: Function that the user can provide to handle the output the binary_c. This function has to take the arguments (self, output). Its best not to return anything in this function, and just store stuff in the grid_options['results'] dictionary, or just output results to a file
-| **population_type**: variable storing what kind of population type should be evolved. See population_type_options for the options.
+| **repeat**: Factor of how many times a system should be repeated. Consider the evolution splitting binary_c argument for supernovae kick repeating.
 | **results**: Dictionary in which the user can place their results. This dictionary gets merged at the end of a mulitprocessing simulation.
 | **slurm**: Int flag whether to use a slurm type population evolution.
-| **slurm_array**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_command**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_control_CPUs**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_dir**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_extra_settings**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_jobarrayindex**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_jobid**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_jobname**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_memory**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_njobs**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_ntasks**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_partition**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_postpone_join**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_postpone_sbatch**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_time**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_use_all_node_CPUs**: No description available yet
-| **slurm_warn_max_memory**: No description available yet
 | **source_file_filename**: Variable containing the source file containing lines of binary_c commandline calls. These all have to start with binary_c.
 | **tmp_dir**: Directory where certain types of output are stored. The grid code is stored in that directory, as well as the custom logging libraries. Log files and other diagnostics will usually be written to this location, unless specified otherwise
 | **verbosity**: Verbosity of the population code. Default is 0, by which only errors will be printed. Higher values will show more output, which is good for debugging.
+| **weight**: Weight factor for each system. The calculated probability is mulitplied by this. If the user wants each system to be repeated several times, then this variable should not be changed, rather change the _repeat variable instead, as that handles the reduction in probability per system. This is useful for systems that have a process with some random element in it.
 Private options
 The following options are not meant to be changed by the user, as these options are used and set internally by the object itself. The description still is provided, but just for documentation purposes.
@@ -138,12 +92,8 @@ The following options are not meant to be changed by the user, as these options
 | **_population_id**: Variable storing a unique 32-char hex string.
-| **_population_type_options**: List storing the population_type options.
 | **_probtot**: Total probability of the population.
-| **_repeat**: Factor of how many times a system should be repeated. Consider the evolution splitting binary_c argument for supernovae kick repeating.
 | **_start_time_evolution**: Variable storing the start timestamp of the population evolution. Set by the object itself.
 | **_store_memaddr**: Memory adress of the store object for binary_c.
@@ -152,5 +102,3 @@ The following options are not meant to be changed by the user, as these options
 | **_total_starcount**: Variable storing the total amount of systems in the generator. Used and set by the population object.
-| **_weight**: Weight factor for each system. The calculated probability is mulitplied by this. If the user wants each system to be repeated several times, then this variable should not be changed, rather change the _repeat variable instead, as that handles the reduction in probability per system. This is useful for systems that have a process with some random element in it.