diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
index f63319dd70e948a3cf65db2efc82ae4fbc497373..162b33e85710731c4069d7795ec5e96efdc13824 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/grid.py
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@ import copy
 import json
 import sys
 import datetime
+import time
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import multiprocessing as mp
+from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
 import binary_c_python_api
@@ -76,6 +81,9 @@ class Population(object):
     # TODO: maybe make a set_bse option.
+    def set_bse_option(self, key, arg):
+        self.bse_options[key] = arg
     def set(self, **kwargs):
         Function to set the values of the population. This is the preferred method to set values of functions, as it 
@@ -387,33 +395,13 @@ class Population(object):
             return out
-    def evolve_population(self, custom_arg_file=None):
+    def evolve_population(self, parse_function, custom_arg_file=None):
         The function that will evolve the population. This function contains many steps
         ### Custom logging code:
-        # C_logging_code gets priority of C_autogen_code
-        if self.grid_options["C_auto_logging"]:
-            # Generate real logging code
-            logging_line = autogen_C_logging_code(self.grid_options["C_auto_logging"])
-            # Generate entire shared lib code around logging lines
-            custom_logging_code = binary_c_log_code(logging_line)
-            # Load memory adress
-            self.grid_options[
-                "custom_logging_func_memaddr"
-            ] = create_and_load_logging_function(custom_logging_code)
-        #
-        if self.grid_options["C_logging_code"]:
-            # Generate entire shared lib code around logging lines
-            custom_logging_code = binary_c_log_code(self.grid_options["C_logging_code"])
-            # Load memory adress
-            self.grid_options[
-                "custom_logging_func_memaddr"
-            ] = create_and_load_logging_function(custom_logging_code)
+        self.set_custom_logging()
         ### Load store
         self.grid_options["store_memaddr"] = binary_c_python_api.return_store("")
@@ -459,6 +447,116 @@ class Population(object):
         # TODO: add call to function that cleans up the temp customlogging dir, and unloads the loaded libraries.
+    def evolve_population_comparison(self, parse_function, amt, nodes, custom_arg_file=None):
+        """
+        The function that will evolve the population. This function contains many steps
+        """
+        ### Custom logging code:
+        self.set_custom_logging()
+        ### Load store
+        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"] = binary_c_python_api.return_store("")
+        # Execute.
+        ### Part to test running this with and without multiprocessing. 
+        import time
+        import multiprocessing as mp
+        from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
+        import random
+        start_no_mp = time.time()
+        self.set(base_filename='no_mp_{}.dat'.format(amt))
+        # amt = 1000
+        masses = range(1, amt+1)
+        for i in masses:
+            mass = random.randint(1, 500)
+            # print(mass)
+            self.set_bse_option('M_1', mass)
+            out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+                        self.return_argline(),
+                        self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+                        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+                    )
+            # parse_function(self, out)
+        stop_no_mp = time.time()
+        print("without mp: {} systems took {}s".format(amt, stop_no_mp-start_no_mp))
+        #########################################################
+        start_mp = time.time()
+        self.set(base_filename='mp_{}.dat'.format(amt))
+        def evolve_mp(mass):
+            # print(mass)
+            self.set_bse_option('M_1', mass)
+            # self.set(M_1=mass)
+            out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+                        self.return_argline(),
+                        self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+                        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+                    )
+            # parse_function(self, out)
+        p = Pool(nodes=nodes)
+        def g(amt):
+            # amt = 1000
+            masses = range(1, amt+1)
+            for i in masses:
+                mass = random.randint(1, 500)
+                yield mass
+            print("generator done")
+        r = list(p.imap(evolve_mp, g(amt)))
+        stop_mp = time.time()
+        print("with mp: {} systems took {}s".format(amt, stop_mp-start_mp))
+        #########################################################
+        print("Running mp versus no mp is {} times faster!".format((start_no_mp-stop_no_mp)/(start_mp-stop_mp)))
+        return (nodes, amt, stop_no_mp-start_no_mp, stop_mp-start_mp)
+    def evolve_population_mp(self, parse_function, mass_distribution):
+        """
+        The function that will evolve the population. This function contains many steps
+        """
+        ### Custom logging code:
+        self.set_custom_logging()
+        ### Load store
+        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"] = binary_c_python_api.return_store("")
+        # evolve with mp
+        start_mp = time.time()
+        def evolve_mp(mass):
+            self.set_bse_option('M_1', mass)
+            out = binary_c_python_api.run_population(
+                        self.return_argline(),
+                        self.grid_options["custom_logging_func_memaddr"],
+                        self.grid_options["store_memaddr"],
+                    )
+            parse_function(self, out)
+        p = Pool(nodes=self.grid_options['amt_cores'])
+        def g(mass_distribution):
+            masses = mass_distribution
+            for mass in masses:
+                yield mass
+            print("generator done")
+        r = list(p.imap(evolve_mp, g(mass_distribution)))
+        stop_mp = time.time()
+        print("with mp: {} systems took {}s using {} cores".format(len(mass_distribution), stop_mp-start_mp), self.grid_options['amt_cores'])
+        #########################################################
+        # print("Running mp versus no mp is {} times faster!".format((start_no_mp-stop_no_mp)/(start_mp-stop_mp)))
+        # return (nodes, amt, stop_no_mp-start_no_mp, stop_mp-start_mp)
     # Testing functions
diff --git a/tests/population/comparison_result.dat b/tests/population/comparison_result.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64e82a8f423da92433dbcc2d24d646f3e43ad70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/population/comparison_result.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(4, 100, 4.975594997406006, 2.3232288360595703)
+(4, 100, 4.787039518356323, 2.2747838497161865)
+(4, 100, 4.9317708015441895, 2.4268319606781006)
+(1, 100, 5.315765619277954, 5.674138784408569)
+(2, 100, 4.9390997886657715, 2.769941806793213)
+(2, 100, 5.208018779754639, 2.836611747741699)
+(2, 100, 5.186922311782837, 3.152923107147217)
+(4, 100, 5.072067499160767, 2.3781256675720215)
+(4, 100, 5.082597970962524, 2.3073325157165527)
+(4, 1000, 49.75706219673157, 30.233830213546753)
+(4, 1000, 53.46943283081055, 32.60539269447327)
+(4, 1000, 54.02741098403931, 30.801720142364502)
+(4, 1000, 55.66723918914795, 32.122862100601196)
+(4, 2000, 106.51247549057007, 61.482452392578125)
+(4, 2000, 109.3186149597168, 61.64964556694031)
+(4, 2000, 111.05836129188538, 91.57576203346252)
+(4, 2000, 121.61987137794495, 68.84247088432312)
+(4, 1000, 49.87850880622864, 30.613584995269775)
+(4, 1000, 52.58728384971619, 31.519263982772827)
+(4, 1000, 53.73133993148804, 31.784117937088013)
+(4, 1000, 54.716689348220825, 31.911094665527344)
+(4, 2000, 124.03876852989197, 62.09644532203674)
+(4, 2000, 103.91023874282837, 60.63083362579346)
+(4, 2000, 104.27078628540039, 61.83385968208313)
+(4, 2000, 104.66957712173462, 60.45007133483887)
+(4, 5000, 261.0527467727661, 154.01037573814392)
+(4, 5000, 259.3938636779785, 152.388818025589)
+(4, 5000, 260.7243824005127, 152.58654737472534)
+(4, 5000, 261.61197566986084, 152.4033432006836)
diff --git a/tests/population/multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py b/tests/population/multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b49b69c7150ecb397ceda12d94455c3c5db4a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/population/multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import os
+import json
+import time
+import pickle
+import sys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from binarycpython.utils.grid import Population
+from binarycpython.utils.functions import get_help_all, get_help, create_hdf5
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    "amt_systems",
+    help='the amount of systems',
+    "amt_nodes",
+    help='the amount of nodes that are used for the multiprocessing',
+    "name_testcase",
+    help='The name of the testcase (e.g. laptop, cluster etc)',
+args = parser.parse_args()
+amt_systems = args.amt_systems
+amt_nodes = args.amt_nodes
+name_testcase = args.name_testcase
+## Quick script to get some output about which stars go supernova when.
+def output_lines(output):
+    """
+    Function that outputs the lines that were recieved from the binary_c run. 
+    """
+    return output.splitlines()
+def parse_function(self, output):
+    # extract info from the population instance
+    # TODO: think about whether this is smart. Passing around this object might be an overkill
+    # Get some information from the 
+    data_dir = self.custom_options['data_dir']
+    base_filename = self.custom_options['base_filename']
+    # Check directory, make if necessary
+    os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
+    # Create filename
+    outfilename = os.path.join(data_dir, base_filename)
+    # Go over the output.
+    for el in output_lines(output):
+        headerline = el.split()[0]
+        # CHeck the header and act accordingly
+        if (headerline=='DAVID_SN'):
+            parameters = ['time', 'mass_1', 'prev_mass_1', 'zams_mass_1', 'SN_type']
+            values = el.split()[1:]
+            seperator='\t'
+            if not os.path.exists(outfilename):
+                with open(outfilename, 'w') as f:
+                    f.write(seperator.join(parameters)+'\n')
+            with open(outfilename, 'a') as f:
+                f.write(seperator.join(values)+'\n')
+## Set values
+test_pop = Population()
+    C_logging_code="""
+if(stardata->star[0].SN_type != SN_NONE)    
+    if (stardata->model.time < stardata->model.max_evolution_time)
+    {
+        Printf("DAVID_SN %30.12e %g %g %g %d\\n",
+            // 
+            stardata->model.time, // 1
+            stardata->star[0].mass, //2
+            stardata->previous_stardata->star[0].mass, //3
+            stardata->star[0].pms_mass, //4
+            stardata->star[0].SN_type //5
+      );
+    };
+    /* Kill the simulation to save time */
+    stardata->model.max_evolution_time = stardata->model.time - stardata->model.dtm;
+    orbital_period=400000000, 
+    metallicity=0.002, 
+    data_dir=os.path.join(os.environ['BINARYC_DATA_ROOT'], 'testing_python', 'multiprocessing2', name_testcase))
+# res = test_pop.evolve_population_comparison(parse_function, amt=int(amt_systems), nodes=int(amt_nodes))
+# with open('comparison_result.dat', 'a') as f:
+#     f.write(str(res)+'\n')
+mass_distribution = np.arange(1, 200)
+# evolve_population_mp(parse_function, mass_distribution)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/population/run_tests.sh b/tests/population/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f156a869b99b1cb8cf431384cad34c3d8bc9354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/population/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 100 4 laptop
+#python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 100 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 1000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 1000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 1000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 1000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 2000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 2000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 2000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 2000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 5000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 5000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 5000 4 laptop
+python multiprocessing_via_population_comparison.py 5000 4 laptop