diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
index e11b31a751ca294b4918a7de885ff351793b8d29..136b89112610a7f336e97aa43d48046909ca5145 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class Population(object):
         # Get argument line
         argline = self.return_argline(self.bse_options)
+        print('Running {}'.format(argline))
         # Run system
         out = binary_c_python_api.run_system(
@@ -552,16 +552,17 @@ class Population(object):
         for i, system in enumerate(self.grid_options["system_generator"](self)):
-            full_system_dict = self.bse_options.copy()
-            full_system_dict.update(system)
+            #full_system_dict = self.bse_options.copy()
+            #full_system_dict.update(system)
-            binary_cmdline_string = self.return_argline(full_system_dict)
-            out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
-                binary_cmdline_string,
-                self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
-                self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
-            )
-            print("{}/{}".format(i+1, total_starcount_run), binary_cmdline_string)
+            #binary_cmdline_string = self.return_argline(full_system_dict)
+            pass
+            # out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+            #     binary_cmdline_string,
+            #     self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+            #     self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+            # )
+            # print("{}/{}".format(i+1, total_starcount_run), binary_cmdline_string)
         stop_lin = time.time()
@@ -617,11 +618,12 @@ class Population(object):
             # pass
             # print('next')
             # self.set_bse_option("M_1", mass)
-            out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
-                binary_cmdline_string,
-                self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
-                self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
-            )
+            # out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+            #     binary_cmdline_string,
+            #     self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+            #     self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+            # )
+            pass
             # # parse_function(self, out)
         def yield_system():
@@ -630,9 +632,9 @@ class Population(object):
                 binary_cmdline_string = self.return_argline(full_system_dict)
-                print("{}/{}".format(i+1, total_starcount_run), binary_cmdline_string)
+                # print("{}/{}".format(i+1, total_starcount_run), binary_cmdline_string)
                 yield binary_cmdline_string
+                # yield i
             print("generator done")
         # Create pool
@@ -654,6 +656,95 @@ class Population(object):
         return stop_mp - start_mp
+    def test_evolve_population_mp_chunks(self):
+        """
+        Test function to evolve a population in a parallel way.
+        returns total time spent on the actual interfacing with binaryc 
+        """
+        import time
+        import multiprocessing as mp
+        # from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
+        from pathos.pools import _ProcessPool as Pool
+        #######################
+        ### Custom logging code:
+        self.set_custom_logging()
+        ### Load store
+        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"] = binary_c_python_api.return_store("")
+        #######################
+        # Dry run and getting starcount
+        self.grid_options['probtot'] = 0
+        self.generate_grid_code(dry_run=True)
+        self.load_grid_function()
+        self.dry_run()
+        total_starcount_run = self.grid_options['total_starcount']
+        print("Total starcount for this run will be: {}".format(total_starcount_run))
+        #######################
+        # MP run
+        self.grid_options['probtot'] = 0 # To make sure that the values are reset. TODO: fix this in a cleaner way
+        start_mp = time.time()
+        self.generate_grid_code(dry_run=False)
+        self.load_grid_function()
+        def evolve_system(binary_cmdline_string):
+            # print(binary_cmdline_string)
+            # pass
+            # print('next')
+            # self.set_bse_option("M_1", mass)
+            # out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+            #     binary_cmdline_string,
+            #     self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+            #     self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+            # )
+            pass
+            # # parse_function(self, out)
+        def yield_system():
+            for i, system in enumerate(self.grid_options["system_generator"](self)):
+                full_system_dict = self.bse_options.copy()
+                full_system_dict.update(system)
+                binary_cmdline_string = self.return_argline(full_system_dict)
+                # print("{}/{}".format(i+1, total_starcount_run), binary_cmdline_string)
+                yield binary_cmdline_string
+                # yield i
+            print("generator done")
+        # Create pool
+        p = Pool(processes=self.grid_options["amt_cores"])
+        # Execute
+        r = list(p.imap_unordered(evolve_system, yield_system(), chunksize=100))
+        stop_mp = time.time()
+        # Give feedback
+        print(
+            "with mp: {} systems took {}s using {} cores".format(
+                self.grid_options['total_starcount'],
+                stop_mp - start_mp,
+                self.grid_options["amt_cores"],
+            )
+        )
+        return stop_mp - start_mp
     def test_evolve_single(self):
         Function to test the evolution of a system. Calls the api binding directly.
@@ -953,7 +1044,7 @@ class Population(object):
             code_string += indent * (depth + 1) + "# Setting probabilities\n"
             code_string += (
                 indent * (depth + 1)
-                + "d{} = {}".format(grid_variable["name"], grid_variable["probdist"])
+                + "d{} = phasevol_{} * {}".format(grid_variable["name"], grid_variable["name"], grid_variable["probdist"])
                 + "\n"
diff --git a/tests/population/grid_tests.py b/tests/population/grid_tests.py
index a6ae23c596b4111ade8203e9f6d3e3e4837dd8cb..a8947b5213df15ac02cd8cfe02efbfed495f21b6 100644
--- a/tests/population/grid_tests.py
+++ b/tests/population/grid_tests.py
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ test_pop.add_grid_variable(
     # precode="M_1=math.exp(lnm1)",
     # probdist='self.custom_options["extra_prob_function"](M_1)',
-    dphasevol="dlnm1",
+    dphasevol="dM_1",
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ test_pop.set(verbose=1,
 # print(test_pop.grid_options["probtot"])
 # print(test_pop.grid_options["count"])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/evolve_population_comparing_with_multiprocessing.py b/tests/population/scaling/evolve_population_comparing_with_multiprocessing.py
index c880e820e9f3b9f39c6de03631183856d1c7db27..62e9da962f806e356eaa6f03ee8096d9204baa10 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/evolve_population_comparing_with_multiprocessing.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/evolve_population_comparing_with_multiprocessing.py
@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ test_pop.add_grid_variable(
+# MP
+total_mp_start = time.time()
+# evolve_mp_time = test_pop.test_evolve_population_mp()
+evolve_mp_time = test_pop.test_evolve_population_mp_chunks()
+total_mp_stop = time.time()
+total_mp = total_mp_stop - total_mp_start
+print("MP ({} nodes) run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(AMT_CORES, total_systems, total_mp, evolve_mp_time))
 # Lin
 total_lin_start = time.time()
@@ -132,22 +144,13 @@ total_lin = total_lin_stop - total_lin_start
 print("linear run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(total_systems, total_lin, evolve_lin_time))
-# MP
-total_mp_start = time.time()
-evolve_mp_time = test_pop.test_evolve_population_mp()
-total_mp_stop = time.time()
-total_mp = total_mp_stop - total_mp_start
-print("MP ({} nodes) run with {} systems: {} of which {} spent on evolving the systems".format(AMT_CORES, total_systems, total_mp, evolve_mp_time))
 speed_up = total_lin/total_mp
 print("The speed up by using MP is: {}".format(total_lin/total_mp))
 # Write to file:
 # amt_cores, amt_systems, total_time_lin, total_time_mp, speedup
-with open(os.path.join(result_dir, "comparison_result_{}.dat".format(name_testcase)), "a") as f:
-    res = (AMT_CORES, total_systems, total_lin, total_mp, speed_up)
-    f.write(str(res) + "\n")
\ No newline at end of file
+#with open(os.path.join(result_dir, "comparison_result_{}.dat".format(name_testcase)), "a") as f:
+#    res = (AMT_CORES, total_systems, total_lin, total_mp, speed_up)
+#    f.write(str(res) + "\n")