From 6598f2187ac23235708eb7dcd9950478739161d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hendriks <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 14:38:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] updated C-code, removed old stuff

 include/binary_c_python.h |   4 +-
 src/binary_c_python.c     | 201 +++++---------
 src/binary_c_python_api.c | 563 --------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 697 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/binary_c_python_api.c

diff --git a/include/binary_c_python.h b/include/binary_c_python.h
index 7568bfcfe..333a5d303 100644
--- a/include/binary_c_python.h
+++ b/include/binary_c_python.h
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
  * Include binary_C's API
 #include "binary_c.h"
-//#include "binary_c_API.h"
-//#include "binary_c_API_prototypes.h"
 /* Binary_c's python API prototypes */
 int run_system(char * argstring,
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ int return_version_info(char ** const outstring,
                 size_t * const nbytes);
 /* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions to call other functionality                               */
+/* Functions to handle memory                                          */
 /* =================================================================== */
 long int return_store_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
diff --git a/src/binary_c_python.c b/src/binary_c_python.c
index f433267b5..8b8478da2 100644
--- a/src/binary_c_python.c
+++ b/src/binary_c_python.c
@@ -1,47 +1,63 @@
 #include <Python.h>
 #include "binary_c_python.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/timeb.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
  * binary_c/PYTHON API interface functions
+ * This module will be available as _binary_c_bindings, as a part of the binarycpython package.
+ * 
+ * The first section contains the functions that will be available 
+ * to python as part of the submodule _binary_c_bindings
+ * 
+ * The second section is composed of the functions that interface with the binary_c API 
+ *
+ * Written by David Hendriks (, Robert Izzard ( 
+ * Based on initial work of Jeff Andrews
  * Remember: variables must be passed by references
  * (i.e. as pointers).
- * See for an example of how to use these functions.
+ * See tests/ for an example of how to use these functions.
- * See also
+ * Backup reading material for making C-extensions:
+ * 
+ * Open tasks for the Extension:
+ * TODO: Put in clear debug statements
+ * TODO: properly return stderr
+ * TODO: describe all functions with docstrings
-// TODO: Put in clear debug statements
-/* list of variables used in the Py<>C interface */
+ ************************************************************
+ ** Section 1: Python module functions and creation of module
+ ************************************************************
+ ************************************************************/
+ *
  * function prototypes : these are the functions
  * called by PYTHON code, without the trailing underscore.
- */
+ *
+ ************************************************************/
 /* Preparing all the functions of the module */
 // Docstrings
 static char module_docstring[] MAYBE_UNUSED =
     "This module is a python3 wrapper around binary_c";
-#ifdef __DEPRECATED
-static char create_binary_docstring[] =
-    "Allocate memory for a binary";
-static char function_prototype_docstring[] =
-    "The prototype for a binary_c python function";
-static char new_binary_system_docstring[] =
-    "Return an object containing a binary, ready for evolution";
 // Evolution function docstrings
 static char run_system_docstring[] = 
     "Function to run a system. This is a general function that will be able to handle different kinds of situations: single system run with different settings, population run with different settings, etc. To avoid having too many functions doing slightly different things. \n\nArguments:\n\targstring: argument string for binary_c\n\t(opt) custom_logging_func_memaddr: memory address value for custom logging function. Default = -1 (None)\n\t(opt) store_memaddr: memory adress of the store. Default = -1 (None)\n\t(opt) write_logfile: Boolean (in int form) for whether to enable the writing of the log function. Default = 0\n\t(opt) population: Boolean (in int form) for whether this system is part of a population run. Default = 0.";
@@ -70,12 +86,6 @@ static char free_store_memaddr_docstring[] =
 static struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
 /* Initialize pyobjects */
-// Old functions. Can be removed I think
-#ifdef __DEPRECATED
-static PyObject* binary_c_create_binary(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
-static PyObject* binary_c_function_prototype(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
-static PyObject* binary_c_new_binary_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
 // Evolution function headers
 static PyObject* binary_c_run_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs);
@@ -96,30 +106,24 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_free_store_memaddr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
 /* Set the module functions */
 static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
-#ifdef __DEPRECATED
-    {"create_binary", 
-        binary_c_create_binary, 
-        METH_VARARGS, 
-        create_binary_docstring
-    },
-    {"function_prototype", binary_c_function_prototype, METH_VARARGS, function_prototype_docstring},
-    {"new_system", binary_c_new_binary_system, METH_VARARGS, new_binary_system_docstring},
-    {"run_system", (PyCFunction)binary_c_run_system, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, run_system_docstring}, 
     // Wierdly, this casting to a PyCFunction, which usually takes only 2 args, now works when giving keywords. See
+    {"run_system", (PyCFunction)binary_c_run_system, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, run_system_docstring}, 
+    //
     {"return_arglines", binary_c_return_arglines, METH_VARARGS, return_arglines_docstring},
     {"return_help", binary_c_return_help_info, METH_VARARGS, return_help_info_docstring},
     {"return_help_all", binary_c_return_help_all_info, METH_VARARGS, return_help_all_info_docstring},
     {"return_version_info", binary_c_return_version_info, METH_VARARGS, return_version_info_docstring},
+    //
     {"return_store_memaddr", binary_c_return_store_memaddr, METH_VARARGS, return_store_memaddr_docstring},
     {"return_persistent_data_memaddr", binary_c_return_persistent_data_memaddr, METH_NOARGS, return_persistent_data_memaddr_docstring},
+    //
     {"free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output", binary_c_free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output, METH_VARARGS, free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output_docstring},
     {"free_store_memaddr", binary_c_free_store_memaddr, METH_VARARGS, free_store_memaddr_docstring},
+    //
     {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
@@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ static struct PyModuleDef Py__binary_c_bindings =
     "_binary_c_bindings", /* name of module */
-    "TODO",          /* module documentation, may be NULL */
+    "Module to interface the Binary_c API with python.",          /* module documentation, may be NULL */
     -1,          /* size of per-interpreter state of the module, or -1 if the module keeps state in global variables. */
@@ -147,73 +151,6 @@ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__binary_c_bindings(void)
 /* Some function that we started out with. Unused now.                            */
 /* ============================================================================== */
-#ifdef __DEPRECATED
-static PyObject* binary_c_create_binary(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    double var1, var2;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    int i;
-    const int N = 1;
-    /* Parse the input tuple */
-    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd", &var1, &var2))
-        return NULL;
-    /* Binary structures */
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata[N];
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
-    /* Allocate memory for binaries */
-    for(i=0;i<N;i++){
-        stardata[i] = NULL;
-        binary_c_new_system(&stardata[i], NULL, NULL, &store, NULL, &empty_str, -1);
-    }
-    /* Return the evolved binary */
-    PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue("");
-    return ret;
-#endif //__DEPRECATED
-static PyObject* binary_c_new_binary_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    /* Binary structures */
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata;
-    /* Allocate memory for binaries */
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    stardata = NULL;
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata, NULL, NULL, &store, NULL, &empty_str, -1);
-    /* Return an object containing the stardata */
-    PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue("");
-    return ret;
-static PyObject* binary_c_function_prototype(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    // This function is an very bare example of how a function would look like.
-    double var1, var2;
-    /* Parse the input tuple */
-    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd", &var1, &var2))
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Return the evolved binary */
-        PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue("");
-        return ret;
-    }
     Below are the real functions:
@@ -280,7 +217,6 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_run_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *k
-    // TODO: fix that the return_error_string is returned.
     return return_string;
@@ -419,7 +355,6 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_return_store_memaddr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
     PyObject * return_error_string MAYBE_UNUSED = Py_BuildValue("s", error_buffer);
     PyObject * store_memaddr = Py_BuildValue("l", out);
-    // printf("store_memaddr: %ld\n", out);
     if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0)
@@ -511,7 +446,6 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_free_store_memaddr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
     /* Parse the input tuple */
     if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l", &store_memaddr))
-        // printf("Error: got a bad input\n");
                 "Error (in function: binary_c_free_store_memaddr): Got a bad input\n");
         return NULL;
@@ -532,7 +466,6 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_free_store_memaddr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
     if(error_buffer != NULL && strlen(error_buffer)>0)
-        // printf("Error (in function: binary_c_free_store_memaddr): %s", error_buffer);
                 "Error (in function: binary_c_free_store_memaddr): %s\n",
@@ -541,38 +474,40 @@ static PyObject* binary_c_free_store_memaddr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    return Py_BuildValue("");
-#include "binary_c_python.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/timeb.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
+ ************************************************************
+ ** Section 2: binary_c interfacing functions
+ **
+ ** These functions call the binary_c API 
+ ************************************************************
+ ************************************************************/
 /* Binary_c python API 
  * Set of c-functions that interface with the binary_c api.
- * These functions are called by python, first through binary_c_python.c, 
- * and there further instructions are given on how to interface
+ * These functions are called by python, through the functions defined above. 
  * Contains several functions:
- * // evolution
+ * // evolution functions:
  * run_system
- * // utility
+ * // utility functions:
  * return_arglines
  * return_help_info
  * return_help_all_info
  * return_version_info
- * // other
- * create_store
- *
+ * // memory allocating functions:
+ * return_store_memaddr
+ * free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output
+ * 
+ * // Memory freeing functions:
+ * free_store_memaddr 
+ * free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output
 // #define _CAPTURE
@@ -899,7 +834,7 @@ int return_version_info(char ** const buffer,
 /* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions set up memoery adresses                                   */
+/* Functions to set up memory                                          */
 /* =================================================================== */
 long int return_store_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
@@ -921,8 +856,8 @@ long int return_store_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
     /* output to strings */
-    // stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    // stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
+    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
+    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
     /* get buffer pointer */
     binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
@@ -930,7 +865,7 @@ long int return_store_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
     /* get error buffer pointer */
     binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
+    /* free stardata (except the buffer and the store) */
     binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
         TRUE,                       // free_preferences
         TRUE,                       // free_stardata
@@ -978,7 +913,7 @@ long int return_persistent_data_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
     uintptr_t persistent_data_memaddr_int = (uintptr_t)stardata->persistent_data; // C Version converting ptr to int
     debug_printf("persistent_data is at address: %p persistent_data_memaddr_int: %ld\n", (void*)&stardata->persistent_data, persistent_data_memaddr_int);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
+    /* free stardata (except the buffer and the persistent data) */
     binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
         TRUE,                       // free_preferences
         TRUE,                       // free_stardata
@@ -992,7 +927,7 @@ long int return_persistent_data_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
 /* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions free memory                                               */
+/* Functions to free memory                                            */
 /* =================================================================== */
 int free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output(long int persistent_data_memaddr,
@@ -1029,6 +964,9 @@ int free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output(long int persistent_data
                         -1                  // argc
+    /* Set the model hash (usually done internally but we're not evolving a system here */
+    stardata->model.ensemble_hash = stardata->persistent_data->ensemble_hash;
     /* output to strings */
     stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
     stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
@@ -1048,7 +986,7 @@ int free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output(long int persistent_data
         TRUE,                       // free_stardata
         TRUE,                       // free_store
         FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        FALSE                       // free_persistent
+        FALSE                       // free_persistent. It already 
     return 0;
@@ -1087,7 +1025,8 @@ int free_store_memaddr(long int store_memaddr,
                         -1                  // argc
-    printf("freed store memaddr\n");
+    debug_printf("freed store memaddr\n");
     /* output to strings */
     stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
     stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
diff --git a/src/binary_c_python_api.c b/src/binary_c_python_api.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 974d35471..000000000
--- a/src/binary_c_python_api.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-#include "binary_c_python.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/timeb.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-/* Binary_c python API 
- * Set of c-functions that interface with the binary_c api.
- * These functions are called by python, first through binary_c_python.c, 
- * and there further instructions are given on how to interface
- * 
- * Contains several functions:
- * // evolution
- * run_system
- * // utility
- * return_arglines
- * return_help_info
- * return_help_all_info
- * return_version_info
- * // other
- * create_store
- *
- */
-// #define _CAPTURE
-#ifdef _CAPTURE
-static void show_stdout(void);
-static void capture_stdout(void);
-/* global variables */
-int out_pipe[2];
-int stdoutwas;
-/* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions to evolve systems                                         */
-/* =================================================================== */
-Function that runs a system. Has multiple input parameters:
-Big function. Takes several arguments. See binary_c_python.c docstring.
-TODO: Describe each input
-int run_system(char * argstring,
-               long int custom_logging_func_memaddr,
-               long int store_memaddr,
-               long int persistent_data_memaddr,
-               int write_logfile,
-               int population,
-               char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    /* memory for system */
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    // Store:
-    /* Check the value of the store_memaddr */
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store;
-    if(store_memaddr != -1)
-    {
-        // load the store from the integer that has been passed
-        store = (void*)store_memaddr;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // struct libbinary_c_store_t * store = NULL;
-        store = NULL;
-    }
-    // persistent_data:
-    struct libbinary_c_persistent_data_t *persistent_data;
-    if(persistent_data_memaddr != -1)
-    {
-        // load the persistent data from the long int that has been passed
-        persistent_data = (void*)persistent_data_memaddr;
-        debug_printf("Took long int memaddr %ld and loaded it to %p\n", persistent_data_memaddr, (void*)&persistent_data);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        persistent_data = NULL;
-        debug_printf("persistent_data memory adress was -1, now setting it to NULL\n");
-    }
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        &persistent_data,   // persistent_data
-                        &argstring,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    // Add flag to enable
-    /* disable logging */
-    if(write_logfile != 1)
-    {
-        snprintf(stardata->preferences->log_filename,
-                 STRING_LENGTH-1,
-                 "%s",
-                 "/dev/null");
-        snprintf(stardata->preferences->api_log_filename_prefix,
-                 STRING_LENGTH-1,
-                 "%s",
-                 "/dev/null");
-    }
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* Check the value of the custom_logging_memaddr */
-    if(custom_logging_func_memaddr != -1)
-    {
-        stardata->preferences->custom_output_function = (void*)(struct stardata_t *)custom_logging_func_memaddr;
-    }
-    debug_printf("ensemble_defer: %d\n", stardata->preferences->ensemble_defer);
-    /* do binary evolution */
-    binary_c_evolve_for_dt(stardata,
-                           stardata->model.max_evolution_time);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* Determine whether to free the store memory adress*/
-    Boolean free_store = FALSE;
-    if (store_memaddr == -1)
-    {
-        Boolean free_store = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Determine whether to free the persistent data memory adress*/
-    Boolean free_persistent_data = FALSE;
-    if (persistent_data_memaddr == -1)
-    {
-        debug_printf("Decided to free the persistent_data memaddr\n");
-        Boolean free_persistent_data = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        free_store,                 // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        free_persistent_data        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-/* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions to call other API functionality like help and arglines    */
-/* =================================================================== */
-int return_arglines(char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    /* memory for N binary systems */
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
-    char *empty_str = "";
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        NULL,               // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* disable logging */
-    snprintf(stardata->preferences->log_filename,
-             STRING_LENGTH-1,
-             "%s",
-             "/dev/null");
-    snprintf(stardata->preferences->api_log_filename_prefix,
-             STRING_LENGTH-1,
-             "%s",
-             "/dev/null");
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* List available arguments */
-    binary_c_list_args(stardata);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata,buffer,nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata,error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-int return_help_info(char * argstring,
-               char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        NULL,               // persistent_data
-                        &argstring,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* Ask the help api */
-    binary_c_help(stardata, argstring);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-int return_help_all_info(char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        NULL,               // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* Ask the help api */
-    binary_c_help_all(stardata);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-int return_version_info(char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t * store = NULL;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        NULL,               // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* Ask the help api */
-    binary_c_version(stardata);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-/* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions set up memoery adresses                                   */
-/* =================================================================== */
-long int return_store_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t * stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t * store = NULL;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        NULL,               // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* output to strings */
-    // stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    // stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        FALSE,                      // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    /* convert the pointer */ 
-    uintptr_t store_memaddr_int = (uintptr_t)store; // C Version converting ptr to int
-    debug_printf("store is at address: %p store_memaddr_int: %ld\n", (void*)&store, store_memaddr_int);
-    /* Return the memaddr as an int */
-    return store_memaddr_int;
-long int return_persistent_data_memaddr(char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    /* Function to allocate the persistent_data_memaddr */
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t * store = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_persistent_data_t * persistent_data = NULL; 
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        &persistent_data,   // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* convert the pointer */
-    uintptr_t persistent_data_memaddr_int = (uintptr_t)stardata->persistent_data; // C Version converting ptr to int
-    debug_printf("persistent_data is at address: %p persistent_data_memaddr_int: %ld\n", (void*)&stardata->persistent_data, persistent_data_memaddr_int);
-    /* free stardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        FALSE                       // free_persistent
-    );
-    /* Return the memaddr as an int */
-    return persistent_data_memaddr_int;
-/* =================================================================== */
-/* Functions free memory                                               */
-/* =================================================================== */
-int free_persistent_data_memaddr_and_return_json_output(long int persistent_data_memaddr,
-               char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    // persistent_data:
-    struct libbinary_c_persistent_data_t *persistent_data;
-    if(persistent_data_memaddr != -1)
-    {
-        // load the persistent data from the long int that has been passed
-        persistent_data = (void*)persistent_data_memaddr;
-        debug_printf("Took long int memaddr %ld and loaded it to %p\n", persistent_data_memaddr, (void*)&persistent_data);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("ERROR: this function needs a valid persistent_data_memaddr value. not -1\n");
-        // persistent_data = NULL;
-        // TODO: put break in the function here. 
-    }
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        &persistent_data,   // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* get output and free memory */
-    binary_c_output_to_json(stardata);
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free the reststardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        FALSE                       // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;
-int free_store_memaddr(long int store_memaddr,
-               char ** const buffer,
-               char ** const error_buffer,
-               size_t * const nbytes)
-    struct libbinary_c_stardata_t *stardata = NULL;
-    struct libbinary_c_persistent_data_t *persistent_data = NULL;
-    char * empty_str = "";
-    // Store:
-    /* Check the value of the store_memaddr */
-    struct libbinary_c_store_t *store;
-    if(store_memaddr != -1)
-    {
-        // load the store from the integer that has been passed
-        store = (void*)store_memaddr;
-        debug_printf("Took long int store_memaddr %ld and loaded it to %p\n", store_memaddr, (void*)&store);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        store = NULL;
-    }
-    /* Set up new system */
-    binary_c_new_system(&stardata,          // stardata
-                        NULL,               // previous_stardatas
-                        NULL,               // preferences
-                        &store,             // store
-                        &persistent_data,   // persistent_data
-                        &empty_str,         // argv
-                        -1                  // argc
-    );
-    printf("freed store memaddr\n");
-    /* output to strings */
-    stardata->preferences->internal_buffering = INTERNAL_BUFFERING_STORE;
-    stardata->preferences->batchmode = BATCHMODE_LIBRARY;
-    /* get buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_buffer_info(stardata, buffer, nbytes);
-    /* get error buffer pointer */
-    binary_c_error_buffer(stardata, error_buffer);
-    /* free the reststardata (except the buffer) */
-    binary_c_free_memory(&stardata, // Stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_preferences
-        TRUE,                       // free_stardata
-        TRUE,                       // free_store
-        FALSE,                      // free_raw_buffer
-        TRUE                        // free_persistent
-    );
-    return 0;