From 3d8b43e5d0f2f341f6b5a32e325080fed7c1a4d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Izzard <>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 11:43:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] split of dict and ensemble functions in binary_c-python to
 their own source files

 binarycpython/utils/     |  695 +++++++++++++++++++++
 binarycpython/utils/  |  366 +++++++++++
 binarycpython/utils/ | 1002 +-----------------------------
 binarycpython/utils/      |   28 +-
 4 files changed, 1080 insertions(+), 1011 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 binarycpython/utils/
 create mode 100644 binarycpython/utils/

diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77b47f8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+Module containing functions that binary_c-python uses to modify
+import astropy.units as u
+import collections
+import copy
+import numpy as np
+from collections import (
+    OrderedDict,
+# we need to convert keys to floats:
+# this is ~ a factor 10 faster than David's
+# recursive_change_key_to_float routine,
+# probably because this version only does
+# the float conversion, nothing else.
+def keys_to_floats(json_data):
+    # assumes nested dicts ...
+    #new_data = {}
+    # but this copies the variable type, but has some
+    # pointless copying
+    #new_data = copy.copy(json_data)
+    #new_data.clear()
+    # this adopts the type correctly *and* is fast
+    new_data = type(json_data)()
+    for k,v in json_data.items():
+        if isinstance(v, list):
+            v = [ keys_to_floats(item) if isinstance(item, \
+                          else item for item in v ]
+        elif isinstance(v,
+            # dict, ordereddict, etc.
+            v = keys_to_floats(v)
+        try:
+            f = float(k)
+            new_data[f] = json_data[k]
+        except:
+            new_data[k] = v
+    return new_data
+def recursive_change_key_to_float(input_dict):
+    """
+    Function to recursively change the key to float
+    This only works if the dict contains just sub-dicts or numbers/strings.
+    Does not work with lists as values
+    """
+    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
+    for key in input_dict:
+        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
+            try:
+                num_key = float(key)
+                new_dict[num_key] = recursive_change_key_to_float(
+                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
+                )
+            except ValueError:
+                new_dict[key] = recursive_change_key_to_float(
+                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
+                )
+        else:
+            try:
+                num_key = float(key)
+                new_dict[num_key] = input_dict[key]
+            except ValueError:
+                new_dict[key] = input_dict[key]
+    return new_dict
+def recursive_change_key_to_string(input_dict):
+    """
+    Function to recursively change the key back to a string but this time in a format that we decide
+    """
+    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
+    for key in input_dict:
+        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
+            if isinstance(key, (int, float)):
+                string_key = "{:g}".format(key)
+                new_dict[string_key] = recursive_change_key_to_string(
+                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
+                )
+            else:
+                new_dict[key] = recursive_change_key_to_string(
+                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
+                )
+        else:
+            if isinstance(key, (int, float)):
+                string_key = "{:g}".format(key)
+                new_dict[string_key] = input_dict[key]
+            else:
+                new_dict[key] = input_dict[key]
+    return new_dict
+# code to walk a dictionary recursively based on
+def _nested_set(dic, keys, value):
+    for key in keys[:-1]:
+        dic = dic.setdefault(key, {})
+    dic[keys[-1]] = value
+def _nested_get(dic, keys):
+    for key in keys[:-1]:
+        dic = dic.setdefault(key, {})
+    return dic[keys[-1]]
+# function to walk through the dictionary, multiplying
+# only float values by a const
+def _recursive_normalize_floats(path,d,const,parent=None,ignore=None):
+    if not parent:
+        parent = d
+    for k,v in d.items():
+        if ignore and k in ignore:
+            continue
+        if isinstance(v,float):
+            path.append(k)
+            # must be a float, multiply by the constant
+            _nested_set(parent,path,v * const)
+            path.pop()
+        elif isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int):
+            path.append(k)
+            # do nothing to strings or ints
+            path.pop()
+        elif v is None:
+            path.append(k)
+            path.pop()
+        # dicts
+        # note: isinstance isn't enough, we need to check the Mapping
+        elif isinstance(v,
+            path.append(k)
+            # nested dict
+            _recursive_normalize_floats(path,v,const,parent=parent)
+            path.pop()
+        else:
+            print ("###Type {} not recognized: {}.{}={}".format(type(v), ".".join(path),k, v))
+def multiply_float_values(d,const,ignore=None):
+    """
+    multiply_float_values : A function to recursively multiply values of a (nested) dictionary that are floats by a constant. Nested dictionaries call this function recursively.
+    Args:
+        d = the dictionary
+        const = the constant that multiplies float values
+    """
+    path=[]
+    _recursive_normalize_floats(path,d,const,parent=d,ignore=ignore)
+def subtract_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to subtract two dictionaries.
+    Only allows values to be either a dict or a numerical type
+    For the overlapping keys (key name present in both dicts):
+        When the keys are of the same type:
+            - If the types are of numerical type: subtract the value at dict 2 from dict 1.
+            - If the types are both dictionaries: call this function with the subdicts
+        When the keys are not of the same type:
+            - if the keys are all of numerical types
+    For the unique keys:
+        - if the key is from dict 1: adds the value to the new dict (be it numerical value or dict)
+        - If the key is from dict 2: Adds the negative of its value in case of numerical type.
+            if the type is a dict, the result of subtract_dicts({}, dict_2[key]) will be set
+    If the result is 0, the key will be removed from the resulting dict.
+    If that results in an empty dict, the dict will be removed too.
+    Args:
+        dict_1: first dictionary
+        dict_2: second dictionary
+    Returns:
+        Subtracted dictionary
+    """
+    # Set up new dict
+    new_dict = {}
+    # Define allowed numerical types
+    ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES = (float, int, np.float64)
+    #
+    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
+    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
+    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
+    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
+    # Find the keys that are unique
+    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
+    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
+    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
+        # If these items are numerical types
+        if isinstance(dict_1[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
+            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
+            if new_dict[key] == 0:
+                del new_dict[key]
+        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+        elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict):
+            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
+            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
+        else:
+            msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
+                key, type(dict_1[key])
+            )
+            print(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
+        # If these items are numerical type, we should add the negative of the value
+        if isinstance(dict_2[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
+            new_dict[key] = -dict_2[key]
+            if new_dict[key] == 0:
+                del new_dict[key]
+        # Else we should place the negative of that dictionary in the new place
+        elif isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
+            new_dict[key] = subtract_dicts({}, dict_2[key])
+        else:
+            msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
+                key, type(dict_2[key])
+            )
+            print(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+    # Go over the common keys:
+    for key in overlapping_keys:
+        # See whether the types are actually the same
+        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
+            # Exceptions:
+            if (type(dict_1[key]) in ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES) and (
+                type(dict_2[key]) in ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES
+            ):
+                # We can safely subtract the values since they are all numeric
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] - dict_2[key]
+                if new_dict[key] == 0:
+                    del new_dict[key]
+            else:
+                msg = "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
+                    key,
+                    dict_1[key],
+                    type(dict_1[key]),
+                    key,
+                    dict_2[key],
+                    type(dict_2[key]),
+                )
+                print(msg)
+                raise ValueError(msg)
+        # This is where the keys are the same
+        else:
+            # If these items are numeric types
+            if isinstance(dict_1[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] - dict_2[key]
+                # Remove entry if the value is 0
+                if new_dict[key] == 0:
+                    del new_dict[key]
+            # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict):
+                new_dict[key] = subtract_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
+                # Remove entry if it results in an empty dict
+                # TODO: write test to prevent empty dicts from showing up
+                if not new_dict[key]:
+                    del new_dict[key]
+            else:
+                msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
+                    key, type(dict_2[key])
+                )
+                print(msg)
+                raise ValueError(msg)
+    #
+    return new_dict
+class AutoVivificationDict(dict):
+    """
+    Implementation of perl's autovivification feature, by overriding the
+    get item and the __iadd__ operator (
+    This allows to set values within a subdict that might not exist yet:
+    Example:
+        newdict = {}
+        newdict['example']['mass'] += 10
+        print(newdict)
+        >>> {'example': {'mass': 10}}
+    """
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        try:
+            return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
+        except KeyError:
+            value = self[item] = type(self)()
+            return value
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        # if a value does not exist, assume it is 0.0
+        try:
+            self += other
+        except:
+            self = other
+        return self
+def inspect_dict(
+    input_dict: dict, indent: int = 0, print_structure: bool = True
+) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to (recursively) inspect a (nested) dictionary.
+    The object that is returned is a dictionary containing the key of the input_dict, but as value
+    it will return the type of what the value would be in the input_dict
+    In this way we inspect the structure of these dictionaries, rather than the exact contents.
+    Args:
+        input_dict: dictionary you want to inspect
+        print_structure: (optional, default = True)
+        indent: (optional, default = 0) indent of the first output
+    Returns:
+        Dictionary that has the same structure as the input_dict, but as values it has the
+            type(input_dict[key]) (except if the value is a dict)
+    """
+    structure_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
+    #
+    for key, value in input_dict.items():
+        structure_dict[key] = type(value)
+        if print_structure:
+            print("\t" * indent, key, type(value))
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+            structure_dict[key] = inspect_dict(
+                value, indent=indent + 1, print_structure=print_structure
+            )
+    return structure_dict
+def count_keys_recursive(input_dict):
+    """
+    Function to count the total number of keys in a dictionary
+    """
+    local_count = 0
+    for key in input_dict.keys():
+        local_count += 1
+        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
+            local_count += count_keys_recursive(input_dict[key])
+    return local_count
+def merge_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to merge two dictionaries in a custom way.
+    Behaviour:
+    When dict keys are only present in one of either:
+        - we just add the content to the new dict
+    When dict keys are present in both, we decide based on the value types how to combine them:
+        - dictionaries will be merged by calling recursively calling this function again
+        - numbers will be added
+        - (opt) lists will be appended
+        - In the case that the instances do not match: for now I will raise an error
+    Args:
+        dict_1: first dictionary
+        dict_2: second dictionary
+    Returns:
+        Merged dictionary
+    """
+    # Set up new dict
+    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still necessary
+    #
+    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
+    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
+    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
+    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
+    # Find the keys that are unique
+    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
+    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
+    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
+        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
+        if isinstance(dict_1[key], (float, int)):
+            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
+        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+        else:
+            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
+            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
+        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
+        if isinstance(dict_2[key], (float, int)):
+            new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
+        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+        else:
+            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_2[key])
+            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
+    # Go over the common keys:
+    for key in overlapping_keys:
+        # If they keys are not the same, it depends on their type whether we still deal with them at all, or just raise an error
+        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
+            # Exceptions: numbers can be added
+            if isinstance(dict_1[key], (int, float, np.float64)) and isinstance(
+                dict_2[key], (int, float, np.float64)
+            ):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
+            # Exceptions: versions of dicts can be merged
+            elif isinstance(
+                dict_1[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict, type(AutoVivificationDict))
+            ) and isinstance(
+                dict_2[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict, type(AutoVivificationDict))
+            ):
+                new_dict[key] = merge_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
+            # If the above cases have not dealt with it, then we should raise an error
+            else:
+                print(
+                    "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
+                        key,
+                        dict_1[key],
+                        type(dict_1[key]),
+                        key,
+                        dict_2[key],
+                        type(dict_2[key]),
+                    )
+                )
+                raise ValueError
+        # Here we check for the cases that we want to explicitly catch. Ints will be added,
+        # floats will be added, lists will be appended (though that might change) and dicts will be
+        # dealt with by calling this function again.
+        else:
+            # ints
+            # Booleans (has to be the type Bool, not just a 0 or 1)
+            if isinstance(dict_1[key], bool) and isinstance(dict_2[key], bool):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] or dict_2[key]
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], int) and isinstance(dict_2[key], int):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
+            # floats
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], float) and isinstance(dict_2[key], float):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
+            # lists
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], list) and isinstance(dict_2[key], list):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
+            # Astropy quantities (using a dummy type representing the numpy array)
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], type(np.array([1]) * u.m)) and isinstance(
+                dict_2[key], type(np.array([1]) * u.m)
+            ):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
+            # dicts
+            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
+                new_dict[key] = merge_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
+            else:
+                print(
+                    "Object types {}: {} ({}), {} ({}) not supported.".format(
+                        key,
+                        dict_1[key],
+                        type(dict_1[key]),
+                        dict_2[key],
+                        type(dict_2[key]),
+                    )
+                )
+                raise ValueError
+    #
+    return new_dict
+def update_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to update dict_1 with values of dict_2 in a recursive way.
+    Behaviour:
+    When dict keys are only present in one of either:
+        - we just add the content to the new dict
+    When dict keys are present in both, we decide based on the value types how to combine them:
+        - value of dict2 will be taken
+    Args:
+        dict_1: first dictionary
+        dict_2: second dictionary
+    Returns:
+        New dictionary with Updated values
+    """
+    # Set up new dict of the same type as dict_1
+    #
+    # Note: setting directly to OrderedDict fails in some cases
+    # so instead we take a (shallow) copy of dict_1 which will
+    # have the same type as dict_1, then clear it. (There must
+    # be a better way to do this...)
+    new_dict = dict_1.copy() # OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
+    new_dict.clear()
+    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
+    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
+    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
+    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
+    # Find the keys that are unique
+    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
+    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
+    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
+        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
+        if isinstance(dict_1[key], (float, int)):
+            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
+        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+        else:
+            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
+            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
+    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
+        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
+        if isinstance(dict_2[key], (float, int)):
+            new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
+        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
+        else:
+            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_2[key])
+            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
+    # Go over the common keys:
+    for key in overlapping_keys:
+        # See whether the types are actually the same
+        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
+            # Exceptions:
+            if (type(dict_1[key]) in [int, float]) and (
+                type(dict_2[key]) in [int, float]
+            ):
+                new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
+            else:
+                print(
+                    "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
+                        key,
+                        dict_1[key],
+                        type(dict_1[key]),
+                        key,
+                        dict_2[key],
+                        type(dict_2[key]),
+                    )
+                )
+                raise ValueError
+        # Here we check for the cases that we want to explicitly catch. Ints will be added,
+        # floats will be added, lists will be appended (though that might change) and dicts will be
+        # dealt with by calling this function again.
+        else:
+            # dicts
+            if isinstance(dict_1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
+                new_dict[key] = update_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
+            else:
+                new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
+    #
+    return new_dict
+def multiply_values_dict(input_dict, factor):
+    """
+    Function that goes over dictionary recursively and multiplies the value if possible by a factor
+    If the key equals "general_info", the multiplication gets skipped
+    """
+    for key in input_dict:
+        if not key == "general_info":
+            if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
+                input_dict[key] = multiply_values_dict(input_dict[key], factor)
+            else:
+                if isinstance(input_dict[key], (int, float)):
+                    input_dict[key] = input_dict[key] * factor
+    return input_dict
+def custom_sort_dict(input_dict):
+    """
+    Returns a dictionary that is ordered, but can handle numbers better than normal OrderedDict
+    When the keys of the current dictionary are of mixed type, we first find all the unique types.
+    Sort that list of type names. Then find the values that fit that type.
+    Sort those and append them to the sorted keys list.
+    This is done until all the keys are sorted.
+    All objects other than dictionary types are directly return as they are
+    """
+    # If the new input is a dictionary, then try to sort it
+    if isinstance(input_dict, (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
+        new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
+        keys = input_dict.keys()
+        # Check if types are the same
+        all_types_keys = []
+        for key in keys:
+            if not type(key) in all_types_keys:
+                all_types_keys.append(type(key))
+        # If there are multiple types, then we loop over them and do a piece wise sort
+        if len(all_types_keys) > 1:
+            msg = "Different types in the same dictionary key set"
+            # Create a string repr of the type name to sort them afterwards
+            str_types = {repr(el): el for el in all_types_keys}
+            # Set up sorted keys list
+            sorted_keys = []
+            for key_str_type in sorted(str_types.keys()):
+                cur_type = str_types[key_str_type]
+                cur_list = [key for key in keys if isinstance(key, cur_type)]
+                cur_sorted_list = sorted(cur_list)
+                sorted_keys = sorted_keys + cur_sorted_list
+        else:
+            sorted_keys = sorted(keys)
+        for key in sorted_keys:
+            new_dict[key] = custom_sort_dict(copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key]))
+        return new_dict
+    return input_dict
+def filter_dict(arg_dict: dict,
+                filter_list: list) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to filter out keys that contain values included in
+    filter_list
+    Args:
+        arg_dict: dictionary containing the argument + default key pairs of binary_c
+        filter_list: lists of keys to be filtered out
+    Returns:
+        filtered dictionary (pairs with NULL and Function values are removed)
+    """
+    new_dict = arg_dict.copy()
+    for key in filter_list:
+        if key in new_dict:
+            del new_dict[key]
+    return new_dict
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a2ff362b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+Module containing functions to interact with binary_c's
+population ensemble using the binarycpython package
+import astropy.units as u
+import binarycpython.utils.moe_di_stefano_2017_data as moe_di_stefano_2017_data
+from binarycpython import _binary_c_bindings
+from binarycpython.utils.dicts import keys_to_floats,recursive_change_key_to_float,custom_sort_dict,recursive_change_key_to_string
+import bz2
+import collections
+from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
+import copy
+import datetime as dt
+import gc
+import gzip
+from halo import Halo
+import h5py
+import humanize
+import inspect
+from io import StringIO
+import json
+import msgpack
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import psutil
+import py_rinterpolate
+import re
+import resource
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import time
+import types
+from typing import Union, Any
+import simplejson
+#import orjson
+def ensemble_setting(ensemble,parameter_name):
+    """
+    Function to get the setting of parameter_name in the given ensemble, or return the default value.
+    """
+    value = None
+    try:
+        value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['bse_options'][parameter_name]
+    except KeyError:
+        value = None
+    if value is None:
+        try:
+            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['grid_options'][parameter_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            value = None
+    if value is None:
+        try:
+            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['custom_options'][parameter_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            value = None
+    # not found, try the default
+    if value is None:
+        try:
+            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['binary_c_defaults'][parameter_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            value = None
+    return value
+def open_ensemble(filename):
+    """
+    Function to open an ensemble at filename for reading and decompression if required.
+    """
+    compression = ensemble_compression(filename)
+    if ensemble_file_type(filename) is 'msgpack':
+        flags = 'rb'
+    else:
+        flags = 'rt'
+    if compression is 'bzip2':
+        file_object =,flags)
+    elif compression is 'gzip':
+        file_object =,flags)
+    else:
+        file_object = open(filename,flags)
+    return file_object
+def ensemble_compression(filename):
+    """
+    Return the compression type of the ensemble file, based on its filename extension.
+    """
+    if filename.endswith('.bz2'):
+        return 'bzip2'
+    elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
+        return 'gzip'
+    else:
+        return None
+def ensemble_file_type(filename):
+    """
+    Returns the file type of an ensemble file.
+    """
+    if '.json' in filename:
+        filetype = 'JSON'
+    elif '.msgpack' in filename:
+        filetype = 'msgpack'
+    else:
+        filetype = None
+    return filetype
+def load_ensemble(filename,
+                  convert_float_keys=True,
+                  select_keys=None,
+                  timing=False):
+    """
+    Function to load an ensemeble file, even if it is compressed,
+    and return its contents to as a Python dictionary.
+    Args:
+        convert_float_keys : if True, converts strings to floats.
+        select_keys : a list of keys to be selected from the ensemble.
+    """
+    # open the file
+    # load with some info to the terminal
+    print("Loading JSON...")
+    # open the ensemble and get the file type
+    file_object = open_ensemble(filename)
+    filetype = ensemble_file_type(filename)
+    if not filetype or not file_object:
+        print("Unknown filetype : your ensemble should be saved either as JSON or msgpack data.")
+        sys.exit()
+    with Halo(text='Loading', interval=250, spinner='moon',color='yellow'):
+        tstart = time.time()
+        _loaded = False
+        def _hook(obj):
+            nonlocal _loaded
+            if _loaded == False:
+                _loaded = True
+                print("\nLoaded {} data, now putting in a dictionary".format(filetype),
+                      flush=True)
+            return obj
+        if filetype is 'JSON':
+            # orjson promises to be fast, but it doesn't seem to be
+            # and fails on "Infinity"... oops
+            #data = orjson.loads(
+            # simplejson is faster than standard json and "just works"
+            # on the big Moe set in 37s
+            data = simplejson.load(file_object,
+                                   object_hook=_hook)
+            # standard json module
+            # on the big Moe set takes 42s
+            #data = json.load(file_object,
+            #                 object_hook=_hook)
+        elif filetype is 'msgpack':
+            data = msgpack.load(file_object,
+                                object_hook=_hook)
+        if timing:
+            print("\n\nTook {} s to load the data\n\n".format(time.time() - tstart),
+                  flush=True)
+    # strip non-selected keys, if a list is given in select_keys
+    if select_keys:
+        keys = list(data['ensemble'].keys())
+        for key in keys:
+            if not key in select_keys:
+                del data['ensemble'][key]
+    # perhaps convert floats?
+    tstart = time.time()
+    if convert_float_keys:
+        # timings are for 100 iterations on the big Moe data set
+        #data = format_ensemble_results(data) # 213s
+        #data = recursive_change_key_to_float(data) # 61s
+        data = keys_to_floats(data) # 6.94s
+    if timing:
+        print("\n\nTook {} s to convert floats\n\n".format(time.time() - tstart),
+              flush=True)
+    # return data
+    return data
+def extract_ensemble_json_from_string(binary_c_output: str) -> dict:
+    """
+    Function to extract the ensemble_json information from a raw binary_c output string
+    Args:
+        binary_c_output: raw binary_c output string
+    Returns:
+        JSON dictionary with the parsed ENSEMBLE_JSON data
+    """
+    json_dict = None
+    try:
+        # If there is no output just return an empty dict:
+        if not binary_c_output:
+            json_dict = {}
+            return json_dict
+        ensemble_jsons_strings = [
+            line
+            for line in binary_c_output.splitlines()
+            if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
+        ]
+        json_dict = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
+            ensemble_jsons_strings[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
+        )
+        if len(ensemble_jsons_strings) > 1:
+            verbose_print(
+                "Warning: There is more than one line starting with ENSEMBLE_JSON. Taking the first, but you should check this out.",
+                1,
+                0,
+            )
+    except IndexError:
+        verbose_print(
+            "Error: Couldn't extract the ensemble information from the output string",
+            0,
+            0,
+        )
+    return json_dict
+def handle_ensemble_string_to_json(raw_output):
+    """
+    Function that deals with the raw output of the ensemble and
+    creates a working JSON dictionary out of it.
+    Having this wrapper makes it easy to
+    Args:
+        raw_output: raw output of the ensemble dump by binary_c
+    Returns:
+        json.loads(raw_output, cls=binarycDecoder)
+    """
+    # return json.loads(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(raw_output)), cls=binarycDecoder)
+    return json.loads(raw_output, cls=binarycDecoder)
+def binaryc_json_serializer(obj: Any) -> Any:
+    """
+    Custom serialiser for binary_c to use when functions are present in the dictionary
+    that we want to export.
+    Function objects will be turned into str representations of themselves
+    Args:
+        obj: The object that might not be serialisable
+    Returns:
+        Either string representation of object if the object is a function, or the object itself
+    """
+    if inspect.isfunction(obj) or isinstance(obj, py_rinterpolate.Rinterpolate):
+        return str(obj)
+    return obj
+class binarycDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
+    """
+    Custom decoder to transform the numbers that are strings to actual floats
+    """
+    def decode(self, s):
+        """
+        Entry point function for decoding
+        """
+        result = super().decode(
+            s
+        )  # result = super(Decoder, self).decode(s) for Python 2.x
+        return self._decode(result)
+    def _decode(self, o):
+        """
+        Depending on the type of object is will determine whether to loop over the elements,
+        or try to change the type of the object from string to float
+        The try except might be a somewhat rough solution but it catches all cases.
+        """
+        # Check if we can turn it into a float
+        # if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o, unicode):
+        if isinstance(o, str):
+            try:
+                return float(o)
+            except ValueError:
+                return o
+        elif isinstance(o, dict):
+            return {k: self._decode(v) for k, v in o.items()}
+        elif isinstance(o, list):
+            return [self._decode(v) for v in o]
+        else:
+            return o
+class BinaryCEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    """
+    Encoding class function to attempt to convert things to strings.
+    """
+    def default(self, o):
+        """
+        Converting function. Well, could be more precise. look at the JSON module
+        """
+        try:
+            str_repr = str(o)
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            return str_repr
+        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
+        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
+def format_ensemble_results(ensemble_dictionary):
+    """
+    Function to handle all the steps of formatting the ensemble output again.
+    Input:
+        ensemble_dictionary: dictionary containing all the ensemble results
+    """
+    original_ensemble_results = ensemble_dictionary
+    float_format_ensemble_results = recursive_change_key_to_float(
+        original_ensemble_results
+    )
+    del original_ensemble_results
+    gc.collect()
+    # Then sort the dictionary
+    sorted_ensemble_results = custom_sort_dict(float_format_ensemble_results)
+    del float_format_ensemble_results
+    gc.collect()
+    # Then Change the keys back to a string but with a %g format.
+    reformatted_ensemble_results = recursive_change_key_to_string(
+        sorted_ensemble_results
+    )
+    del sorted_ensemble_results
+    gc.collect()
+    # Put back in the dictionary
+    return reformatted_ensemble_results
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index bf5d4cf2f..5f1d3560f 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Tasks:
 import astropy.units as u
 import binarycpython.utils.moe_di_stefano_2017_data as moe_di_stefano_2017_data
 from binarycpython import _binary_c_bindings
+from binarycpython.utils.dicts import filter_dict
 import bz2
 import collections
 from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
@@ -155,37 +157,6 @@ def conv_time_units(t):
         units = "h"
     return (t, units)
-class AutoVivificationDict(dict):
-    """
-    Implementation of perl's autovivification feature, by overriding the
-    get item and the __iadd__ operator (
-    This allows to set values within a subdict that might not exist yet:
-    Example:
-        newdict = {}
-        newdict['example']['mass'] += 10
-        print(newdict)
-        >>> {'example': {'mass': 10}}
-    """
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        try:
-            return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
-        except KeyError:
-            value = self[item] = type(self)()
-            return value
-    def __iadd__(self, other):
-        # if a value does not exist, assume it is 0.0
-        try:
-            self += other
-        except:
-            self = other
-        return self
 def bin_data(value, binwidth):
     Function that bins the data
@@ -235,177 +206,6 @@ def get_size(obj, seen=None):
     return size
-def format_ensemble_results(ensemble_dictionary):
-    """
-    Function to handle all the steps of formatting the ensemble output again.
-    Input:
-        ensemble_dictionary: dictionary containing all the ensemble results
-    """
-    original_ensemble_results = ensemble_dictionary
-    float_format_ensemble_results = recursive_change_key_to_float(
-        original_ensemble_results
-    )
-    del original_ensemble_results
-    gc.collect()
-    # Then sort the dictionary
-    sorted_ensemble_results = custom_sort_dict(float_format_ensemble_results)
-    del float_format_ensemble_results
-    gc.collect()
-    # Then Change the keys back to a string but with a %g format.
-    reformatted_ensemble_results = recursive_change_key_to_string(
-        sorted_ensemble_results
-    )
-    del sorted_ensemble_results
-    gc.collect()
-    # Put back in the dictionary
-    return reformatted_ensemble_results
-def subtract_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
-    """
-    Function to subtract two dictionaries.
-    Only allows values to be either a dict or a numerical type
-    For the overlapping keys (key name present in both dicts):
-        When the keys are of the same type:
-            - If the types are of numerical type: subtract the value at dict 2 from dict 1.
-            - If the types are both dictionaries: call this function with the subdicts
-        When the keys are not of the same type:
-            - if the keys are all of numerical types
-    For the unique keys:
-        - if the key is from dict 1: adds the value to the new dict (be it numerical value or dict)
-        - If the key is from dict 2: Adds the negative of its value in case of numerical type.
-            if the type is a dict, the result of subtract_dicts({}, dict_2[key]) will be set
-    If the result is 0, the key will be removed from the resulting dict.
-    If that results in an empty dict, the dict will be removed too.
-    Args:
-        dict_1: first dictionary
-        dict_2: second dictionary
-    Returns:
-        Subtracted dictionary
-    """
-    # Set up new dict
-    new_dict = {}
-    # Define allowed numerical types
-    ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES = (float, int, np.float64)
-    #
-    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
-    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
-    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
-    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
-    # Find the keys that are unique
-    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
-    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
-    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
-        # If these items are numerical types
-        if isinstance(dict_1[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
-            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
-            if new_dict[key] == 0:
-                del new_dict[key]
-        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-        elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict):
-            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
-            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
-        else:
-            msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
-                key, type(dict_1[key])
-            )
-            print(msg)
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
-        # If these items are numerical type, we should add the negative of the value
-        if isinstance(dict_2[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
-            new_dict[key] = -dict_2[key]
-            if new_dict[key] == 0:
-                del new_dict[key]
-        # Else we should place the negative of that dictionary in the new place
-        elif isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
-            new_dict[key] = subtract_dicts({}, dict_2[key])
-        else:
-            msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
-                key, type(dict_2[key])
-            )
-            print(msg)
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-    # Go over the common keys:
-    for key in overlapping_keys:
-        # See whether the types are actually the same
-        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
-            # Exceptions:
-            if (type(dict_1[key]) in ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES) and (
-                type(dict_2[key]) in ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES
-            ):
-                # We can safely subtract the values since they are all numeric
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] - dict_2[key]
-                if new_dict[key] == 0:
-                    del new_dict[key]
-            else:
-                msg = "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
-                    key,
-                    dict_1[key],
-                    type(dict_1[key]),
-                    key,
-                    dict_2[key],
-                    type(dict_2[key]),
-                )
-                print(msg)
-                raise ValueError(msg)
-        # This is where the keys are the same
-        else:
-            # If these items are numeric types
-            if isinstance(dict_1[key], ALLOWED_NUMERICAL_TYPES):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] - dict_2[key]
-                # Remove entry if the value is 0
-                if new_dict[key] == 0:
-                    del new_dict[key]
-            # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict):
-                new_dict[key] = subtract_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
-                # Remove entry if it results in an empty dict
-                # TODO: write test to prevent empty dicts from showing up
-                if not new_dict[key]:
-                    del new_dict[key]
-            else:
-                msg = "Error: using unsupported type for key {}: {}".format(
-                    key, type(dict_2[key])
-                )
-                print(msg)
-                raise ValueError(msg)
-    #
-    return new_dict
 def get_moe_di_stefano_dataset(options, verbosity=0):
@@ -1217,15 +1017,7 @@ def filter_arg_dict(arg_dict: dict) -> dict:
         filtered dictionary (pairs with NULL and Function values are removed)
-    old_dict = arg_dict.copy()
-    new_dict = {}
-    for key in old_dict.keys():
-        if not old_dict[key] in ["NULL", "Function"]:
-            if not old_dict[key] == "":
-                new_dict[key] = old_dict[key]
-    return new_dict
+    return filter_dict(arg_dict.copy(),["NULL", "Function"])
 def create_arg_string(
@@ -1706,792 +1498,4 @@ def load_logfile(logfile: str) -> None:
-def inspect_dict(
-    input_dict: dict, indent: int = 0, print_structure: bool = True
-) -> dict:
-    """
-    Function to (recursively) inspect a (nested) dictionary.
-    The object that is returned is a dictionary containing the key of the input_dict, but as value
-    it will return the type of what the value would be in the input_dict
-    In this way we inspect the structure of these dictionaries, rather than the exact contents.
-    Args:
-        input_dict: dictionary you want to inspect
-        print_structure: (optional, default = True)
-        indent: (optional, default = 0) indent of the first output
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary that has the same structure as the input_dict, but as values it has the
-            type(input_dict[key]) (except if the value is a dict)
-    """
-    structure_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
-    #
-    for key, value in input_dict.items():
-        structure_dict[key] = type(value)
-        if print_structure:
-            print("\t" * indent, key, type(value))
-        if isinstance(value, dict):
-            structure_dict[key] = inspect_dict(
-                value, indent=indent + 1, print_structure=print_structure
-            )
-    return structure_dict
-def count_keys_recursive(input_dict):
-    """
-    Function to count the total number of keys in a dictionary
-    """
-    local_count = 0
-    for key in input_dict.keys():
-        local_count += 1
-        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-            local_count += count_keys_recursive(input_dict[key])
-    return local_count
-def merge_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
-    """
-    Function to merge two dictionaries in a custom way.
-    Behaviour:
-    When dict keys are only present in one of either:
-        - we just add the content to the new dict
-    When dict keys are present in both, we decide based on the value types how to combine them:
-        - dictionaries will be merged by calling recursively calling this function again
-        - numbers will be added
-        - (opt) lists will be appended
-        - In the case that the instances do not match: for now I will raise an error
-    Args:
-        dict_1: first dictionary
-        dict_2: second dictionary
-    Returns:
-        Merged dictionary
-    """
-    # Set up new dict
-    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still necessary
-    #
-    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
-    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
-    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
-    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
-    # Find the keys that are unique
-    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
-    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
-    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
-        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
-        if isinstance(dict_1[key], (float, int)):
-            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
-        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-        else:
-            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
-            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
-        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
-        if isinstance(dict_2[key], (float, int)):
-            new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
-        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-        else:
-            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_2[key])
-            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
-    # Go over the common keys:
-    for key in overlapping_keys:
-        # If they keys are not the same, it depends on their type whether we still deal with them at all, or just raise an error
-        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
-            # Exceptions: numbers can be added
-            if isinstance(dict_1[key], (int, float, np.float64)) and isinstance(
-                dict_2[key], (int, float, np.float64)
-            ):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
-            # Exceptions: versions of dicts can be merged
-            elif isinstance(
-                dict_1[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict, type(AutoVivificationDict))
-            ) and isinstance(
-                dict_2[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict, type(AutoVivificationDict))
-            ):
-                new_dict[key] = merge_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
-            # If the above cases have not dealt with it, then we should raise an error
-            else:
-                print(
-                    "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
-                        key,
-                        dict_1[key],
-                        type(dict_1[key]),
-                        key,
-                        dict_2[key],
-                        type(dict_2[key]),
-                    )
-                )
-                raise ValueError
-        # Here we check for the cases that we want to explicitly catch. Ints will be added,
-        # floats will be added, lists will be appended (though that might change) and dicts will be
-        # dealt with by calling this function again.
-        else:
-            # ints
-            # Booleans (has to be the type Bool, not just a 0 or 1)
-            if isinstance(dict_1[key], bool) and isinstance(dict_2[key], bool):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] or dict_2[key]
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], int) and isinstance(dict_2[key], int):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
-            # floats
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], float) and isinstance(dict_2[key], float):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
-            # lists
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], list) and isinstance(dict_2[key], list):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
-            # Astropy quantities (using a dummy type representing the numpy array)
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], type(np.array([1]) * u.m)) and isinstance(
-                dict_2[key], type(np.array([1]) * u.m)
-            ):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_1[key] + dict_2[key]
-            # dicts
-            elif isinstance(dict_1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
-                new_dict[key] = merge_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
-            else:
-                print(
-                    "Object types {}: {} ({}), {} ({}) not supported.".format(
-                        key,
-                        dict_1[key],
-                        type(dict_1[key]),
-                        dict_2[key],
-                        type(dict_2[key]),
-                    )
-                )
-                raise ValueError
-    #
-    return new_dict
-def update_dicts(dict_1: dict, dict_2: dict) -> dict:
-    """
-    Function to update dict_1 with values of dict_2 in a recursive way.
-    Behaviour:
-    When dict keys are only present in one of either:
-        - we just add the content to the new dict
-    When dict keys are present in both, we decide based on the value types how to combine them:
-        - value of dict2 will be taken
-    Args:
-        dict_1: first dictionary
-        dict_2: second dictionary
-    Returns:
-        New dictionary with Updated values
-    """
-    # Set up new dict of the same type as dict_1
-    #
-    # Note: setting directly to OrderedDict fails in some cases
-    # so instead we take a (shallow) copy of dict_1 which will
-    # have the same type as dict_1, then clear it. (There must
-    # be a better way to do this...)
-    new_dict = dict_1.copy() # OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
-    new_dict.clear()
-    keys_1 = dict_1.keys()
-    keys_2 = dict_2.keys()
-    # Find overlapping keys of both dicts
-    overlapping_keys = set(keys_1).intersection(set(keys_2))
-    # Find the keys that are unique
-    unique_to_dict_1 = set(keys_1).difference(set(keys_2))
-    unique_to_dict_2 = set(keys_2).difference(set(keys_1))
-    # Add the unique keys to the new dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_1:
-        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
-        if isinstance(dict_1[key], (float, int)):
-            new_dict[key] = dict_1[key]
-        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-        else:
-            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_1[key])
-            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
-    for key in unique_to_dict_2:
-        # If these items are ints or floats, then just put them in
-        if isinstance(dict_2[key], (float, int)):
-            new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
-        # Else, to be safe we should deepcopy them
-        else:
-            copy_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_2[key])
-            new_dict[key] = copy_dict
-    # Go over the common keys:
-    for key in overlapping_keys:
-        # See whether the types are actually the same
-        if not type(dict_1[key]) is type(dict_2[key]):
-            # Exceptions:
-            if (type(dict_1[key]) in [int, float]) and (
-                type(dict_2[key]) in [int, float]
-            ):
-                new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
-            else:
-                print(
-                    "Error key: {} value: {} type: {} and key: {} value: {} type: {} are not of the same type and cannot be merged".format(
-                        key,
-                        dict_1[key],
-                        type(dict_1[key]),
-                        key,
-                        dict_2[key],
-                        type(dict_2[key]),
-                    )
-                )
-                raise ValueError
-        # Here we check for the cases that we want to explicitly catch. Ints will be added,
-        # floats will be added, lists will be appended (though that might change) and dicts will be
-        # dealt with by calling this function again.
-        else:
-            # dicts
-            if isinstance(dict_1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict_2[key], dict):
-                new_dict[key] = update_dicts(dict_1[key], dict_2[key])
-            else:
-                new_dict[key] = dict_2[key]
-    #
-    return new_dict
-def multiply_values_dict(input_dict, factor):
-    """
-    Function that goes over dictionary recursively and multiplies the value if possible by a factor
-    If the key equals "general_info", the multiplication gets skipped
-    """
-    for key in input_dict:
-        if not key == "general_info":
-            if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-                input_dict[key] = multiply_values_dict(input_dict[key], factor)
-            else:
-                if isinstance(input_dict[key], (int, float)):
-                    input_dict[key] = input_dict[key] * factor
-    return input_dict
-def custom_sort_dict(input_dict):
-    """
-    Returns a dictionary that is ordered, but can handle numbers better than normal OrderedDict
-    When the keys of the current dictionary are of mixed type, we first find all the unique types.
-    Sort that list of type names. Then find the values that fit that type.
-    Sort those and append them to the sorted keys list.
-    This is done until all the keys are sorted.
-    All objects other than dictionary types are directly return as they are
-    """
-    # If the new input is a dictionary, then try to sort it
-    if isinstance(input_dict, (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-        new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
-        keys = input_dict.keys()
-        # Check if types are the same
-        all_types_keys = []
-        for key in keys:
-            if not type(key) in all_types_keys:
-                all_types_keys.append(type(key))
-        # If there are multiple types, then we loop over them and do a piece wise sort
-        if len(all_types_keys) > 1:
-            msg = "Different types in the same dictionary key set"
-            # Create a string repr of the type name to sort them afterwards
-            str_types = {repr(el): el for el in all_types_keys}
-            # Set up sorted keys list
-            sorted_keys = []
-            for key_str_type in sorted(str_types.keys()):
-                cur_type = str_types[key_str_type]
-                cur_list = [key for key in keys if isinstance(key, cur_type)]
-                cur_sorted_list = sorted(cur_list)
-                sorted_keys = sorted_keys + cur_sorted_list
-        else:
-            sorted_keys = sorted(keys)
-        for key in sorted_keys:
-            new_dict[key] = custom_sort_dict(copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key]))
-        return new_dict
-    return input_dict
-def recursive_change_key_to_float(input_dict):
-    """
-    Function to recursively change the key to float
-    This only works if the dict contains just sub-dicts or numbers/strings.
-    Does not work with lists as values
-    """
-    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
-    for key in input_dict:
-        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-            try:
-                num_key = float(key)
-                new_dict[num_key] = recursive_change_key_to_float(
-                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
-                )
-            except ValueError:
-                new_dict[key] = recursive_change_key_to_float(
-                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
-                )
-        else:
-            try:
-                num_key = float(key)
-                new_dict[num_key] = input_dict[key]
-            except ValueError:
-                new_dict[key] = input_dict[key]
-    return new_dict
-def recursive_change_key_to_string(input_dict):
-    """
-    Function to recursively change the key back to a string but this time in a format that we decide
-    """
-    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()  # TODO: check if this still works
-    for key in input_dict:
-        if isinstance(input_dict[key], (dict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-            if isinstance(key, (int, float)):
-                string_key = "{:g}".format(key)
-                new_dict[string_key] = recursive_change_key_to_string(
-                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
-                )
-            else:
-                new_dict[key] = recursive_change_key_to_string(
-                    copy.deepcopy(input_dict[key])
-                )
-        else:
-            if isinstance(key, (int, float)):
-                string_key = "{:g}".format(key)
-                new_dict[string_key] = input_dict[key]
-            else:
-                new_dict[key] = input_dict[key]
-    return new_dict
-def extract_ensemble_json_from_string(binary_c_output: str) -> dict:
-    """
-    Function to extract the ensemble_json information from a raw binary_c output string
-    Args:
-        binary_c_output: raw binary_c output string
-    Returns:
-        JSON dictionary with the parsed ENSEMBLE_JSON data
-    """
-    json_dict = None
-    try:
-        # If there is no output just return an empty dict:
-        if not binary_c_output:
-            json_dict = {}
-            return json_dict
-        ensemble_jsons_strings = [
-            line
-            for line in binary_c_output.splitlines()
-            if line.startswith("ENSEMBLE_JSON")
-        ]
-        json_dict = handle_ensemble_string_to_json(
-            ensemble_jsons_strings[0][len("ENSEMBLE_JSON ") :]
-        )
-        if len(ensemble_jsons_strings) > 1:
-            verbose_print(
-                "Warning: There is more than one line starting with ENSEMBLE_JSON. Taking the first, but you should check this out.",
-                1,
-                0,
-            )
-    except IndexError:
-        verbose_print(
-            "Error: Couldn't extract the ensemble information from the output string",
-            0,
-            0,
-        )
-    return json_dict
-def handle_ensemble_string_to_json(raw_output):
-    """
-    Function that deals with the raw output of the ensemble and
-    creates a working JSON dictionary out of it.
-    Having this wrapper makes it easy to
-    Args:
-        raw_output: raw output of the ensemble dump by binary_c
-    Returns:
-        json.loads(raw_output, cls=binarycDecoder)
-    """
-    # return json.loads(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(raw_output)), cls=binarycDecoder)
-    return json.loads(raw_output, cls=binarycDecoder)
-def binaryc_json_serializer(obj: Any) -> Any:
-    """
-    Custom serialiser for binary_c to use when functions are present in the dictionary
-    that we want to export.
-    Function objects will be turned into str representations of themselves
-    Args:
-        obj: The object that might not be serialisable
-    Returns:
-        Either string representation of object if the object is a function, or the object itself
-    """
-    if inspect.isfunction(obj) or isinstance(obj, py_rinterpolate.Rinterpolate):
-        return str(obj)
-    return obj
-class binarycDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
-    """
-    Custom decoder to transform the numbers that are strings to actual floats
-    """
-    def decode(self, s):
-        """
-        Entry point function for decoding
-        """
-        result = super().decode(
-            s
-        )  # result = super(Decoder, self).decode(s) for Python 2.x
-        return self._decode(result)
-    def _decode(self, o):
-        """
-        Depending on the type of object is will determine whether to loop over the elements,
-        or try to change the type of the object from string to float
-        The try except might be a somewhat rough solution but it catches all cases.
-        """
-        # Check if we can turn it into a float
-        # if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o, unicode):
-        if isinstance(o, str):
-            try:
-                return float(o)
-            except ValueError:
-                return o
-        elif isinstance(o, dict):
-            return {k: self._decode(v) for k, v in o.items()}
-        elif isinstance(o, list):
-            return [self._decode(v) for v in o]
-        else:
-            return o
-class BinaryCEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
-    """
-    Encoding class function to attempt to convert things to strings.
-    """
-    def default(self, o):
-        """
-        Converting function. Well, could be more precise. look at the JSON module
-        """
-        try:
-            str_repr = str(o)
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            return str_repr
-        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
-        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
-def open_ensemble(filename):
-    """
-    Function to open an ensemble at filename for reading and decompression if required.
-    """
-    compression = ensemble_compression(filename)
-    if ensemble_file_type(filename) is 'msgpack':
-        flags = 'rb'
-    else:
-        flags = 'rt'
-    if compression is 'bzip2':
-        file_object =,flags)
-    elif compression is 'gzip':
-        file_object =,flags)
-    else:
-        file_object = open(filename,flags)
-    return file_object
-def ensemble_compression(filename):
-    """
-    Return the compression type of the ensemble file, based on its filename extension.
-    """
-    if filename.endswith('.bz2'):
-        return 'bzip2'
-    elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
-        return 'gzip'
-    else:
-        return None
-def ensemble_file_type(filename):
-    """
-    Returns the file type of an ensemble file.
-    """
-    if '.json' in filename:
-        filetype = 'JSON'
-    elif '.msgpack' in filename:
-        filetype = 'msgpack'
-    else:
-        filetype = None
-    return filetype
-def load_ensemble(filename,
-                  convert_float_keys=True,
-                  select_keys=None,
-                  timing=False):
-    """
-    Function to load an ensemeble file, even if it is compressed,
-    and return its contents to as a Python dictionary.
-    Args:
-        convert_float_keys : if True, converts strings to floats.
-        select_keys : a list of keys to be selected from the ensemble.
-    """
-    # open the file
-    # load with some info to the terminal
-    print("Loading JSON...")
-    # open the ensemble and get the file type
-    file_object = open_ensemble(filename)
-    filetype = ensemble_file_type(filename)
-    if not filetype or not file_object:
-        print("Unknown filetype : your ensemble should be saved either as JSON or msgpack data.")
-        exit()
-    with Halo(text='Loading', interval=250, spinner='moon',color='yellow'):
-        tstart = time.time()
-        _loaded = False
-        def _hook(obj):
-            nonlocal _loaded
-            if _loaded == False:
-                _loaded = True
-                print("\nLoaded {} data, now putting in a dictionary".format(filetype),
-                      flush=True)
-            return obj
-        if filetype is 'JSON':
-            # orjson promises to be fast, but it doesn't seem to be
-            # and fails on "Infinity"... oops
-            #data = orjson.loads(
-            # simplejson is faster than standard json and "just works"
-            # on the big Moe set in 37s
-            data = simplejson.load(file_object,
-                                   object_hook=_hook)
-            # standard json module
-            # on the big Moe set takes 42s
-            #data = json.load(file_object,
-            #                 object_hook=_hook)
-        elif filetype is 'msgpack':
-            data = msgpack.load(file_object,
-                                object_hook=_hook)
-        if timing:
-            print("\n\nTook {} s to load the data\n\n".format(time.time() - tstart),
-                  flush=True)
-    # strip non-selected keys, if a list is given in select_keys
-    if select_keys:
-        keys = list(data['ensemble'].keys())
-        for key in keys:
-            if not key in select_keys:
-                del data['ensemble'][key]
-    # perhaps convert floats?
-    tstart = time.time()
-    if convert_float_keys:
-        # we need to convert keys to floats:
-        # this is ~ a factor 10 faster than David's
-        # recursive_change_key_to_float routine,
-        # probably because this version only does
-        # the float conversion, nothing else.
-        def _to_float(json_data):
-            # assumes nested dicts ...
-            #new_data = {}
-            # but this copies the variable type, but has some
-            # pointless copying
-            #new_data = copy.copy(json_data)
-            #new_data.clear()
-            # this adopts the type correctly *and* is fast
-            new_data = type(json_data)()
-            for k,v in json_data.items():
-                if isinstance(v, list):
-                    v = [ _to_float(item) if isinstance(item, \
-                          else item for item in v ]
-                elif isinstance(v,
-                    # dict, ordereddict, etc.
-                    v = _to_float(v)
-                try:
-                    f = float(k)
-                    new_data[f] = json_data[k]
-                except:
-                    new_data[k] = v
-            return new_data
-        # timings are for 100 iterations on the big Moe data set
-        #data = format_ensemble_results(data) # 213s
-        #data = recursive_change_key_to_float(data) # 61s
-        data = _to_float(data) # 6.94s
-    if timing:
-        print("\n\nTook {} s to convert floats\n\n".format(time.time() - tstart),
-              flush=True)
-    # return data
-    return data
-def ensemble_setting(ensemble,parameter_name):
-    """
-    Function to get the setting of parameter_name in the given ensemble, or return the default value.
-    """
-    value = None
-    try:
-        value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['bse_options'][parameter_name]
-    except KeyError:
-        value = None
-    if value is None:
-        try:
-            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['grid_options'][parameter_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            value = None
-    if value is None:
-        try:
-            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['population_settings']['custom_options'][parameter_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            value = None
-    # not found, try the default
-    if value is None:
-        try:
-            value = ensemble['metadata']['settings']['binary_c_defaults'][parameter_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            value = None
-    return value
-# code to walk a dictionary recursively based on
-def _nested_set(dic, keys, value):
-    for key in keys[:-1]:
-        dic = dic.setdefault(key, {})
-    dic[keys[-1]] = value
-def _nested_get(dic, keys):
-    for key in keys[:-1]:
-        dic = dic.setdefault(key, {})
-    return dic[keys[-1]]
-# function to walk through the dictionary, multiplying
-# float values by const
-def _recursive_normalize_floats(path,d,const,parent=None):
-    if not parent:
-        parent = d
-    for k,v in d.items():
-        if isinstance(v,float):
-            path.append(k)
-            # must be a float, multiply by the constant
-            _nested_set(parent,path,v * const)
-            path.pop()
-        elif isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int):
-            path.append(k)
-            # do nothing to strings or ints
-            path.pop()
-        elif v is None:
-            path.append(k)
-            path.pop()
-        # dicts
-        # note: isinstance isn't enough, we need to check the Mapping
-        elif isinstance(v,
-            path.append(k)
-            # nested dict
-            _recursive_normalize_floats(path,v,const,parent=parent)
-            path.pop()
-        else:
-            print ("###Type {} not recognized: {}.{}={}".format(type(v), ".".join(path),k, v))
-def multiply_float_values(d,const):
-    """
-    multiply_float_values : A function to recursively multiply values of a (nested) dictionary that are floats by a constant. Nested dictionaries call this function recursively.
-    Args:
-        d = the dictionary
-        const = the constant that multiplies float values
-    """
-    path=[]
-    _recursive_normalize_floats(path,d,const,parent=d)
diff --git a/binarycpython/utils/ b/binarycpython/utils/
index 94d06289d..bca7e1e69 100644
--- a/binarycpython/utils/
+++ b/binarycpython/utils/
@@ -71,27 +71,31 @@ from binarycpython.utils.functions import (
-    binaryc_json_serializer,
-    merge_dicts,
-    update_dicts,
-    extract_ensemble_json_from_string,
-    recursive_change_key_to_float,
-    custom_sort_dict,
-    recursive_change_key_to_string,
-    multiply_values_dict,
-    format_ensemble_results,
-    AutoVivificationDict,
-    timedelta,
+    timedelta
+from binarycpython.utils.ensemble import (
+    binaryc_json_serializer,
+    ensemble_compression,
-    ensemble_compression
+    extract_ensemble_json_from_string,
+    format_ensemble_results,
+from binarycpython.utils.dicts import (
+    AutoVivificationDict,
+    custom_sort_dict,
+    merge_dicts,
+    multiply_values_dict,
+    recursive_change_key_to_float,
+    recursive_change_key_to_string,
+    update_dicts,
 # from binarycpython.utils.hpc_functions import (