diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling.py b/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling.py
index 0afa06c399086b29dc332b9ed487c0a6d89cb3e7..be3c1d5e79bfe3668621d75eb97b137c45b1826d 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/plot_scaling.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def plot_runtime(calculated_results, unique_amt_cores, unique_amt_systems):
 def amdahl(f, n):
     return 1.0 / ((1 - f) + (f / n))
-def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_testcase, machine):
+def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_testcase):
     Plotting routine to plot the speedup and efficiency of scaling
@@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_tes
         with open(jsonfile, "r") as f:
             result_data = json.loads(f.read())
-            # if i==0:
-            #     name_testcase = result_data['name_testcase']
-            #     hostname = result_data['hostname']
             # Get linear data
             linear_data = result_data["linear"]
             linear_mean = np.mean(linear_data)
@@ -146,14 +142,14 @@ def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_tes
-                label="Speed up & efficiency of {} systems".format(
-                    result_data["amt_systems"]
-                ),
+                label="{}".format(os.path.basename(jsonfile)),
+                # label="Speed up & efficiency of {} systems".format(
+                #     result_data["amt_systems"]
+                # ),
             # Plot the efficiencies
-            ax2.plot(cpus, efficiencies, alpha=0.5)
+            ax2.plot(cpus, efficiencies, alpha=0.5, linestyle='dotted')
             # x_position_shift += 0.1
@@ -161,11 +157,11 @@ def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_tes
     # 100 % scaling line
     ax1.plot([1, max(cpus)], [1, max(cpus)], '--', alpha=0.25, label='100% scaling')
-    # Amdahls law fitting
+    ax2.axhline(y=1, linestyle='--', alpha=0.25, label='100% efficient')
+    # ax1.plot([1, max(cpus)], [1, max(cpus)], '--', alpha=0.25, label='100% scaling')
+    # Amdahls law fitting
     # Old stuff
     # Do Amdahls law fitting
     # cores = np.arange(1, 48, 0.1)
@@ -183,9 +179,7 @@ def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_tes
     # Adding plot make up
-        "Speed up ratio vs amount of cores for different amounts of systems on {}".format(
-            machine
-        )
+        "Speed up ratio (left y, symbols) and efficiency (right y, dotted line) vs amount of cores"
     ax1.set_xlabel("Amount of cores used")
@@ -196,20 +190,9 @@ def plot_speedup_and_efficiency(result_json_filenames, plot_output_dir, name_tes
+    ax2.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=None)
     fig.savefig(os.path.join(plot_output_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "png")))
     fig.savefig(os.path.join(plot_output_dir, "speedup_scaling_{}.{}".format(name_testcase, "pdf")))
-# Files
-SCALING_RESULT_DIR = "scaling_results"
-    "david-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S340-14IWL_100_systems.json"
-    # "astro2_2500_systems.json",
-    # "astro2_3000_systems.json",
-for filename in FILENAMES:
-    RESULT_JSONS.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SCALING_RESULT_DIR), filename))
-plot_speedup_and_efficiency(RESULT_JSONS, SCALING_RESULT_DIR, "Example", "laptop_david")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_functions.py b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_functions.py
index 6a5a691c820e484f8b8d36af85c2f2b799bd918b..0763dc3b07b7f6d7a60480708dca72a13aee0e41 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_functions.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_functions.py
@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ Module containing the scaling functions.
 import time
+import socket
+import os
+import json
+import numpy as np
+from binarycpython.utils.grid import Population
+def dummy_parsefunction(self, output):
+    """
+    Dummy parsing function
+    """
+    pass
 def get_mp_results(population, cpu_list, amt_repeats, total_systems):
@@ -31,7 +45,7 @@ def get_mp_results(population, cpu_list, amt_repeats, total_systems):
-        mp_dict[cpu_amt] = mp_times
+        mp_dict[str(cpu_amt)] = mp_times
     return mp_dict
@@ -55,3 +69,105 @@ def get_linear_results(population, amt_repeats, total_systems):
     return linear_times
+def run_systems_for_scaling_comparison(settings_dict):
+    """
+    Function that runs the systems for the scaling comparison
+    """
+    amount_of_cpus = settings_dict['amount_of_cpus']
+    amount_of_cores = settings_dict['amount_of_cores']
+    amt_repeats = settings_dict['amt_repeats']
+    stepsize_cpus = settings_dict['stepsize_cpus']
+    testcase = settings_dict['testcase']
+    plot_dir = settings_dict['plot_dir']
+    result_dir = settings_dict['result_dir']
+    resolutions = settings_dict['resolutions']
+    # For each set of resolutions 
+    for resolution in resolutions:
+        # Some calculated values
+        total_systems = int(np.prod([el for el in resolution.values()]))
+        hostname = socket.gethostname()
+        # Generate the range of cpu numbers
+        cpu_list = np.arange(1, amount_of_cpus+1, stepsize_cpus)
+        if not cpu_list[-1] == amount_of_cpus:
+            cpu_list = np.append(cpu_list, np.array([amount_of_cpus]))
+        ##################################################################
+        # Create dictionary in which to store all the results:
+        result_dict = {}
+        #
+        result_dict["amt_systems"] = total_systems
+        result_dict["hostname"] = hostname
+        result_dict["amt_logical_cores"] = amount_of_cpus
+        result_dict["amt_of_physical_cores"] = amount_of_cores
+        result_dict["testcase"] = testcase
+        #################
+        # Configuring population
+        test_pop = Population()
+        test_pop.set(
+            verbose=1, binary=1, parse_function=dummy_parsefunction,
+        )
+        test_pop.add_grid_variable(
+            name="lnm1",
+            longname="Primary mass",
+            valuerange=[1, 100],
+            resolution="{}".format(resolution["M_1"]),
+            spacingfunc="const(math.log(1), math.log(100), {})".format(resolution["M_1"]),
+            precode="M_1=math.exp(lnm1)",
+            probdist="three_part_powerlaw(M_1, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 100, -1.3, -2.3, -2.3)*M_1",
+            dphasevol="dlnm1",
+            parameter_name="M_1",
+            condition="",  # Impose a condition on this grid variable. Mostly for a check for yourself
+        )
+        test_pop.add_grid_variable(
+            name="q",
+            longname="Mass ratio",
+            valuerange=["0.1/M_1", 1],
+            resolution="{}".format(resolution['q']),
+            spacingfunc="const(0.1/M_1, 1, {})".format(resolution['q']),
+            probdist="flatsections(q, [{'min': 0.1/M_1, 'max': 0.8, 'height': 1}, {'min': 0.8, 'max': 1.0, 'height': 1.0}])",
+            dphasevol="dq",
+            precode="M_2 = q * M_1",
+            parameter_name="M_2",
+            condition="",  # Impose a condition on this grid variable. Mostly for a check for yourself    
+        )
+        test_pop.add_grid_variable(
+            name="logper",
+            longname="log(Orbital_Period)",
+            valuerange=[-2, 12],
+            resolution="{}".format(resolution["per"]),
+            spacingfunc="np.linspace(-2, 12, {})".format(resolution["per"]),
+            precode="orbital_period = 10** logper\n", # TODO: 
+            probdist="gaussian(logper,4.8, 2.3, -2.0, 12.0)",
+            parameter_name="orbital_period",
+            dphasevol="dln10per",
+        )
+        #######################################################################################
+        # Execute grids
+        # Linear runs
+        linear_times = get_linear_results(test_pop, amt_repeats, total_systems)
+        result_dict["linear"] = linear_times
+        #######################################################################################
+        # MP runs
+        mp_dict = get_mp_results(test_pop, cpu_list, amt_repeats, total_systems)
+        result_dict["mp"] = mp_dict
+        print(result_dict)
+        # Write to file and make sure the directory exists.
+        os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        with open(os.path.join(result_dir, "{}_{}_systems.json".format(hostname, total_systems)), "w") as f:
+            f.write(json.dumps(result_dict, indent=4))
diff --git a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
index 6b8ef378730587db35f517db62c32eb86413ac52..0e3fb46097039b5911a496f2d063bf2f9394dc4f 100644
--- a/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
+++ b/tests/population/scaling/scaling_script.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ It requires some user input, which you can define at the top of the script after
 The following values should be configured according to your system:
-It will then run the population you specified, first linearly <AMT_REPEATS> times,
-and then using multiprocessing it will run the population <AMT_REPEATS> times each time
-with more cores. (Up until <AMOUNT_OF_CPUS>)
+It will then run the population you specified, first linearly <amt_repeats> times,
+and then using multiprocessing it will run the population <amt_repeats> times each time
+with more cores. (Up until <amount_of_cpus>)
 TODO: get the real evolution time instead of the total as well
 TODO: put the methods in functions and put them in a different file
@@ -22,96 +22,45 @@ import psutil
 import numpy as np
 from binarycpython.utils.grid import Population
-from scaling_functions import get_mp_results, get_linear_results
-AMT_REPEATS = 5                         # Number of times the population will be repeated per cpu
-                                        # number. Useful to get some reliable statistics
-RESOLUTION = {"M_1": 50, "per": 60}     # Resolution of sampling of the population
-RESULT_DIR = "scaling_results"          # Directory where the results are written to.
-PLOT_DIR = "scaling_plots"              # Directory where the plots will be stored
-TESTCASE = "linear vs MP batched"       # `name` of the calculation
-STEPSIZE_CPUS = 1                       # Stepsize for the cpu number generator. Try to keep this
-                                        # low, to get the most reliable results
-AMOUNT_OF_CPUS = 4                                 # Amount of logical cpus the machine has.
-# AMOUNT_OF_CPUS = psutil.cpu_count()
-AMOUNT_OF_CORES = 2                                 # The amount of physical cores. This value
+from scaling_functions import get_mp_results, get_linear_results, run_systems_for_scaling_comparison
+from plot_scaling import plot_speedup_and_efficiency
+settings_dict = {}
+settings_dict['amt_repeats'] = 1                    # Number of times the population will be repeated per cpu
+                                                    # number. Better do it several times than only run it once
+settings_dict['resolutions'] = [                    # List of resolution of sampling of the population. Useful for checking whether population size has an effect on the results
+    {"M_1": 10, "per": 10, "q": 2}
+settings_dict['result_dir'] = "scaling_results"     # Relative of absolute directory where results are writting to
+settings_dict['plot_dir'] = "scaling_plots"         # Directory where the plots will be stored
+settings_dict['testcase'] = "linear vs MP batched"  # 'name' of the calculation. will be used in the plot
+settings_dict['stepsize_cpus'] = 1                  # Stepsize for the cpu number generator. Try to keep this
+                                                    # low, to get the most reliable results
+settings_dict['amount_of_cpus'] = 4                 # Amount of logical cpus the machine has (this is not the same as physical cpus!)
+# settings_dict['amount_of_cpus'] = psutil.cpu_count()
+settings_dict['amount_of_cores'] = 2                 # The amount of physical cores. This value
                                                     # is not vital bit will be used in the plot
-# AMOUNT_OF_CORES = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)   # You can also use the psutil function to get 
+# settings_dict['amount_of_cores'] = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)   # You can also use the psutil function to get 
                                                     # the amt of physical cores, but this isnt fully
                                                     # reliable (in mar 2020 it didnt get this value
                                                     # right when there were multiple sockets)
-# Some calculated values
-TOTAL_SYSTEMS = int(np.prod([el for el in RESOLUTION.values()]))
-HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname()
-# Generate the range of cpu numbers
-if not CPU_LIST[-1] == AMOUNT_OF_CPUS:
-    CPU_LIST = np.append(CPU_LIST, np.array([AMOUNT_OF_CPUS]))
-# Create dictionairy in which to store all the results:
-result_dict = {}
-result_dict["amt_systems"] = TOTAL_SYSTEMS
-result_dict["hostname"] = HOSTNAME
-result_dict["amt_logical_cores"] = AMOUNT_OF_CPUS
-result_dict["amt_of_physical_cores"] = AMOUNT_OF_CORES
-result_dict["testcase"] = TESTCASE
-# Configuring population
-test_pop = Population()
-    verbose=1, binary=1,
-    name="M_1",
-    longname="log primary mass",
-    valuerange=[1, 100],
-    resolution="{}".format(RESOLUTION["M_1"]),
-    spacingfunc="const(1, 100, {})".format(RESOLUTION["M_1"]),
-    probdist="Kroupa2001(M_1)",
-    # probdist='self.custom_options["extra_prob_function"](M_1)',
-    dphasevol="dlnm1",
-    parameter_name="M_1",
-    condition="",
-    name="period",
-    longname="period",
-    valuerange=["M_1", 20],
-    resolution="{}".format(RESOLUTION["per"]),
-    spacingfunc="np.linspace(1, 10, {})".format(RESOLUTION["per"]),
-    precode="orbital_period = period**2",
-    probdist="flat(orbital_period)",
-    parameter_name="orbital_period",
-    dphasevol="dper",
-    condition='self.grid_options["binary"]==1',
-# Execute grids
-# Linear runs
-LINEAR_TIMES = get_linear_results(test_pop, AMT_REPEATS, TOTAL_SYSTEMS)
-result_dict["linear"] = LINEAR_TIMES
-# MP runs
-MP_DICT = get_mp_results(test_pop, CPU_LIST, AMT_REPEATS, TOTAL_SYSTEMS)
-result_dict["mp"] = MP_DICT
-# Write to file and make sure the directory exists.
-os.makedirs(RESULT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
-with open(os.path.join(RESULT_DIR, "{}_{}_systems.json".format(HOSTNAME, TOTAL_SYSTEMS)), "w") as f:
-    f.write(json.dumps(result_dict))
+# Files
+SCALING_RESULT_DIR = settings_dict['result_dir']
+RESULT_JSONS = [os.path.join(SCALING_RESULT_DIR, file) for file in os.listdir(SCALING_RESULT_DIR) if file.endswith('.json')] # Automatically grab all of the stuff, override it
+#     "david-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S340-14IWL_100_systems.json",
+#     "david-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S340-14IWL_2500_systems.json"
+# ]
+# for filename in FILENAMES:
+#     RESULT_JSONS.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SCALING_RESULT_DIR), filename))
+    "Example"
\ No newline at end of file