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NeMo / RSN
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Nishi, Nishi (PG/T - Comp Sci & Elec Eng) / git-intro1
The UnlicenseUpdated -
All files for Kaan Kilinchan's final year project
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Project on Campylobacter using data from PHE and original (i.e. withouth Cristophe corrections) MEDMI data from the Met Office.
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A template for creating Docker image file projects. Includes an example Dockerfile and the required gitlab-ci.yml to build the image.
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A template for creating Docker image file projects. Includes an example Dockerfile and the required gitlab-ci.yml to build the image.
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A container for building the YingMa0107/CARD tool in R for "Spatially Informed Cell Type Deconvolution for Spatial Transcriptomics".
use podman run -it container-registry.surrey.ac.uk/shared-containers/bioinformatics-yma-card