From 7b982fe7794e474af4a80b109cac813ca92d968b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Izzard <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 13:34:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add custon self.locked_open function to lock and uniquely
 open files

 binarycpython/utils/    | 31 ++++---------
 binarycpython/utils/ | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 binarycpython/utils/   | 30 +++++++------
 3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 33343107a..c335811bb 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -80,33 +80,20 @@ class HPC(condor,slurm):
             x = False
-            # lock the joiningfile
-            lock = flufl.lock.Lock(file)
+            # open the file, but locked so we have first unique access
+            (f,lock) = self.locked_open(file,
+                                        mode="w",
+                                        encoding="utf-8")
-            # writing this file should not take > 1 hour
-            lock.lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
-            if os.path.isfile(file):
-                print("Cannot make joiningfile at {file} because it already exists.".format(file=file))
-                x = False
-            else:
-            if lock.is_locked:
-                # write the joiningfile
-                print("Making joiningfile at {file} with range 0 to {n}".format(
-                    file=file,
-                    n=n
-                ))
-                with open(file,"w",encoding="utf-8") as f:
+            # write to it if we are first to obtain unique access
+            x = False
+            if lock:
+                if f:
                     for i in range(0,n):
                     x = True
-                else:
-                    print("Could not lock joiningfile at {file}".format(file=file))
-                    x = False
-            # unlock the file
-            lock.unlock()
+                lock.unlock()
         return x
     def HPC_joinfiles(self,joinlist=None):
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 6bf7f703f..9dea08a09 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import bz2
 import compress_pickle
 import copy
 import datetime
+import flufl.lock
 import gzip
 import json
 import msgpack
@@ -487,3 +488,87 @@ class dataIO():
         # custom logging functions for HPC jobs
         if self.HPC_job():
+    def locked_open(self,
+                    file,
+                    mode="r",
+                    encoding="utf-8",
+                    lock_suffix='.lock',
+                    lock_timeout=5,
+                    lock_lifetime=60,
+                    fatal_open_errors=True,
+                    **kwargs):
+        """
+         Wrapper for Python's open(file)
+         We check whether the file exists, in which case just return
+         (None,None), and if we cannot get the lock we return
+         (None,None).
+        If the file does not exist, we keep trying to lock until it does.
+         To do the locking, we use flufl.lock which is NFS safe.
+        Args:
+            lock_lifetime: (passed to flufl.lock.Lock()) default 60 seconds.
+                           It should take less than this time to write the file.
+            lock_timeout: (passed to flufl.lock.Lock()) default 5 seconds.
+                          This should be non-zero.
+            fatal_open_errors: if open() fails and fatal_open_errors is True, exit.
+        Returns:
+            (file_object, lock_object) tuple.
+            If the file was not opened, returns (None,None). 
+        """
+        # set the lockfile path: this should be the same
+        # for all processes, so it's just the original file
+        # plus the lock_suffix
+        lockfile = file + lock_suffix
+        while True:
+            # if the file exists, just return
+            if os.path.isfile(lockfile):
+                return (None,None)
+            # make the lock object by opening the lockfile
+            lock = flufl.lock.Lock(lockfile,
+                                   default_timeout=lock_timeout)
+            if lock:
+                # we have the lockfile, so set the lifetime and try to lock it
+                lock.lifetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=lock_lifetime)
+                try:
+                    lock.lock()
+                except:
+                    pass
+                # if we acquired the lock, try to open the file
+                if lock.is_locked:
+                    # check it hasn't been opened in the meantime
+                    if os.path.isfile(file):
+                        lock.unlock()
+                        return (None,None)
+                    # All is apparently ok: file is locked and does not
+                    # exist so open the file
+                    try:
+                        f = open(file,
+                                 mode=mode,
+                                 encoding=encoding,
+                                 **kwargs)
+                        return (f,lock)
+                    # error on open should be fatal
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        print("Error in locked_open() : {}",e)
+                        if fatal_open_errors:
+                            self.exit(1)
+                        else:
+                            lock.unlock()
+                            return (None,None)
+            # failed to lock this time, keep trying
+            # (we shouldn't lock up the CPU because the timeout is non-zero)
+            continue
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 75dc6439d..0eeb544eb 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -598,21 +598,25 @@ class Population(analytics,
                     self.custom_options["data_dir"], settings_name
-                self.verbose_print(
-                    "Writing settings to {}".format(settings_fullname),
-                    self.grid_options["verbosity"],
-                    1,
-                )
-                # if not outfile.endswith('json'):
-                with open(settings_fullname, "w") as file:
-                    json.dump(
-                        all_info_cleaned,
-                        file,
-                        indent=indent,
-                        default=binaryc_json_serializer,
-                        ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii
+                # open locked settings file, then output if we get the lock
+                (f,lock) = self.locked_open(settings_fullname,
+                                            mode="w")
+                if lock:
+                    self.verbose_print(
+                        "Writing settings to {}".format(settings_fullname),
+                        self.grid_options["verbosity"],
+                        1,
+                    if f:
+                        json.dump(
+                            all_info_cleaned,
+                            f,
+                            indent=indent,
+                            default=binaryc_json_serializer,
+                            ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii
+                        )
+                    lock.unlock()
                 return settings_fullname
                 msg = "Exporting all info without passing a value for `outfile` requires custom_options['data_dir'] to be present. That is not the cause. Either set the `data_dir` or pass a value for `outfile` "