From 4fe74c8014497402920a43323ec608a6b6185a16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Izzard <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:58:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update logging with boxes

 binarycpython/utils/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 5eb79465c..115af951b 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ class Population:
     # Return functions
@@ -778,6 +779,38 @@ class Population:
             return outfile
+    def _boxed(self,*list,colour='yellow on black',boxchar='*',separator="\n"):
+        """
+        Function to output a list of strings in a single box.
+        Args:
+            list = a list of strings to be output. If these contain the separator
+                   (see below) these strings are split by it.
+            separator = strings are split on this, default "\n"
+            colour = the colour to be used, usually this is 'yellow on black'
+                     as set in the ANSI_colours dict
+            boxchar = the character used to make the box, '*' by default
+        """
+        strlen = 0
+        strings = []
+        if separator:
+            for l in list:
+                strings += l.split(sep=separator)
+        else:
+            strings = list
+        for string in strings:
+            strlen = max(len(string),strlen)
+        strlen += strlen % 2
+        header = boxchar * (4 + strlen)
+        out = self.ANSI_colours[colour] + header + "\n"
+        for string in strings:
+            if len(string)%2 == 1:
+                string = ' ' + string
+            pad = ' ' * int((strlen - len(string))/2)
+            out = out + boxchar + ' ' + pad + string + pad + ' ' + boxchar +"\n"
+        out = out + header + "\n" + self.ANSI_colours["reset"]
+        return out
     def _set_custom_logging(self):
         Function/routine to set all the custom logging so that the function memory pointer
@@ -976,6 +1009,7 @@ class Population:
         return analytics_dict
     def _evolve_population(self):
         Function to evolve populations. This handles the setting up, evolving
@@ -1017,23 +1051,20 @@ class Population:
         self.grid_options["_end_time_evolution"] = time.time()
         # Log and print some information
-        verbose_print(
-            "Population-{} finished! The total probability was: {}. It took a total of {}s to run {} systems on {} cores".format(
-                self.grid_options["_population_id"],
-                self.grid_options["_probtot"],
-                self.grid_options["_end_time_evolution"]
-                - self.grid_options["_start_time_evolution"],
-                self.grid_options["_total_starcount"],
-                self.grid_options["num_cores"],
-            ),
-            self.grid_options["verbosity"],
-            0,
-        )
+        dtsecs = self.grid_options["_end_time_evolution"] - self.grid_options["_start_time_evolution"]
+        string1 = "Population-{} finished!\nThe total probability is {:g}.".format(self.grid_options["_population_id"],
+                                                                                  self.grid_options["_probtot"],)
+        string2 = "It took a total of {}s to run {} systems on {} cores".format(dtsecs,
+                                                                                self.grid_options["_total_starcount"],
+                                                                                self.grid_options["num_cores"])
+        verbose_print(self._boxed(string1,string2),
+                      self.grid_options["verbosity"],
+                      0)
         if self.grid_options["_errors_found"]:
             # Some information afterwards
-                "During the run {} failed systems were found, with a total probability of {} and with the following unique error codes: {} ".format(
+                "During the run {} failed systems were found, with a total probability of {:g} and with the following unique error codes: {} ".format(
@@ -1696,7 +1727,7 @@ class Population:
         end_process_time =
-            "Process {} finished:\n\tgenerator started at {}, done at {} (total: {}s of which {}s interfacing with binary_c).\n\tRan {} systems with a total probability of {}.\n\tThis thread had {} failing systems with a total probability of {}.\n\tSkipped a total of {} systems because they had 0 probability".format(
+            "Process {} finished:\n\tgenerator started at {}, done at {} (total: {}s of which {}s interfacing with binary_c).\n\tRan {} systems with a total probability of {:g}.\n\tThis thread had {} failing systems with a total probability of {}\n\tSkipped a total of {} systems because they had 0 probability".format(
@@ -1913,12 +1944,13 @@ class Population:
                 # Do a dry run
-                print(
-                    "Total starcount for this run will be: {} with a total probability of {}".format(
-                        self.grid_options["_total_starcount"],
-                        self.grid_options["_probtot"],
-                    )
-                )
+                verbose_print(
+                    self._boxed(
+                        "Total starcount for this run is {starcount}".format(starcount=self.grid_options["_total_starcount"]),
+                        "Total probability is {probtot}".format(probtot=self.grid_options["_probtot"])
+                    ),
+                    self.grid_options["verbosity"],
+                    0)
                 if self.grid_options["exit_after_dry_run"]: