From 7720b71b259062519b091c10be7c73f7eb78b412 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hendriks <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2020 01:18:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] renamed file. added function to the grid. als made some
 snippets to run via MP

 binarycpython/utils/                   | 180 ++++++++++++++++--
 binarycpython/utils/  |   9 +- =>} |   0
 3 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
 rename binarycpython/utils/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 977dd7be0..f63319dd7 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ import os
 import copy
 import json
 import sys
+import datetime
 import binary_c_python_api
 import binarycpython
 from binarycpython.utils.grid_options_defaults import grid_options_defaults_dict
 from binarycpython.utils.custom_logging_functions import (
@@ -16,8 +20,8 @@ from binarycpython.utils.custom_logging_functions import (
 from binarycpython.utils.functions import get_defaults, parse_binary_c_version_info
-# TODO list
-# TODO: add functionality to parse cmdline args
+# Todo-list
+# DONE: add functionality to parse cmdline args
 # TODO: add functionality to 'on-init' set arguments
 # DONE: add functionality to export the arg string.
 # DONE: add functionality to export all the options
@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ from binarycpython.utils.functions import get_defaults, parse_binary_c_version_i
 # DONE: add functionality to return the evcode_version_string
 # Make this function also an API call. Doest seem to get written to a buffer that is stored into a python object. rather its just written to stdout
 # DONE: add functionality to return the evcode_args_list
-# TODO: add grid generation script
+# DONE: add grid generation script
 class Population(object):
@@ -494,15 +498,19 @@ class Population(object):
         # TODO: Add correct logging everywhere
         # TODO: add different types of grid. 
         # TODO: add part to handle separation if orbital_period is added
+        # TODO: add part to calculate probability
+        # TODO: add part to correctly set the values with the spacingsfunctions. 
+        # TODO: add phasevol correctly
+        # TODO: add centering center left right for the spacing
         # Some local values
         code_string = ""
         depth = 0
         indent = "    "
+        total_grid_variables = len(self.grid_options["grid_variables"])
         # Import packages
         code_string += "import math\n"
         code_string += "import numpy as np\n"
         code_string += "from binarycpython.utils.probability_distributions import *\n"
@@ -518,24 +526,36 @@ class Population(object):
         # Write some info in the function
         code_string += (
             indent * depth
-            + "# Grid code generated on {}. This function generates the systems that will be evolved with binary_c\n\n".format()
+            + "# Grid code generated on {}\n".format(
+            + indent * depth + "# This function generates the systems that will be evolved with binary_c\n\n"
         # Set some values in the generated code:
-        code_string += indent * depth + "starcount = 0\n"
+        code_string += indent * depth + '# Setting initial values\n'
+        code_string += indent * depth + "total_starcount = 0\n"
+        code_string += indent * depth + "starcounts = [0 for i in range({})]\n".format(total_grid_variables)
         code_string += indent * depth + "probabilities = {}\n"
+        code_string += indent * depth + "probabilities_list = [0 for i in range({})]\n".format(total_grid_variables)
+        code_string += indent * depth + "probabilities_sum = [0 for i in range({})]\n".format(total_grid_variables)
         code_string += indent * depth + "parameter_dict = {}\n"
+        code_string += indent * depth + "\n"
+        code_string += indent * depth + "# setting probability lists\n"
         # Prepare the probability
         for el in sorted(
             key=lambda x: x[1]["grid_variable_number"],
+            # Make probabilities dict
             grid_variable = el[1]
             code_string += indent * depth + 'probabilities["{}"] = 0\n'.format(
+        #################################################################################
+        # Start of code generation
+        #################################################################################
+        code_string += indent * depth + "\n"        
         # Generate code
         print("Generating grid code")
         for el in sorted(
@@ -545,8 +565,18 @@ class Population(object):
             print("Constructing/adding: {}".format(el[0]))
             grid_variable = el[1]
+            #################################################################################
+            # Check condition and generate forloop
             # If the grid variable has a condition, write the check and the action
             if grid_variable["condition"]:
+                # Add comment
+                code_string += (
+                    indent * depth
+                    + "# Condition for {}".format(grid_variable['parameter_name'])
+                    + "\n"
+                )
                 # Add condition check
                 code_string += (
                     indent * depth
@@ -557,15 +587,29 @@ class Population(object):
                 # Add condition failed action: #TODO: add correct exception error
                 code_string += (
                     indent * (depth + 1)
-                    + 'print("Condition not met!")'.format(grid_variable["condition"])
+                    + 'print("Condition for {} not met!")'.format(grid_variable["parameter_name"])
                     + "\n"
                 code_string += (
                     indent * (depth + 1)
-                    + "raise ValueError".format(grid_variable["condition"])
+                    + "raise ValueError"
                     + "\n"
+                # Add some whiteline
+                code_string += (indent * (depth + 1) + "\n")
+            #########################
+            # Setting up the forloop
+            # Add comment for forloop
+            code_string += (
+                indent * depth
+                + "# for loop for {}".format(
+                    grid_variable["parameter_name"])
+                + "\n"
+            )
             # Adding for loop structure
             code_string += (
                 indent * depth
@@ -575,6 +619,9 @@ class Population(object):
                 + "\n"
+            #########################
+            # Setting up pre-code and 
             # Add pre-code
             code_string += (
                 indent * (depth + 1)
@@ -584,17 +631,51 @@ class Population(object):
                 + "\n"
+            #######################
+            # Probabilities
             # Calculate probability
+            code_string += indent * (depth + 1) + "\n"            
+            code_string += indent * (depth + 1) + "# Setting probabilities\n"
             code_string += (
                 indent * (depth + 1)
-                + 'probabilities["{}"] = {}'.format(
-                    grid_variable["parameter_name"], grid_variable["probdist"]
-                )
+                + 'd{} = {}'.format(grid_variable['name'], grid_variable["probdist"])
                 + "\n"
-            # some testing line.
-            # code_string += indent * (depth + 1) + 'print({})'.format(grid_variable['name']) + '\n'
+            # Saving probability sum
+            code_string += (
+                indent * (depth + 1)
+                + 'probabilities_sum[{}] += d{}'.format(
+                    grid_variable['grid_variable_number'], 
+                    grid_variable["name"]
+                    )
+                + "\n"
+            )
+            if grid_variable['grid_variable_number'] == 0:
+                code_string += (
+                indent * (depth + 1)
+                + 'probabilities_list[0] = d{}'.format(grid_variable['name'])
+                + "\n"
+            )
+            else:
+                code_string += (
+                indent * (depth + 1)
+                + 'probabilities_list[{}] = probabilities_list[{}] * d{}'.format(grid_variable['grid_variable_number'], grid_variable['grid_variable_number']-1, grid_variable['name'])
+                + "\n"
+            )
+            #######################
+            # Increment starcount for this parameter
+            code_string += "\n"
+            code_string += indent * (depth + 1) + "# Increment starcount for {}\n".format(grid_variable['parameter_name'])
+            code_string += (
+                indent * (depth + 1)
+                + 'starcounts[{}] += 1'.format(
+                    grid_variable['grid_variable_number'], 
+                    )
+                + "\n"
+            )
             # Add value to dict
             code_string += (
@@ -611,13 +692,75 @@ class Population(object):
             # increment depth
             depth += 1
-        # placeholder for calls to threading
-        # starcount
-        code_string += indent * (depth) + "starcount += 1\n"
+        #################################################################################
+        # Here are the calls to the queuing or other solution. this part is for every system
+        # Add comment
+        code_string += indent * (depth) + "# Code below will get evaluated for every generated system\n"        
+        # Calculate value
+        code_string += indent * (depth) + 'probability = self.grid_options["weight"] * probabilities_list[{}]'.format(grid_variable['grid_variable_number']) + "\n"
+        code_string += indent * (depth) + 'repeat_probability = probability / self.grid_options["repeat"]' + "\n"
+        code_string += indent * (depth) + "total_starcount += 1\n"
         code_string += indent * (depth) + "print(probabilities)\n"
-        code_string += indent * (depth) + 'print("starcount: ", starcount)\n'
+        code_string += indent * (depth) + 'print("total_starcount: ", total_starcount)\n'
         code_string += indent * (depth) + "yield(parameter_dict)\n"
+                            # {
+                            #     {
+                            #         $self->increment_probtot($prob);
+                            #         {
+                            #             my $system;
+                            #             if($self->{_grid_options}->{binary})
+                            #             {
+                            #                 $system={
+                            #                 M_1=>$m1,
+                            #                 M_2=>$m2,
+                            #                 metallicity=>$self->metallicity(),
+                            #                 orbital_period=>$per,
+                            #                 eccentricity=>$eccentricity,
+                            #                 probability=>$repeat_prob,
+                            #                 phasevol=>$phasevol
+                            #             };
+                            #         }
+                            #         else
+                            #         {
+                            #             $system={
+                            #             M_1=>$m1,
+                            #             M_2=>0.01,
+                            #             metallicity=>$self->metallicity(),
+                            #             orbital_period=>$self->{_grid_options}->{single_star_period},
+                            #             eccentricity=>0.0,
+                            #             probability=>$repeat_prob,
+                            #             phasevol=>$phasevol
+                            #         };
+                            #     } 
+                            #     $self->queue_evolution_code_run($self->{_flexigrid}->{thread_q},
+                            #     $system);
+                            # }
+        #################################################################################
+        # Stop of code generation. Here the code is saved and written
         # Save the gridcode to the grid_options
         self.grid_options["code_string"] = code_string
@@ -626,10 +769,11 @@ class Population(object):
             self.grid_options["tmp_dir"], ""
         self.grid_options["gridcode_filename"] = gridcode_filename
         with open(gridcode_filename, "w") as f:
     def load_grid_function(self):
         Test function to run grid stuff. mostly to test the import
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 223d0bd17..533aec119 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -26,8 +26,12 @@ grid_options_defaults_dict = {
     "binary": 0,
     # Locations:
     "binary_c_dir": os.environ["BINARYC_DIR"],
-    "tmp_dir": temp_dir()
+    "tmp_dir": temp_dir(),
+    # Probability:
+    "weight": 1.0, # weighting for the probability
+    "repeat": 1.0, # number of times to repeat each system (probability is adjusted to be 1/repeat)
     # return_array_refs=>1, # quicker data parsing mode
     # sort_args=>1,
     # save_args=>1,
@@ -85,8 +89,7 @@ grid_options_defaults_dict = {
     # merge_datafiles=>'',
     # merge_datafiles_filelist=>'',
     # # parameter space options
-    # weight=>1.0, # weighting for the probability
-    # repeat=>1, # number of times to repeat each system (probability is adjusted to be 1/repeat)
     # binary=>0, # set to 0 for single stars, 1 for binaries
     #     # if use_full_resolution is 1, then run a dummy grid to
     #     # calculate the resolution. this could be slow...
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
similarity index 100%
rename from binarycpython/utils/
rename to binarycpython/utils/