From 554b7984dafb7b859f54569c26cc3cfcd0f0c601 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hendriks <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 23:22:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added functions to the plotting utility script

 binarycpython/utils/ | 351 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 335 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index efe85bc06..b6186bc03 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -16,27 +16,46 @@ TODO: Put all the plotting functions in here
+import math
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
+import astropy.constants as const
-# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from binarycpython.utils.functions import output_lines
 from binarycpython.utils.run_system_wrapper import run_system
 from binarycpython.utils.custom_logging_functions import binary_c_log_code
-from david_phd_functions.plotting.plot_functions import (
-    plot_orbit,
-    plot_masses,
-    plot_HR_diagram,
 # Define the custom_logging_strings.
 # These are kept to the minimum necessary for each plotting routine.
+Printf("MASS_PLOTTING %30.12e %g %g %g %g\\n",
+    //
+    stardata->model.time, // 1
+    // masses
+    stardata->star[0].pms_mass, // 
+    stardata->star[1].pms_mass,  // 
+    stardata->star[0].mass,
+    stardata->star[1].mass
+    );
+Printf("ORBIT_PLOTTING %30.12e %g %g %g\\n",
+    //
+    stardata->model.time, // 1
+    // orbit elements
+    stardata->common.orbit.period, //2
+    stardata->common.orbit.separation, //3
+    stardata->common.orbit.eccentricity //4
+    );
 Printf("HR_PLOTTING %30.12e %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\\n",
@@ -59,13 +78,246 @@ Printf("HR_PLOTTING %30.12e %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\\n",
+def color_by_index(row, column, colors):
+    return colors[int(row[column])]
+def plot_HR_diagram(df, show_stellar_types=False, show_plot=True, use_astropy_values=True):
+    """
+    Function to plot the HR diagram evolution of the system. Assumes its a binary system.
+    For a single star see plot_HR_diagram_single
+    Plot shows Log luminosity on y axis,
+    log temperature on x axis (reversed)
+    requires:
+        time
+        stellar_type_1
+        stellar_type_2
+        radius_1
+        radius_2
+        luminosity_1
+        luminosity_2
+    Plots:
+        luminosity_1 vs teff_1
+        luminosity_2 vs teff_2
+    TODO: add HD limit
+    TODO: add lines of constant radius
+    """
+    # prefactor = (1/(4 * math.pi * omega_sb))**(1.0/4)
+    # prefactor_approx = 1000 * (1130)**(1.0/4) * ((R_SUN**2)/L_SUN)**(1.0/4)
+    if use_astropy_values:
+        R_SUN = const.R_sun.cgs.value
+        L_SUN = const.L_sun.cgs.value
+        omega_sb = const.sigma_sb.cgs.value
+        print('Using astropy values: R_SUN= {} L_SUN = {} omega_sb = {}'.format(R_SUN, L_SUN, omega_sb))
+    else:
+        R_SUN = 6.956600000000000000000000000000e+10
+        L_SUN = 3.851500000000000274321803705319e+33
+        omega_sb = 5.670352798655924736991040813194e-05
+        print('Using binary_c values: R_SUN= {} L_SUN = {} omega_sb = {}'.format(R_SUN, L_SUN, omega_sb))
+    prefactor = (1/(4 * math.pi * omega_sb))**(1.0/4)
+    if show_stellar_types:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(20, 20))
+        fig, colors = add_stellar_types_bar(df, fig, ax_index=-1, only_colorbar=True)
+    else:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(20, 20))
+    df = df.assign(teff_1=prefactor * ((df['luminosity_1'] * L_SUN)/((df['radius_1'] * R_SUN) ** 2)) ** (1.0/4))
+    df = df.assign(teff_2=prefactor * ((df['luminosity_2'] * L_SUN)/((df['radius_2'] * R_SUN) ** 2)) ** (1.0/4))
+        # # Add colors to dataframe 
+        # df = df.assign(colors_1=df.apply(color_by_index, axis=1, args=('stellar_type_1', colors)))
+        # df = df.assign(colors_2=df.apply(color_by_index, axis=1, args=('stellar_type_2', colors)))
+    # Star 1:
+    fig.axes[0].scatter(
+            df['teff_1'], 
+            df['luminosity_1'], 
+            label='Star 1 (M={})'.format(df['pms_mass_1'].values.tolist()[0]),
+            # color=df['colors_1']
+        )
+    # Star 2:
+    fig.axes[0].scatter(
+            df['teff_2'], 
+            df['luminosity_2'],
+            label='Star 2 (M={})'.format(df['pms_mass_2'].values.tolist()[0]),
+            # color=df['colors_2']
+        )
+    margin_fraction_x = 0.1
+    margin_fraction_y = 0.9
+    # Fix axes
+    min_y, max_y = df[['luminosity_1', 'luminosity_2']].min().min(), df[['luminosity_1', 'luminosity_2']].max().max()
+    min_x, max_x = df[['teff_1', 'teff_2']].min().min(), df[['teff_1', 'teff_2']].max().max()
+    fig.axes[0].set_xlim(min_x * (1-margin_fraction_x), max_x * (1 + margin_fraction_x))
+    fig.axes[0].set_ylim(min_y * (1-margin_fraction_y), max_y * (1 + margin_fraction_y))
+    fig.axes[0].set_yscale('log')
+    fig.axes[0].set_xscale('log')
+    fig.axes[0].invert_xaxis()
+    # Other stuff
+    fig.axes[0].set_title('HR diagram')
+    fig.axes[0].legend(loc='best')
+    fig.axes[0].set_ylabel(r'Luminosity [$L_{star}$/$L_{\odot}$]')
+    fig.axes[0].set_xlabel(r'$T_{eff}$ (K)')
+    # Show or return
+    if show_plot:
+    else:
+        return fig
+def plot_orbit(df, show_stellar_types=False, show_plot=True):
+    """
+    Function to plot the orbital elements of the system
+    Plots the following quantities:
+        - Orbital period
+        - Separation
+        - eccentricity
+    """
+    if show_stellar_types:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=4, figsize=(20, 10))
+        fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
+    else:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=3, figsize=(20, 10), sharex=True)  
+        fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
+    # 
+    fig.axes[0].plot(df['time'], df['orbital_period'], label='Orbital period')
+    fig.axes[1].plot(df['time'], df['separation'], label='Separation orbit')
+    fig.axes[2].plot(df['time'], df['eccentricity'], label='Eccentricity orbit')
+    # Make up
+    fig.axes[0].set_title('Orbital elements evolution')
+    fig.axes[0].legend(loc='best')
+    fig.axes[1].legend(loc='best')
+    fig.axes[2].legend(loc='best')
+    # fig.axes[0].set_ylim(0, 1.1*max_total_mass)
+    fig.axes[0].set_ylabel(r'Orbital period')
+    fig.axes[1].set_ylabel(r'Separation')
+    fig.axes[2].set_ylabel(r'Eccentricity')
+    fig.axes[0].set_yscale('log')
+    fig.axes[1].set_yscale('log')
+    fig.axes[2].set_xlabel(r'Time (Myr)')
+    # Show or return
+    if show_plot:
+    else:
+        return fig
+def plot_masses(df, show_stellar_types=False, show_plot=True):
+    """
+    Function to plot the masses of the system.
+    Function requires the following keys:
+        - time
+        - pms_mass_1
+        - pms_mass_2
+        - mass_1
+        - mass_2
+    Plots the following quantities:
+        - Total mass
+        - Mass star 1
+        - Mass star 2
+        - Pms mass 1
+        - pms mass 2
+        - pms total mass
+        (maybe?) core and env masses
+    """
+    if show_stellar_types:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=2, figsize=(20, 10))
+        fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
+    else:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(20, 10))
+    max_total_mass = df['pms_mass_1'].values.tolist()[0] + df['pms_mass_2'].values.tolist()[0]
+    df['total_mass_temp'] = df['mass_1'] + df['mass_2']
+    df['pms_total_mass_temp'] = max_total_mass
+    # total mass
+    fig.axes[0].plot(
+        df['time'],
+        df['total_mass_temp'],
+        label='Total mass'
+    )
+    fig.axes[0].axhline(
+        df['pms_total_mass_temp'].values.tolist()[0],
+        label='Initial total mass',
+        linestyle='--',
+        alpha=0.5
+    )
+    # Mass 1
+    fig.axes[0].plot(
+        df['time'],
+        df['mass_1'],
+        label='star 1'
+    )
+    fig.axes[0].axhline(
+        df['pms_mass_1'].values.tolist()[0],
+        color='red',
+        linestyle='--',
+        linewidth=2,
+        label='Initial mass 1',
+        alpha=0.5
+    )
+    # mass 2
+    fig.axes[0].plot(
+        df['time'],
+        df['mass_2'],
+        color='orange',
+        label='star 2')
+    fig.axes[0].axhline(
+        df['pms_mass_2'].values.tolist()[0],
+        color='red',
+        linestyle='--',
+        linewidth=2,
+        label='Initial mass 2',
+        alpha=0.5
+    )
+    # Make up
+    fig.axes[0].set_title('Stellar mass evolution')
+    fig.axes[0].legend(loc='best')
+    fig.axes[0].set_ylim(0, 1.1*max_total_mass)
+    fig.axes[0].set_ylabel(r'Mass [$M_{\odot}$]')
+    fig.axes[0].set_xlabel(r'Time (Myr)')
+    # Show or return
+    if show_plot:
+    else:
+        return fig
 # Define the parse functions for the plotting routines
 def dummy():
 def parse_function_hr_diagram(output):
     Parsing function for the HR plotting routine
@@ -105,6 +357,67 @@ def parse_function_hr_diagram(output):
     return df
+def parse_function_orbit(output):
+    """
+    Parsing function for the orbit plotting routine
+    """
+    values_list = []
+    parameters = [
+        "time",
+        "orbital_period",
+        "separation",
+        "eccentricity",
+    ]
+    # Go over the output.
+    for line in output_lines(output):
+        headerline = line.split()[0]
+        # Check the header and act accordingly
+        if headerline == "ORBIT_PLOTTING":
+            values = line.split()[1:]
+            values_list.append(values)
+    df = pd.DataFrame(values_list)
+    df.columns = parameters
+    df = df.astype(np.float64)
+    return df
+def parse_function_masses(output):
+    """
+    Parsing function for the orbit plotting routine
+    """
+    values_list = []
+    parameters = [
+        "time",
+        "pms_mass_1",
+        "pms_mass_2",
+        "mass_1",
+        "mass_2",
+    ]
+    # Go over the output.
+    for line in output_lines(output):
+        headerline = line.split()[0]
+        # Check the header and act accordingly
+        if headerline == "MASS_PLOTTING":
+            values = line.split()[1:]
+            values_list.append(values)
+    df = pd.DataFrame(values_list)
+    df.columns = parameters
+    df = df.astype(np.float64)
+    return df
 def plot_system(plot_type, **kwargs):
@@ -145,12 +458,12 @@ def plot_system(plot_type, **kwargs):
         "mass_evolution": {
             "plot_function": plot_masses,
             "custom_logging_string": CUSTOM_LOGGING_STRING_MASSES,
-            "parse_function": dummy,
+            "parse_function": parse_function_masses,
         "orbit_evolution": {
             "plot_function": plot_orbit,
             "custom_logging_string": CUSTOM_LOGGING_STRING_ORBIT,
-            "parse_function": dummy,
+            "parse_function": parse_function_orbit,
         "hr_diagram": {
             "plot_function": plot_HR_diagram,
@@ -194,7 +507,7 @@ def plot_system(plot_type, **kwargs):
     run_system_arg_dict["parse_function"] = plot_types_dict[plot_type]["parse_function"]
-    # Run and get the output of the parse function
+    # Run and get the output of the parse stellar_type_dict_shortfunction
     binary_c_output_df = run_system(**run_system_arg_dict)
     fig = plot_types_dict[plot_type]["plot_function"](
@@ -204,12 +517,18 @@ def plot_system(plot_type, **kwargs):
     if not show_plot:
         return fig
+# from david_phd_functions.plotting.custom_mpl_settings import load_mpl_rc
+# load_mpl_rc()
-    plot_type="hr_diagram",
+fig = plot_system(
+    plot_type="mass_evolution",
-    orbital_period=100000,
+    separation=1000000,
+    orbital_period=100000000,
+# fig.axes[0].set_xlim(0, 150)
\ No newline at end of file