diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
index 218faf66cc4a9501b035e4dd68c41b2cf012db9d..4e878feb7368816bf5277ff69ead85e0d0ab3787 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
@@ -812,6 +812,10 @@ class Population(object):
         # TODO: calculate the chunksize value based on: total starcount and cores used. 
         r = list(p.imap_unordered(evolve_system, yield_system(), chunksize=20))
+        # Handle clean termination of the whole multiprocessing
+        p.close()
+        p.join()
         stop_mp = time.time()
         # Give feedback
diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling_new.py b/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling_new.py
index 906a51a61a0f5d046f7f10a6b94c1a96a5ead3de..b081d49c2906345c9c2f16b855737257c3bcc193 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling_new.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling_new.py
@@ -78,10 +78,9 @@ ax1.set_xlim(0, max(cpus) + 4)
+# fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "png")))
+# fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "pdf")))
+# fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "eps")))
-    # fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "png")))
-    # fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "pdf")))
-    # fig.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "eps")))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
index 7831cb495b5a1edc35837ca79cc8ac4fda8edf18..b7b938f555c3399f410038fe445b3dd1aae67c6a 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ from binarycpython.utils.functions import get_help_all, get_help, create_hdf5
 import argparse
+# Get some info
 amount_of_cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
 amount_of_cpus = psutil.cpu_count()
 hostname = socket.gethostname()
+# Generate list of cpu amounts to use
 if amount_of_cpus <= 4:
     stepsize = 1
 elif 4 < amount_of_cpus:
@@ -28,13 +30,25 @@ for i in range(1, int(amount_of_cpus/stepsize) + 1 ):
         cpu_list.append(i * stepsize)
+# set some info
 amt_repeats = 5
-resolution = {'M_1': 50, 'per': 50}
+resolution = {'M_1': 5, 'per': 5}
 total_systems = int(np.prod([el for el in resolution.values()]))
 result_dir = 'scaling_results'
+testcase = 'linear vs MP batched'
+# Create dictionairy in which to store all the results:
+result_dict = {}
+result_dict['amt_systems'] = total_systems
+result_dict['hostname'] = hostname
+result_dict['amt_logical_cores'] = amount_of_cpus
+result_dict['amt_of_physical_cores'] = amount_of_cores
+result_dict['testcase'] = testcase
+# Configuring population
 test_pop = Population()
@@ -48,8 +62,6 @@ test_pop.add_grid_variable(
     valuerange=[1, 100],
     spacingfunc="const(1, 100, {})".format(resolution['M_1']),
-    precode="",
-    # precode="M_1=math.exp(lnm1)",
     # probdist='self.custom_options["extra_prob_function"](M_1)',
@@ -71,24 +83,14 @@ test_pop.add_grid_variable(
-# Scaling dict:
-result_dict = {}
-result_dict['amt_systems'] = total_systems
+# Execute grids
 # Linear runs
 linear_times = []
 for repeat in range(amt_repeats):
     total_lin_start = time.time()
     evolve_lin_time = test_pop.test_evolve_population_lin()
-    total_lin_stop = time.time()
-    total_lin = total_lin_stop - total_lin_start
+    total_lin = time.time() - total_lin_start
     print("linear run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(total_systems, total_lin, evolve_lin_time))
@@ -96,31 +98,28 @@ for repeat in range(amt_repeats):
 result_dict['linear'] = linear_times
-# MP runs
-mp_dict = {}
-for cpu_amt in cpu_list:
-    mp_times = []
-    test_pop.set(amt_cores=cpu_amt)
+# #######################################################################################
+# # MP runs
+# mp_dict = {}
+# for cpu_amt in cpu_list:
-    # 
-    for repeat in range(amt_repeats):
-        # MP
-        total_mp_start = time.time()
+#     mp_times = []
-        evolve_mp_time = test_pop.evolve_population_mp_chunks()
-        total_mp_stop = time.time()
+#     test_pop.set(amt_cores=cpu_amt)
-        total_mp = total_mp_stop - total_mp_start
-        mp_times.append(total_mp)
-        print("MP ({} nodes) run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(cpu_amt, total_systems, total_mp, evolve_mp_time))
+#     # 
+#     for repeat in range(amt_repeats):
+#         total_mp_start = time.time()
+#         evolve_mp_time = test_pop.evolve_population_mp_chunks()
+#         total_mp = time.time() - total_mp_start
-    mp_dict[cpu_amt] = mp_times
+#         print("MP ({} nodes) run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(cpu_amt, total_systems, total_mp, evolve_mp_time))
+#         mp_times.append(total_mp)
-result_dict['mp'] = mp_dict
+#     mp_dict[cpu_amt] = mp_times
+# result_dict['mp'] = mp_dict
+# Write to file
 with open('scaling_results/{}_{}_systems.json'.format(hostname, total_systems), 'w') as f: